Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 My company said they were going to deposit my "lost" pay either Friday or today - Monday - for sure.  So yea, there aren't any deposits in my account. When they deposit it, it sits there as "pending".  No pending nothing.  

My dispatcher sent me another Oklahoma run for tomorrow.  "I'm waiting for my pay to actually be paid".  

Long story from the dispatcher - she tried, I'll give her that and my issue wasn't with her. I told her that in no uncertain terms.  Thank you for trying, I know our payroll department is incompetent, etc, stuff that makes her understand I wasn't blaming her for my not getting paid.  

She sent me more texts.  I simply stated: "This company can pay my ass before I do any more work".  

That started a firestorm of activity that basically had a threat from my manager - but only in the terms of the company forcing him to do that - and I continued on. I have never, in my 37 years of driving, had this kind of ridiculous, outrageous, unbelievable treatment from a payroll department. They literally don't give a damn.  

He eventually called me and I informed him that I have had several companies begging me to come work for them for years.  I am not concerned about turning down a load with this company - and I put that nicely, because other words came to my mind.  Like f*** this company.  Eventually, we got to him admitting they had screwed him out of 30% of his pay - a yearly bonus they promised him  if his performance met X requirements - which his performance went WELL beyond that and they told him 


That was yesterday.  The "conversation" wasn't a nice one.  Pay me or I will sit home. That was my stance.  I am not going to have almost $2,500 worth of pay just sitting there in limbo, not getting it to me because...why?

There are some things companies can get away with in toying with their employees.  There is at least one sacred thing any company should never mess with if they want employee retention: their paychecks. A man - or woman - puts in X amount of hours of work, then turns it in, then expects to get paid for it the next pay period after turning it in. That's it. It's very simple.  

I have bills to pay, that was another statement I said several times over.  I don't drive for free. etc etc etc. all the things you would expect someone who is getting pissed off to say when their pay didn't show up, went through the proper channels to get it to show up - it still doesn't show up anyway and then that's it.  I was willing to quit or be fired over it yesterday, i didn't care at that point and I made it exceedingly clear.  

And what does my manager care? He is quitting - over pay - as well!  He doesn't, actually, care he just has to act like he does until he's out of there.  I don't know if he's given a notice or not, but if I were him, I would be extremely upset over 30% of my pay being denied.  Witnesses said he was letting out all kinds of f bombs and other such niceties when the company informed him they weren't giving him the bonus they promised him.

THAT after they told him his division made   a lot of money.  

The writing is on the wall. My days at that company are numbered.  I will not tolerate abusive treatment from a company - not paying a person and then demanding that person prove that the work even exists and that I actually did it? No thanks.  It's the best paying job I ever had but I will gladly walk away from it for reasons such as this.  

Well, after a long conversation, I was "guaranteed" that it will be put in my account tomorrow, which is today.  It's barely after 8:00 am so I will not be checking it until later.  He - my manager - kept saying "you're not doing yourself any favors" by refusing a load.  I was at the "I literally don't give a shit about this job at this point" stage, threats were not going to work against me.  I eventually agreed to take today's Oklahoma load under the condition that my pay is going to be in there TODAY. 

He assured me it would be. 

That's it.  IT's time to head out to the yard and - wait on a trailer. That's the other thing. There is no trailer available. Gag.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...