Monday, September 16, 2024

 Monday - 8 am

Amazingly enough, the boy did exactly what he said he would do. He is a person of his word.  I guess I can call him a man, he's only 18, baby face but his work ethic is stellar. Probably better than many men 20 years his elder.  Anyway, he brought the tractor back.  I didn't see when he pulled in, must have been night time and the camera didn't pick it up. I can see the truck and trailer on the lot, I'm hoping he brought the box blade. I need it badly, the driveway is messed up again. 

The driveway basically needs to be paved. Well out of my affordability zone right now, it could use a couple of truckloads of gravel at least.  If the price of gravel was reasonable....I could put cheaper gravel down I guess, it's not my RV park driveway, it's the main driveway that both park guests and gas well employees drive on.

I might look into that since there is a tractor to spread it out with.  

I have the house to myself, hence I'm sort of moving slowly. Like, no kids and no adults either. Everyone went off to work, it's like my Sunday.  Because yes, I did work yesterday, the entire weekend for that  matter. I didn't really want today off, but since I have it...

I have lots to do.  If he brought the box blade I'll get with that today.  I need to fix the drain in the sink in the shed and I have a leaking faucet on one of the lots. Meaning a trip to Lowe's at the very least. The dryer repair guy has been "missing" for 3 days now. I just found his actual text number (it was going through Yelp up until now), if he doesn't reply, I'm going to dispute the charge...

He finally texted back. They didn't have the right motor and he'll have to order it. I just supplied him with the phone number and the reference number to order the part direct from Whirlpool, hence we get the right motor and not have to have a broken machine sitting in there forever.  Ok, so hopefully he does that for people are depending on this stuff.  Some people don't want to go to a laundromat, others just don't drive.  

And then there's this T Mobile fiasco. It's such a long story and just too exasperating to go into all of it.  So, after hours of being on the phone with these people that don't know how their own system works, I have a separate account for the third one and it should be arriving today or tomorrow.  I have 2 of these internet Gateway devices now already that I have to return.  Why? I have no idea why they would just keep sending this stuff out and not just transfer over the info to the device.  The idea that these people can't control their own devices in such a manner... I'm waiting for them to send labels to send them back, this problem wasn't created by me and I refuse to pay for the shipping.  Not that they would do that anyway, but I wouldn't even know where to send them back to...

I skipped walking this weekend. Not because I wanted to, things just getting in the way. I will be trying to do 45 minutes today to at least start getting caught up.  Well...I said I'd do at least 3 days a week, so I hit that goal last week. Then on Friday, I was 11 minutes into it when I saw a trailer pulling in and abandoned the walk.  

I'm losing weight and tho my diet has changed substantially, I would like to think the walking is also helping out.  I'm finally below the 220 mark for the first time in quite a while.  However, the "sacrifices" in choices of food has been pretty tough to deal with.  For example, last night was bacon-ranch pasta.  I couldn't eat any of it. Wonderfully delicious, I can't eat bacon or regular fat filled dressings.  Loaded with both, I had to do a hard pass on it.  

So, I had to pull out some plain old chicken and make some bland food for dinner instead.  

I haven't heard anything more from the loan dude, but then again, he did ask me for a written quote, which I asked of the contractor, who said yes, but that's all I've heard.  There is yet another  RV park going up.  They are popping up all over the place like hotcakes.  They're not down the street and around the corner, they are in/near neighboring towns, they pose a threat to my business.  1st would be travelers and second would be long term who is trying to decide where they want to live.  

I've had problems with this contractor getting stuff done, I may have to find someone else.  I'll just have to contact him again and ask if he got anywhere with a quote for me.  I need a pool quote too, now that I think of it.  I dunno, never thought that this was going to be a fast process.  But, I need to get the steps taken that I need to get done to start walking through all of this. It is very clear to me that I need amenities that make my park stand out plus more spaces to make the park viable.  If I want to add a cabin with 100 amp service, I already have 2 panels on the meters that can do that. 

Anyway, I'm just sitting here drinking my coffee and enjoying a house to myself, but alas, I need to get done with this and get moving.  I hate going to Lowe's but I need 2 separate parts from there.  I haven't watched any politics in a couple of days. Well I take that back, I took a look at the second attempted assassination of Trump.  The tolerant left, right? The left claims the first assassin was a Trump supporter which turned out to be completely false and now they are saying this one is, too.

So, someone who supports someone wants to kill them?  Makes perfect sense to me....The man looks old and somewhat frail - I turned the news on to see what's up, they've got a pic of him sitting in a police cruiser looking out. He'll probably spend the rest of his life in prison, was it worth it?  He's lucky SS didn't kill him, there were shots fired, I just haven't seen the details of it yet - again, I haven't been watching the news that much, it gets old.  The constant mud slinging is sickening and revolting to me and I can only handle so much of it.  

There was something else, tho....Well there's the trip coming up. I need to figure out how I'm going to get that truck legal to drive back here.  I have plenty of time, but I want it dealt with in advance, I don't want to have to be doing that on the trip unless that's the only way it can be done, ie: having to go into AZ MVD and get a temporary trip permit or something.  I certainly don't want to pay registration in AZ and then have to pay it again in Texas. Texas is also going to charge me a buyer's fee, whatever they deem the truck is worth, they assess a purchase fee against it to title it in my name.  Texas is pretty expensive in that regard.  

The trip ate up 24,000 points in cc perks.  I mean, the ticket was over $300 1 way.  I had to leave out of a local airport, driving to Dallas or Fort Worth to fly out would mean I would have to get a ride back there when I friend works in Longview, hopefully when I get back she can just drop me off at the airport. They charge no parking fees at all. The last time, that vehicle sat there 3 weeks before I cam back for it, that was the trip to Oregon and that nightmarish orientation crap.  

Alright, my excuses have run out.  I need to get going.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...