Sunday, July 14, 2024

 Sunday mid-morning

I was at a birthday party yesterday when I got a text message: Attempted assassination of Trump.  I immediately opened up the news app on my phone and it had just happened.  It would be hard for anyone to miss what happened by now, the next day since it's pretty much on any and every news channel.  

I spent the rest of the night glued to the phone as I watched the news flow in and more and more info about the details flow in with it.  We are left with a lot of questions now that need to be answered.  I can tell you, I do not trust the FBI to do this investigation.  A politically compromised government organization, IMO, that has no business engaging in what could be a self-serving investigation to keep Trump out and Biden in.  

Keeping cool about this, I'm just going to continue to watch the news here and there - I'm going to shut it off for now, at least until after church.  I don't see revelatory info coming out in the next few hours, but even if it did, it's going to be there to watch later.  So many questions, hopefully answers, legitimate answer, will come out quickly and whatever the deficiencies are that allowed this to happen will be corrected.  

I'm just "news'ed out" right now as I have searched all over the internet for anything relevant and watching the news on TV and using the phone and computer to dig up any relevant info that continues to flow.  There is a lot to unpack and I'm just not going to go into that right now, it's an hour away from time to leave for church and I would rather get my mind into worship. The Lord is still God, He is still sitting on the throne and none of this startles Him or somehow changes His plans.  

With that, the hosts of the birthday party rented a giant, blow up slide thing where you climb up one side and basically fall down the other.  It has air blowing into it and it has a pump so the water is coming down the slide and a little pool on the bottom to slide into.  It was fun and crazy, lol.  See, the kids had the use of it all day long, but last night? Kids were banned from it and it was an adult only adventure. 

It was hard to keep my mind off of the assassination attempt, in fact it was impossible at the time.  You just watch the footage over and over of Trump standing on the stage, leaning on the pedestal, pointing at some graph, apparently, off to his right - the cameras weren't panning over to it so you couldn't see what he was referencing.  You hear a pop and you see him touch his right ear and then immediately drop to the floor and Secret Service agents just as immediately surrounding him, using their own bodies as human shields to protect him.

That's what they sign up for and they know there is a possibility of that happening.  

Then there is the red-headed man with a trump hat on talking about how he saw the shooter crawling up on the roof with a rifle. He claimed he was trying to get the attention of both police and SS agents and allegedly, they were ignoring him.  I think he saw what he saw, whether they ignored him or just didn't understand what he was referring to remains to be seen and fleshed out, if we can rely on the FBI which is allegedly spearheading the investigation can be trusted.  The bigger government gets, the less I trust that it's sole objective is for citizen' well being and good.  

The Founders never envisioned a giant, centralized, powerful Federal government that can harass, imprison and even take away citizen' livelihood at will.  Or impose restrictions and rules from unelected bureaucrats who believe citizens are stupid and that they, the bureaucrats, somehow know better. 

Ok.  So it's Sunday, church en-queue, the kids are at the birthday party house doing a sleepover but the mom of the birthday boy is going to take them to IHOP and then to church. Well, maybe. She was quite inebriated yesterday and as I was leaving, I stated that if she isn't able to take them today, let us know I'll drop by and pick them up on the way to church.  I haven't heard anything so I assume she was able to get out of bed and by now, heading over to IHOP if not there already.

IHOP, at least the one here, is pretty slow service. You'll be there an hour at least, especially during breakfast time on a Sunday morning.

AS for everything else, I've got 2 more loads to run which starts Monday - late load - and ends Thursday.  Then Friday through Monday off.  It turns out we aren't going to Galveston, we are going to some island next to it that was allegedly wiped out with the hurricane.  Some answers need to be forthcoming soon, it's a little late in the game to be attempting to rent out a different AirBNB somewhere else.  I was under the assumption that rental was going to be in Galveston itself, that's what we've done the last 2 times we went there.

But this is a group thing and it was placed under another person's control to rent the giant house and take care of the particulars.  She sent out a request to the AirBNB company that rents the house out, who, after a few days, finally got back to her and said "we'll have to contact the owner of the house to find out if everything is ok over there".  Well duhhh.  You just had a hurricane go through there and allegedly, the area has been decimated.  We do need to know if we are going or not. The days off have already been taken, it's a done deal. We can go somewhere else, I guess, if that doesn't work out. 

But once you get close to an intended arrival date for any vacation, even if you can find anything available, you know the prices of those places rise substantially.  So at this point, that whole deal is up in the air.  

Looking at Expedia, hotel rooms are over $300 per night for the intended dates.  That's not for 19 people, you'd probably get 4 adults maybe in one room. 

I dunno, if I were in control of it, I would have already found whoever owns the place and had a discussion with them about the property and if it's in one piece, in good condition and if it's even accessible.  But that's me and that's how I work.  Let's get it nailed in, not just try to contact some person in a company that rents the property out for the owner.  Especially getting this close to departure date.

