Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Well I finally did it. Had today off, voted last week, didn't need to go to the polls.  Taylor is still home - she starts new job this week sometime, we went out to eat breakfast with Jaxon, who had a slight fever at the day care yesterday and they sent him home. Like a 99.1 fever.  They have to stay out for 24 hours and not show any further fever.  Anyway, we went to the rental place after eating, got an electric jackhammer, brought it home and got that cement garbage out of there.  

It was quite the chore.  I'm not near in the shape I used to be, as I found out that today more so than ever.  Just holding that thing up and keeping it in place was quite the job.  They make quite the money off of those rentals. $75 for the jackhammer and the bit.  You rent the bit separately - I guess if you ruin it you get to buy them a new one.  It's done, regardless, it's level with the ground. That was easily the hardest part of this pond installation.  I am now looking for a partial truck load of dirt to be brought over - or have it dumped onto the trailer and bring it home myself.  I need to fill in where the pond used to be and I need to level out where that concrete stump was.  

However, finding dirt hasn't exactly been a cake walk. A person 2 towns over was selling it - but neither can bring it here or load it onto the trailer.  I have no idea what that setup is and I don't want to find out.  I want the dirt loaded onto the trailer at the very least, I don't want to have to shove it onto the trailer and then shovel it back off.  No thanks, more trouble than it's worth.  And found a guy who is bringing out a large trailerful of it. Probably lots more than I need, but these companies won't just bring you a partial load even if you tell them you'll put for the whole load and just put on half or less. So whatever, it's coming today, in about 20 minutes in facts. There are some low spots in the yard that need filling and there is still the remnants of a hole I had dug out front for a pond that, after having it dug, I realized was a bad idea and never finished building that pond.  

So I got something done today at least.  "Minor" cheat day.  Had some potatoes this morning and having pasta tonight.  After that back to the diet and seriously considering switching to a different one that isn';t quite so hard to do, especially when out on the road.  As long as I can still keep the pounds off and lose even more.  

The news - full of election day stuff. But there are no results being posted yet, it's too early, so I have it muted.  Just turning up the volume to anything that looks interesting.  I was watching Jaxon while Taylor went and got her allergy meds.  I have no idea who is going to win this election.  I really have no indication either way. I hope it's Trump but there is certainly no guarantees of that happening.  Apparently a lot of people are going to the polls today, which is amazing because 100 million people have already done early voting.  Which is also amazing.  The commentators and the pundits are all whipping this up to be a Biden landslide.

I don't believe it's going to be a landslide either way, but I'll truly be shocked if Biden actually does win in a landslide.  And sad, because I fully expect the stock market to crash if he wins.  The news channel I'm looking at on the internet is showing nothing in any of the states yet. It's too early, but if you can't tell, I'm fully engaged in this. This election cycle has been horrible.  The name calling, the accusations, the finger pointing, all of it, unbelievable. I'm ready for all of this to be over, whoever wins, wins and maybe get back to some sense of normalcy again?  

Alright I'm getting offa here for the man with the dirt will be here soon. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...