Thursday, September 2, 2021

Double check.

Had to do it.

Called the county again, one last time before I get my name stuck on a piece of paper and owe 20 year note on.  

Simple question: "I intend on building an RV park in the county outside of city limits, what permits do I need?".

"Can you hold on a second?" "Yes"

20 seconds later: "There are no permits required to build in unincorporated areas of Harrison County. The only thing you'll need is permitted through (whatever she said department) for septic".  "Oh, I thought septic was all done through the state?"  "No, it goes through the county" - the state doles that responsibility out to the separate counties to deal with but deal with it according to state law.

This could be a sticking point.  Or should I say this could end up costing more than anticipated, who knows.  Everyone on that street has their own septic system so not being able to get one isn't an issue. But the state is pretty strict about the rules and they don't really give much specifics beyond the need for a professional licensed contractor approved by the state.

That is something I definitely want done by the code, by the book, I don't need county or state officials coming and telling me to shut down the operation because - whatever.  Whatever it costs, it's going to be done correctly.  

But, I have the again noted sigh of relief that I have made the call twice now, this time specifically referencing an RV park and this time and again, no, there are no restrictions or permits necessary,l tho she did specify "if" for rent, without further elaboration.  I didn't bother to ask, I am not selling lots, its' definitely a rental proposition..  She is wrong in one aspect tho.  I think anyway. There is a permit required for "disturbing over one acre of land". That and the septic are the only things I have ever found in doing a lot of clicking on the internet. I forogot to ask her, but it's simply a permit designed to force you to put up those 2 foot high plastic "walls" to keep too much dirt from moving around.  

Speaking of that, I need a good, heavy rain to come.  I don't mean a light or medium rain, I need a down pout and for it to last a while.  We've got to determine what kind of water runoff drainage is going to be needed.  I envision simply trenching down a bit to ensure a defined waterway and putting rock in any ditches that need to exist.  

The real reason is to see where I may have issues with water draining across any potential pad sites. It may well be that I can only really determine that after removing all the trees and creating the pads.  Rainwater waterways can be altered, easily actually.  Got water running across a pad? Create a waterway to run the water away from it and even drainage if it's tending to pool.  

There are specific types of gravel that can be used that allow water to drain right through it instead of pooling up on top of it.  I'm nowhere near needing gravel right now, that's after all the driveways and pads are formed and all the water, sewer and electric are already installed. It's at the end of the job, in other words.  

Oh yes, another reason I called them today was because of the roads.  Do they care if there is going to be more vehicles - and heavier in nature than cars or pickups - over that particular county road? Yes, the road has a name but it also has a county number designation.  They literally don't care around here.  The reason I keep getting jolted about it is because I read of people attempting build their own parks in other states and they go through a maze of regulation they have to adhere to from the local county.  There is a county in Mississippi I kept getting directed to when doing Google searches that basically make it look impossible to build an RV park.  Tons of restrictions and codes enacted by the county. Regardless, I've seen water tankers on that road and I've seen RV's driving down it. Not many, mind you, but they do travel there.  

I think my next door neighbors are probably not going to like what's going to happen after this thing is up and going.  I don't intend on an extremely noisy operation, not at all. In fact, my rules will be along the lines of people keeping it more on the quiet side and strict enforcement of after 10:00 curfew - that's just a thing where you aren't allow to make excessive noise and yes, you define what that is.  I know they won't like the fact that I don't want that tractor-trailer rig parked over there.  Sorry guys, but you have ample room, build a driveway on the side of your house and park it over there.  

I can see how it would be easy to just park on the driveway.  No one lives there, no one to say anything unless it were parked in such a way as to block the driveway, then the gas operators would probably have a cow.  

With that information, I do not intend on asking anyone any permission to do anything.  I will show up out there with a skid steer and start clearing the front land.  I don't even think they have burn permits in the county - they do enact burn bans if it hasn't rained in a while.  


Well that's a setback.  Yes, the local rental company rents skid steers, no they don't allow it for the intended use with no explanation.  Didn't ask, if they don't allow it, no point in wasting any more time with it.  Found one over in Longview.  That's quite a bit less convenient  in being over 35 miles away versus this local company is about 2 miles from my house.  

It's really hard to consider driving that far to get the thing, pick it up, use it and return it the same day and keep doing that.  Yet, even at $225 per day rental, that's far cheaper than renting a person to do it at $75 per hour.  The difference is obvious. I do 10 hours of work at $225 or pay someone more than 3 times that amount to do it for me.  I'm into the saving money thing at the moment.  Actually the whole thing is going to be done as cheaply as possible without cutting corners.  Well, there is a construction company just outside of town that rents equipment but they don't say what they have available on their website, their primary operation is a construction company with trucks and equipment to clear land and also haul gravel. I have sent them an email query about renting equipment and how much 1,000 tons of driveway gravel, delivered, will run.  Why not? They're local, they have several different types of gravel available, might as well get a quote.  

Weird. I've been suspended for 30 days on my main account on Facebook, so I reverted to an alt account. Anymore they normally suspend that account, too, but ATM, they are allowing me to up posts on my wall and respond to everyone everywhere. Just can't put up new posts in groups.  At some point I suppose they will ban me from FB - this is all minor, petty stuff btw.  

