Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Attempted Assassination Of Former President Donald Trump

 I'm not going to mince any words here.  The constant rhetoric of the left is directly responsible for this event in Pennsylvania yesterday. From President Biden on down to average leftist citizen that regurgitates the endless, division-creating hostility directed at Trump and his supporters, that is what caused this situation to come to a head yesterday.

"The end of our democracy!".  "The end of our Constitutional rights!"  "A threat to our nation's security!".  The world is going to end if Trump becomes President again!  This and MUCH more hype that has been spouted off endlessly, this is what finally pressed some 20 year old lunatic to get up on a roof and attempt to end Trump's life.  

The 20 year old shooter is dead and now there are certain leftists making statements such as the shooter should have gone to the shooting range more (or something to that effect), Trump had it coming to him! and more.  

You leftists, instead of attempting to demonize Trump and telling us the whole damn world is going to end if he becomes President need to shut your damn mouths.  Argue policy. Argue what Constitutional rights you believe are going to end.  Argue the things that politicians used to argue about instead of constantly hammering a political rival to the point you provoke people to take action that ends up in tragedy.

Yesterday was a tragedy.  An innocent rally attender was killed, shot through the head.  2 other people are in critical condition.  Trump was grazed in the ear.  But what the real tragedy is, is the fact that this event illuminates and illustrates what the end result of this constant, hostile rhetoric delivers. 

There are more of those 20 year olds out there.  How are they going to protect Trump at the convention with tens of thousands of people in attendance?  There are a lot of questions that are floating right now, taking it to the next step, of how the shooter was able to get on that roof in the first place.  Why police ignored a man that saw the shooter crawling on the roof with a rifle.  If the report is true that a request for more Secret Service personnel was denied (one report blaming Mayorkas).  

I will give Secret Service kudos, however, for instantly using their own bodies as human shields to prevent any further injury to the President. For SS to take the shooter out within seconds (reported and heard if you listen to the reel of the incident).  The reports say one millimeter, some say 2, movement of the bullet and we would instead be discussing Trump's assassination, not his miraculous survival. 

Potentially even God's intervention that the shooter wasn't able to deliver the knock out blow.  Also potentially because the shooter may have been put on hurried mode because there were people standing there 50 feet away watching what he was doing and attempting to get police and SS to confront him. The shooter knew his life might end yesterday, this was more of a suicidal mission on his part to kill Trump.

Now let me ask you a question: What legitimate reason do you have to believe that Trump is going to become a dictator, end our democracy (Republic) and literally take over America as a tyrannical dictator? Did you see any of that during his first term as President?  I don't want to hear rhetorical nonsense for your reasons, what, specifically, are we discussing here? Who told you that he and his supporters are a threat to our "democracy" and how, specifically, is Trump a threat to our democracy

HOW will he even be able to become a tyrannical dictator?  HOW is he going to end the Constitution?  What is going to happen differently than what is happening now, besides us seeing the left engaging in hostile rhetoric designed to raise people's emotions to the point that we have an extremely divided country? 


Anonymous said...

One headline said this "handed Trump the whitehouse".

Certainly it makes leftist rhetoric look ugly.

Dems HAVE pulled a number of current ads.

Interesting times.

BenB said...

Biden has called Trump an "existential threat" to our "democracy" numerous times along with other heated, hateful rhetoric but now he's calling us all to stand together in unity? What planet did this dude just drop off from? Gaslighting those of us of whom his disgusting rhetoric has been directed at for years now? Pelosi has also made many, many statements about Republicans and Trump that are disgusting. And then the leftist media outlets, Hollywood elitists, etc. I'm real tired of the political climate that is going on, but let's get real: the left are the culprits here that started all this crap way back when when they figured out that Trump wasn't joking when he announced on those stairs that he is running for president. Are we also to forget the Russian collusion nonsense, the Hunter Biden laptop coverup, perhaps Clinton destroying 30,000 emails? A very long list...they think we are stupid.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...