Beyond that, you have people within our group that are refusing to get into the water, they are claiming, because sharks attacked people hundreds of miles away.  "it's too close for my comfort" to which several other people agreed. Well why did you want to go to a beach in the first place then?  I asked one last night, however, she said: I'm following you into the water, lol. Well unless there is a rip tide advisory or swimming is closed because of shark sightings, I won't even think twice about it: walk right in, dunk my head under water and have fun in the waves. 

Anyway, these people started talking about going somewhere else.  I guess that'd be ok, but if you are going to do that, do it NOW, we can't just wait.  As it turned out, however, the cost of going to that place now is beyond anyone's ability to pay for it.   We are just moving along, this household I should say, with the idea that we are going to the beach whether anyone else is - or not. 

The park? I have no idea.  I didn't hear from Allen yesterday about anything.  I drove in another out of there in the truck, I did not stop to talk to anyone.  If there is an issue, rest assured I will hear about it and usually either immediately or not long after whatever it is that's going on has occurred.  3 days from now, the workamper will owe rent. They talked about moving out, then they said they don't know how they are going to pay....after all I've been through with them, I am going to look up this 3 day notice, print one out and have it ready to go.  

Everything else? I'm just going to enjoy my Sunday.  I am probably going to watch the newest Planet of the Apes which is out for streaming. Mark Wahlberg stars in it, he's one of my favorite actors.  I have no great plans for today beyond church, is what I'm saying. The kids will have already eaten so I'm not going to try to make them go to Applebee's, I'll just take them home and find something in the fridge.

I am still on Keto, stalled out.  It happens.  I know that if I stick it out, I'll suddenly dump a bunch of weight overnight and then I'll be like: what happened? Lol.  The thing is, I intend on ditching Keto for the vacation.  No regrets, vacations aren't for dieting.  Take a break from it and get right back to it after the vacation is over. We're talking Friday through Monday, so only 4 days and I won't go overboard with sugars and carbs.  I just want some potatoes, lol.  If I get nothing else on cheat days, I want potatoes!

With that, it's time to take a shower and get ready to go.

Happy Sunday! 

The Attempted Assassination Of Former President Donald Trump

 I'm not going to mince any words here.  The constant rhetoric of the left is directly responsible for this event in Pennsylvania yesterday. From President Biden on down to average leftist citizen that regurgitates the endless, division-creating hostility directed at Trump and his supporters, that is what caused this situation to come to a head yesterday.

"The end of our democracy!".  "The end of our Constitutional rights!"  "A threat to our nation's security!".  The world is going to end if Trump becomes President again!  This and MUCH more hype that has been spouted off endlessly, this is what finally pressed some 20 year old lunatic to get up on a roof and attempt to end Trump's life.  

The 20 year old shooter is dead and now there are certain leftists making statements such as the shooter should have gone to the shooting range more (or something to that effect), Trump had it coming to him! and more.  

You leftists, instead of attempting to demonize Trump and telling us the whole damn world is going to end if he becomes President need to shut your damn mouths.  Argue policy. Argue what Constitutional rights you believe are going to end.  Argue the things that politicians used to argue about instead of constantly hammering a political rival to the point you provoke people to take action that ends up in tragedy.

Yesterday was a tragedy.  An innocent rally attender was killed, shot through the head.  2 other people are in critical condition.  Trump was grazed in the ear.  But what the real tragedy is, is the fact that this event illuminates and illustrates what the end result of this constant, hostile rhetoric delivers. 

There are more of those 20 year olds out there.  How are they going to protect Trump at the convention with tens of thousands of people in attendance?  There are a lot of questions that are floating right now, taking it to the next step, of how the shooter was able to get on that roof in the first place.  Why police ignored a man that saw the shooter crawling on the roof with a rifle.  If the report is true that a request for more Secret Service personnel was denied (one report blaming Mayorkas).  

I will give Secret Service kudos, however, for instantly using their own bodies as human shields to prevent any further injury to the President. For SS to take the shooter out within seconds (reported and heard if you listen to the reel of the incident).  The reports say one millimeter, some say 2, movement of the bullet and we would instead be discussing Trump's assassination, not his miraculous survival. 

Potentially even God's intervention that the shooter wasn't able to deliver the knock out blow.  Also potentially because the shooter may have been put on hurried mode because there were people standing there 50 feet away watching what he was doing and attempting to get police and SS to confront him. The shooter knew his life might end yesterday, this was more of a suicidal mission on his part to kill Trump.

Now let me ask you a question: What legitimate reason do you have to believe that Trump is going to become a dictator, end our democracy (Republic) and literally take over America as a tyrannical dictator? Did you see any of that during his first term as President?  I don't want to hear rhetorical nonsense for your reasons, what, specifically, are we discussing here? Who told you that he and his supporters are a threat to our "democracy" and how, specifically, is Trump a threat to our democracy

HOW will he even be able to become a tyrannical dictator?  HOW is he going to end the Constitution?  What is going to happen differently than what is happening now, besides us seeing the left engaging in hostile rhetoric designed to raise people's emotions to the point that we have an extremely divided country? 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...