It's raining.  Yup, I said I was going to go to the property and see where the water is running off to the next rain storm and nope, I am not going.  Don't feel like getting wet today and still haven't signed off on the property.  After tomorrow's signing, also going to pay off a personal loan that only has $1,200 left to go on it.  Free up some money for the additional monthly payments I am about to incur.  Sounds like a good idea to me, that loan would be paid off in 8 months anyway, might as well speed that up a bit.  I've never actually been sent anything showing what my monthly payments will be, I have just used a land purchase calculator to figure that out.  Kind of strange now that I think about it. But whatever. The payment calculator takes into consideration the full amount of the property, the down payment, the length of the loan and the interest rate.  So, hopefully $456.56 number is right or at least close to it.  

I doubt they will require insurance but I have put in a request to Allstate anyway.  Property taxes will add around $850 per year.  Apparently the other taxes are coming from the gas companies.  Otherwise it was around $1,250.  I do wonder how much of a loan I will be able to get after I add this land payment to may be the difference between getting the thing up and running - or not.  I hate to get into debt, but atm, there is no other way to get around it if I want this venture to succeed.

I'm starting to get a wee bit excited.  It's Thursday 6:00 pm, closing is 19 hours from now.  Whatever that did to stop me from actually getting some tree clearing done, at least I will get this major hurdle behind me!


 The final day to contemplate what I'm about to be getting myself into tomorrow at 1:00 pm.  And yes, I did take a look through the land listings. Several more large parcels of property, well outside of my price range but great deals in terms of price per acre had been listed since I last looked. 

....watching governors on the east coast saying a bunch of ...stuff..... Kathy Hochul, the "new" governor in place of Cuomo, is allll kinds of excited about Biden working on an infrastructure bill and that she needs all kinds of money to fix all of these problems - that have existed forever but now that they have flooding - the federal government should just magically pay for everything!  I definitely feel for the people going through that living hell over there, but no catastrophe can ever be wasted on a Democrat politician to make some sort of political statement out of it, use it for their own purposes and ask for an ever expanded Federal government to - expand even more.  And now Schumer declaring that global warming is behind all of this! It must be! he's also attempting to sell not only the infrastructure deal but also the budget deal!  

NOTHING related to the tragedy going on in New York, I despise listening to these politicians.  The reconciliation along with the infrastructure "deal" amounts to almost 5 TRILLION dollars.  Now De Blasio - using people's deaths to push his agenda! They can't even let the damn storm and the carnage left behind pass before politicizing it!  This is why I have not watched much news on TV in the last - many many months now.  I didn't turn on the TV news to watch ot of control politicians use a devastating, cataclysmic event to pitch their endless desire for power and money.  

I muted it.  ENOUGH.  

Now then.  My mind is made up.  I just had to take a final look at any properties up for sale to placate the feeling that I must be bypassing a deal somewhere else in order to get this one.  No, I'm not. And even if there was some magical, fantasy land that came available at some awesome price, would I want to go through everything I've just gone through and what I've gone through before yet again? This deal is going on 11 weeks now.  11 WEEKS.  

Unless something changes between now and tomorrow afternoon, I intend on taking that cashier's check with me, sitting down at the table, signing off on whatever, handing over the check and moving on with this.  Moving on will mean leaving that meeting and heading straight over to the Road and Bridge department at the county and asking specific questions. If I need permits,, I will get them or apply for them.  I have asked on the phone and looked it up, I've seen or heard nothing, but I'm not going to get caught doing stuff on the property and then having some county official come by and tell me I'm breaking some county code and cease and desist or whatever.  

I have definitely vacillated on various decisions that will have to be made on this project.  Freely admitting that, I still haven't come to definitive conclusions on what I should do.  But it seems to me that I should leave room at the front for a large building.  And that, starting 10 feet beyond the reach of the telephone poles.  So I can see a large swath of land at the front that has nothing on it but parking. 

I was also looking at angles yesterday, 45 degrees might be a bit much, I think 55 degrees would be better. And 90% sold on offset parking pads.   55 degrees gives me less linear space from east to west, but it looks better to me.  There is 1,370 feet from the edge of the street to the back of the intended RV site.  75 to 100 feet back to start the actual pads is not going to cost me space for pads.  I need around 850 feet for the 60 pads I want in, add the 100 and 950 feet means another 420 available feet in the rear for - whatever. Dog park, septic, bathhouse, etc.  

If I have a plan, it's coming together.  Needing a blueprint may simply be determined on if the county demands one or not.  I'm simply intent on leaving room for a building at the front, actually having one built will be a future endeavor.  I will be looking at other parks again - satellite views and views from drones and views from street level to get a better understanding of how a well designed park should look.  

On a different note.  I bought a hummingbird feeder months ago. We had an old one but it was cracked, faded and not so good looking and we weren't using it.  I put the new feeder up with fresh Hummingbird nectar/juice/whatever and they - never came.  I then put it out on the rose bushes hoping they would go there instead.  They never came there. So yesterday, I brought it inside, intent on putting fresh nectar in it and trying again on the porch. 

It was filled with hundreds of dead ants, plus it had been sitting in the direct sunlight for months.  So I thoroughly cleaned it out and put a bit of fresh nectar in it, not too much since filling it up had only resulted in wasting all of that for no particular purpose.  I put the thing up yesterday and ignored it.  

James sent me a pic a few minutes ago - yes, a hummingbird has claimed it as his/her own.  It was on a  branch in a nearby tree.  I went and looked through the front window and saw two of them using it! Yayyy! and finally.  A little natural entertainment.  I think in this heat that stuff needs to be changed weekly at least.

I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I think I will go today, this afternoon and get that cashier's check.  I think I'm almost at the end of this particular tunnel, the light is very bright now.  They have all made their decision to move forward, everything is a go, I trust and hope nothing else is going to happen in the next 26 hours to stop the forward momentum.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...