Monday, October 11, 2021

 Concerned that they haven't called me about getting the Bobcat, I called them a few minutes ago.  Oh no, sir, we wait on you to call us. 

That was not communicated to me at the time of rental.  I was under the assumption from the way they were talking they would be about promptly on the 30th day to pick it up.

Now the thing is in limbo, I have no idea whether they are going to try to hit me for a few extra days - or what.  They "got busy" and will call me back later.  

Come get the thing, that's what I have to say about that.  I need a dozer if I'm going to continue on with this, not a bobcat.  They don't have dozers, of course.  

It's Monday and I'm heading back up to - where else - Oklahoma today.  Got bac from Brownsville early after noon yesterday. I was able to leave early morning, like getting up at 3:30 am and get that trip over with.  My only concern about this next pay period is if they get me something decent before it's up. Then I can have another decent paycheck versus what I will be getting this week.  This week reflects the first week of this new dispatcher - doing miserably at her job so far, hopefully will get better.

Apparently the idea that she isn't the friendliest person got back to her from whoever, she is now at least putting heart emojis on replies and making an attempt to use socially acceptable intro's to her texts.  Maybe she's just nervous, I dunno.  I just don't like the idea that we have to keep going through these new people, what kind of working conditions do they have over there that they keep quitting? 

Well, being the trucking industry? Probably not good.  The trucking industry is fairly brutal all around, no matter what part of it you are working in, tho the drivers get the lion's share of the bs,I'm speaking generally of the entire industry, not my particular job.  My job would be considered on the "easier" end of the scale what with not being out all the time, coming home after almost every run, the kind of pay we are getting and at least half decent management.

Well whatever. I'm still putting in emails to companies that claim they do the drawups for business plans.  I've got to find out how much that costs - I expect a couple thousand anyway if they are literallyi doing the entire site plan from start to finish.  Maybe more, I really don't know, never waded into these waters.  So far I have found 3 local companies that say they are architects, planning, draftsmen.  One of which is the surveying company that did the botched survey on the property.....

I haven't worked on the property in at least 3 days.  I took yesterday off - it was Sunday, my arrival at home was enough for me to just stay here.  Sundays are not good days for me to work and I had spent 10 hours on the road anyway.  

I can tell  ya, if I don't get a loan to do everything all at once? It's gonna be years at the rate I'm going before this thing is at any stage of "alllllmooooost done!".  Yes I expected that, but the reality of it isn't all that pleasant.  

My search for a rental dozer is going to ramped up today.  If I can find one, I'm taking several days off and just do that those  several days.  The company that came out said they would just pluck the trees out of the ground with an attachment on a track hoe.  That sounds ideal, but at $2,200 per acre, that's pricey as well.  15 grand just to clear the property.......maybe that's not too much, I dunno, but it's out of my affordability right now if I want to keep my 401k intact until I have to have it for the underground stuff.

This thing will either work itself out - or it won't. If it doesn't, it won't be because I didn't try until the very end.  I don't even know if the water install has taken place yet, that guy isn't exactly big on communication.  I'll be driving by there this morning to see if anything is happening. When he shows up, it should just be a one day install, if even a whole day.  I'm guessing it will take them 4 or 5 hours from start to finish, it's a pretty simple job for an experienced installer and he appears to have been doing this install for decades.  He was just questioning my need for a 2 inch tap.

Well that's enough.  I'm gonna hit up Waffle House (no waffles tho lol) for breakfast before heading into the yard.  This won't be a one day trip since I am loading at noon - that would put me at 3:00 am to get back to the yard and home.  Too late, ruins the next day getting to bed so late, I'll probably just hit the Casino truck stop up again on the way back and finish the trip tomorrow morning.  No, I haven't been gambling. I did a few months ago at another casino up near the plant up there when the truck broke down.  But I just hit up the bar top thing that you put money into - and won actually lol.

But, I'm pretty much giving up the "vices" and seeking the Lord.  That kind of thing interferes with your relationship with Him, IMO and I need it out of my life.  It might be all of these people that I know passing away in recent times, or just the need for His presence, or both, but I feel like I need to take a different direction than what I have been doing.

Y'all have a great day.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...