Saturday, August 24, 2024

 Saturday - early

So, it's 5 something am and I'm out in the kitchen putting hot water into the thermos. I like to do that before dumping coffee into it so you don't lose a lot of heat from the coffee in transferring it to the thermos.  Suddenly, there is talking behind me.  I probably jumped several feet.  Scared the s*** out of me!  The 7 year old.  What are you doing out of bed? You know it's only 5:30?  I'm going to watch TV! 

So, this kid can't get out of bed for school - trust me, mama has issues with getting him up every day - but he can race out of bed to watch tv on Saturday mornings?  It's the mindset, I know.  Monday-Friday it's getting up for school and he hates school, but Saturday? FREEEEEE dayyyyyy!

I slept poorly.  I had just fallen asleep when one of the phones dinged.  Kids! Turning the ringers on when I keep them turned off, gag.  

Ok, now both  of them are up.  Well whatever. I got up early to be able to drink some coffee and relax and that's what I'm doing. I don't want to get to the washout before 8:00 am.  

So, RFK has dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump.  This may very well be a game changer.  He had more republicans supporting him than democrats, according to the stats anyway. We'll see the change in the polls, I don't put much credence in them but they are fun to watch and see people lose their ever-loving minds over them.  Trump is losing now! ... they say.  I know, they say it's a scientific method to come up with say, 1,000 registered voters to use them as a pulse for how the entire nation is going to vote, I don't believe it.  

Number 1, I have looked into polls and found them "sampling" more democrats than republicans.  Well, isn't the number of dems and republicans about the same percentage?  So what sense does that make?  Or the way they word the polls.  It's designed to come up with the results they want them to come up with, depending on who is doing it.  But but but...they say. Anyway, the dems are already having a meltdown.  You know they will bash and excoriate RFK and they have already started doing so.  Surprise, not. 

Today is the day those coach dwellers leave.  I have no idea whether they will do so voluntarily or if they are going to be jackasses about it and attempt some legal maneuver.  Such as, we're here, you can't make us leave. No, I can't physically force you to leave, but the county sheriff's department will force you out of there, off my property and trespass you. I only have this faint feeling of it because the lady has played this game for a long time at other places, I found out.  She was thrown out of the hotel she was staying in, she owed them a couple thousand dollars.  

The thing that makes me want to get rid of them is that they aren't doing a damn thing about their situation. It's called work. Work can suck, it can be good - depends on where you're working and what you're doing - but it's a necessary thing in life if you don't want to be homeless.  Those kids are perfectly capable of getting jobs as is she.  They're just leeches feeding off the good graces of people who try to help others out in need.  These are the type of people that I just can't deal with.  Whatever got into their minds to tell them they can just free load their entire lives?  Doesn't work with me. Especially a 17 year old and a 20 something.  There are plenty of jobs in town, they don't pay a lot but it's a helluva lot better than nothing. 

And this other dude.  Who brought that disgusting trailer in. I"m just going to wait until the 26th now, that is when he gets paid from the government.  I'm going to go pound on his door and tell him to sit there and order a tow truck or someone to get that thing off of my property.  I'll wait.  You don't believe me? I'll sit right there and tell him to either do that or get off of my property. If I have to deal with a pile of junk trailer, at least it won't be with him around.  The other trailer that is being stored there? That family finally paid for 3 months worth of storage fees. 

I don't want the thing stored there, they just haven't been able to sell it yet. They've had people over there looking at it. It's fairly nice trailer, newer, in decent condition, dunno if they're asking too much for it or what.  

Anyway, I need to get moving.  Time to leave in 5 minutes.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...