Friday, January 26, 2024

 Friday mid-morning

Yea, I didn't bother getting out of bed until around 7:30 am, and that was just to let the dogs out and make a cup of coffee and then? Right back to bed, turn on the TV and start watching the news.

And if you are following the news, you have seen the situation going on in Texas between Governor Abbott and president biden.  

It's turning into a tense situation with Texas saying they are not going to relinquish control of Shelby park and the feds demanding they do so by end of today, Friday.  

You also have this issue with the concertina wire, the SCOTUS backing the feds but Texas saying whatever, we're going to install even MORE wire.  As it's been described, the court did not forbid Texas from putting up more wire, it just sided with the feds and saying they can cut the wire if they so choose.  

So, tell us, why would the feds be against this concertina wire stopping illegal aliens from entering our nation - illegally of course?  I heard one democrat senator saying a bunch of word salad but kept insisting these people are seeking "asylum". Well if that's true, why don't they just go to a regular border crossing and present themselves for consideration for such?

The answer is simple. Most of these asylum claims are rejected by the judges that hear their cases.  Why don't these people just go to a neighboring country to ask for asylum instead of traveling clear up here? Well, simple. Biden has invited them. Look, my job hauling pipe and fittings to construction sites in various locations in Arizona for many years had me on jobsites almost daily with illegal aliens working at those sites.

Whenever the feds/president at the time said anything about dealing with border crossing, guess what happened? These people disappeared.  They would show up again 3, 6, 9 months later and in asking them what happened to them? They said they were afraid of what the president was doing and didn't want to get caught, so they left the country.  

When you hear people saying Biden invited these people in, but have no understanding what that means, you can draw some interesting conclusions. But if you look at it from an illegal's viewpoint, it makes a lot more sense.  Now, these people are going to start hearing about the actions Texas is taking at the border to stop them and then what? Well, I suspect they will either stop coming at some point or they will move elsewhere to try crossing the Rio Grande.  

Where is this going? Abbott is openly defying the feds, or more distinctly, Joe Biden.  Look at what Biden is doing to this nation. I just saw a report he is shutting down any new permits for new LNG plants - liquid natural gas - effectively shutting down  huge, new projects.  They showed pics of Cheniere, the place I used to love to hate going to because of the security guard treatment and the amount of time spent waiting to get in to unload the product, which is used to help keep the LNG cooled while it's in a tanker ship cruising to wherever, Australia I think it was. 

His war on natural gas appliances. His "bidenomics" which is a complete and utter failure.  EV mandates.  Shutting down coal fire power plants.  On and on and on.  He has no standing on the world stage.  He's incompetent regardless of his dementia or inability to speak coherently . Those things just compound the issue.  

Are we headed to civil war? I don't think so, not yet anyway.  Will there be a conflict between the Texas military and BP agents or even worse, if they send in some other arm of the DHS to do what, exactly? It would be a huge mistake, IMO, to start an armed conflict with Texas.  Especially when you consider 25 governors have now voiced their support of Abbott.  This will all play out in the courts, but if SCOTUS keeps striking down Abbott's attempt to secure the border, I suspect Abbott will just keep putting new policy in place and taking different actions to stem the tide of these people entering our nation.

I still have to ask why the feds would want to stop Texas from stopping or at least stemming the flow of these people coming in here?  It's overwhelming the welfare systems and hospitals are over run with these people.  Abbott's move to send them to New York and other places had a distinct effect on changing people's minds on "sanctuary cities" and their smug stances on letting the entire world in here.  Well, now that they are having a taste of the consequences, we are seeing they aren't so much in love with it anymore.

I'll just throw in here, IMO, Haley has no chance of winning the nomination and is wasting her time.  DeSantis saw what was going on and dropped out, it's wasted time and energy.  


Enough of that.  I don't know what I'm going to do today.   The driveway is nothing I can do about unless I want to go buy some bags of rock at Lowe's to fill in some of the bigger potholes.  Filling it in with dirt obviously does nothing but a very short term fix and with all of this water? It's not even a short term fix. Just turns to mud and gets all over vehicles. The problem is, the trailer is parked in an area where it turned into mud and I have no idea whether I will get my SUV stuck going in there.  I'll have to go over and look, I am not putting bags of rocks inside the SUV, no thank you.  

That's the biggest pressing issue over there beyond all the rest of it.  I dunno, but I keep asking the contractor to give me a quote, he keeps saying yes he'll go look but he never does it.  I expect his quote, now that he's talking about going over there to look, will probably be a lot more money than I can spare right now.  I'm kind of at a lost beyond having him come to fix it as to what to do given my financial state of existence at the moment and facing a huge property tax bill that needs to be paid.   

So I guess at least putting some rocks  in the big holes is better than nothing.  I'd love to try that tractor with the box attachment  out from the rental company, it's an over $300 gamble and if it doesn't work, there is that much money down the drain.  

And I just checked the electric bill. $1,700.  This is really demoralizing.  People are obviously using electric heaters instead of using their propane furnaces.  Free electricity? Sure, just leave everything running, put 2 or 3 electric heaters in there and let them run all day and night long! I didn't get into this business to lose money or just break even.  It's forcing me to have to pull the trigger and install meters.  I don't have the money to install meters.....if half the park leaves because of it, what difference does it make? I'd rather have the lot empty than having these people taking advantage of me.  

Just stuck right now.  Money being the key issue, but before I do any expansions, it's obvious I need to install meters.  It's around $100 per meter, so $1,400.  Lower the rent by $50, give them $50 free electricity and then they will pay anything over that.  Yes, I'll lose guests and it may take time to get people back in there.  If I had known when I started this project what I know now, I would have had meters installed at the outset and just charged for power regardless of how long it would take to get people in there.  

I'll find a way to get that money, I'm not going to continue to do this like this without a plan out of it.  I'm making very little money and that shouldn't be happening.  I should be grossing at least 4k per month profit.  


Yes, the more I think about this, the more I am decided to do the meters.  Now I have to figure out a way to pay for them.  I hate to use more credit, however, the money spent will be a lot of money saved.  I don't know what else I can do. This really took me by surprise, this huge electric bill. Like wow!  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...