Wednesday, October 5, 2022

 I installed 12 sets of steps and I am done with that stuff for now.  There is cleanup to do, which I also started on today, but I'm just done with it. Give me a few days off from it.  I can go back refreshed, finish it up  and smile that I did a decent job.  The main walking trail is almost completely cleaned up and ready to go. I would love to sprinkle some grass seed back on some of the more dusty parts, or even put down a thin layer of gravel to just have something to walk over besides the dust.  Or both, actually.  

I could put in a few more sets of steps, but I think it's good to go.  The steep part is covered and that was the situation of concern.  I cut down a lot of junk around it and started piling it up this morning. But, I eventually ended up going to where the boys were working to supervise.  I get that they won't work as hard if someone isn't watching them. Their contribution, however, has been worth the money I spent on having them help me out.  

The rest back there is just trying to get access to campgrounds.  There is more that needs to be done in that arena and that isn't anything those boys can accomplish. It's mostly dozer work and yes, I"d have to have the mulcher man back for half a day.  Or, cut down trees with the chain saw and try to cut out the stumps below ground surface.  I might do that.  I have identified at least 20 trees that need to come down.  


That was earlier today.  I'm going over there tomorrow and see about running my own electrical wiring to the office building.  There is no power hooked up to that setup so I don't have to risk getting electrocuted, lol.  I got too caught up working on the trails and getting things cleaned up, the front should really be the focus.  I just wanted to have those prized walking trails done or at least done enough that people could walk through them and enjoy the beauty of nature and have that available. 

But I'd like to at least get wiring run to the thing and just put the twist line connectors on the ends and have it available.  I don't see any good reason to pay someone a thousand dollars to do that.  That's easily what they will charge, if not more.  Probably more, the wire has to run a fairly good distance from that meter pedestal.  I'll take the panels off that setup tomorrow and see if it's something I am comfortable with hooking up.  

I haven't done anything with that office because I just don't think I have the money right now to dump into it.  However, if I could put some flooring down in it and just get the basics in, I could at least have a washer/dryer setup going.  Yes I'll have to run sewer and water lines, but that's not really all that hard and the nearest place to hook up to those lines are only like 40 feet away.  I dunno, but beyond electricity, that project is definitely on hold.  Let's get the park up and going, get some revenues in and then we can discuss spending that kind of money on that thing? 

I could also turn that thing in to a mini-house and rent it out for $600 per month, utilities included.  A shower stall, a toilet, a mini-kitchen and a bedroom living room combo.  I could do that for 3 grand worth of materials and get even more income going.  

The contractor didn't waste any time today after texting him informing me that he could be out there next week to do the gravel. I told him I wanted him to come after the power install and that is either this week or next. So I was more thinking the week after next week.  Let's get this thing going, get whatever I can get started and get some income coming in!  Screw all of this uncertainty about taxes and everything else, I'll get it figured out!  I want to get the thing up and running, come what may.

And I figure 2 grand with of gravel will put a fresh coat over the existing driveway all the way up to the entrance to the RV park. The rest of the driveway leading to the back? Yeah, don't care about that, not my problem.  Just 2 inches should do it. It's an existing driveway, it doesn't need a 6 inch coat, 2 inches will suffice.  That's using SB2.  I don't know what iron ore costs, I didn't get a quote on that per ton.  

Well enough. I am just really chomping at the bit to get this power situation finished so I can move on. 


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...