Saturday, December 21, 2024

 Saturday - late afternoon

I did not get up early since I had second load and was really deep in sleep again.  Like, this all seems to have started when I started doing this 100 day pushup challenge.  If that's all it takes to get me sleepy, I'll do it the rest of my life! But I dunno if that's what it is or just not having had slept well for so long and my system time to reboot - or what.  

Anyway, when I got to the washout today, the dude that takes too long showed up.  I am guessing I got in the ear of the manager enough - he didn't like it either - taking an hour and a half to do the same job everyone else is doing in 20-30 minutes.  Being out of there in 40 minutes wasn't bad for him.  

Over to the plant, I got right in, waiting a few minutes and they started loading. I think it was 45 minutes total in that place.  Not bad for scaling in, backing in, loading, scaling out, walking to the control room, getting paperwork and leaving.

Then it was just fuel up and home.  

Unsure what the solution is here.  There are 2 Rottweilers from the house next door to my property that are let free to roam at night and just go through the trash cans, spewing everything all over the ground and who cares. The owners certainly don't. They are unapproachable and some have suggested killing the dogs. It's been going on for quite a while and the county won't do anything about it.  

I don't really want to kill dogs, per se, but I wouldn't mind trapping them and relocating them.  Or perhaps trapping them and contacting the owners: your dogs are on our property - for the billionth time - we caught them tearing open yet another trash can. If you want them, come get them but if they show up over here again, they may disappear.  I don't know what else to do?  I saw one of them eating a dead, feral hog in the middle of the street.  Fancy a dog eating road kill, a dead pig at that? Gross.

One of those dogs is the same one I mentioned in his blog a couple years back that was growling at me when I would get out of my vehicle to open the gate to get into the property. Several times, he had me pinned against the door of my truck, the only thing that would save me? The gun in my hand. I was tempted to shoot it, that's for sure.   

Day 16 of the pushup challenge. It isn't getting any easier, I can attest to that. In fact, it seems like it's getting harder to finish 100 pushups. I've done them for the day, no worries there, I am highly motivated.  I have no idea whether I will make it through 100 days, that will be up to my shoulder/arm and if the pain doesn't start up again to the point I can't do much of anything with it.  So far, so good.  I would really hate to have to stop now that I've made it this far and seeing results.  

The first load driver was at the plant very early this morning. I wish I would have known that, I could have just loaded at the first load time.  I contacted him and asked him when he thinks he'll be up in Gurdon tomorrow? 5 am.  Oh, cool.  I'll show up at the first load time I normally get there between 8:30 and 9:00 am and hopefully he'll be gone, I can get the truck unloaded and be done for the rest of tomorrow and 3 days after that.  Christmas was requested off, the rest of this stuff, no.  I have 2 loads in the tablet already for the 4 days after Christmas.  

Nothing else for now. It's getting close to bedtime.  

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...