Sunday, December 24, 2023


I woke up about 15 minutes ago, fully expecting it to be raining. Heard nothing so checked the app, it's supposed to start  - now actually.  It isn't yet, but it will  rain today and soon, the radar certainly is showing that.

So, I jumped out of bed and got the dog outside before the rain hits. He is not a fan.  He'll go pee in it and come right back under the cover, I just figured give him a chance to do his duty and maybe sniff around a bit before the rain starts and isn't stopping until later this afternoon.  

It's church day, I will probably go.  I warned the kids  - there is no kids church today, they are going to have families at the regular church service.  I kind of think it would be lame if they decided not to go, at the same time I'm not going to sit around at church listening to them griping about not being able to play in the giant tube assembly or run around on platforms elevated way up on the walls. 

I haven't posted in the last few days for there hasn't been much to post about.  The same old conundrums that faced me 3 days ago are still here today. The driveway needs fixed and a lot of other stuff that costs money I don't have.  


I get a series of texts from the grumpy dude.  He goes straight into how he's "probably going to move to another RV park" and "I won't stand other tenants beating the s*** out of me".  This is the 3rd time he's threatened to move - so move! I'm tired of hearing it, if this place doesn't work for you, go find one that does!  But you know that the place he's at isn't the problem. It's him that's the problem and that problem will drag around with him wherever he goes. He drinks too much is the first thing.  He spouts off at the mouth - drunk or sober - all the time is the second.  Well, let's reverse that, the spouting off at the mouth gets highly annoying, fast.  He thinks he's being funny when he goes around calling people a-holes and denigrating everyone.

It's why I had it out with him. I've had enough, I finally told him one day.  I don't want anything to do with you. If other people want to hang around that nonsense, fine! Not me.  

So what happened? I put the phone down and said I would call when I had a chance, I was out with family and I wasn't about to subject everyone else to his ridiculousness.  So the next morning, which would have been yesterday, he goes off about a person that "took a pot shot at me and then started beating the s*** out of me for no reason". 

I didn't believe a word he was saying.  We just had that other dude over at hour house a few days ago, James knows him from previous work place.  He's a totally laid back, chill person.  He may have his moments, I'm sure he does - don't we all - but he's got the demeanor of an angel compared to the grumpy dude.  I'm thinking, there are always 2 sides to a story and there is definitely going to be a completely different version coming from him.  I haven't even asked him about it yet.

Anyway, Mr. Grumpy finally admits they were all drinking, he "probably said some stuff to him", etc.  Yup, your mouth.  You likely said some incredibly foul things to the man and you were probably talking tough, like you're a bad-@$$ and this is the result. Apparently the man beat him pretty good before another tenant pulled him off of him - this other tenant is a big, muscular dude, neither one of those two would be a match for him - and sent him back to his trailer.  Go sleep it off.  

The thing is, I didn't hear about this from anyone else. And it wasn't even told to me until what, almost 5 days later?  Shrugs shoulders. The worse part is, this dude isn't supposed to be drinking at all. I am not going to go into the details of why on the internet, I will say he has very strong reasons why he shouldn't even be touching a bottle of beer, much less a whole 12 pack of them.  Very strong, motivating reasons.

So now, he's going to "stay in my trailer and keep to myself". How many times have I heard this from him?  A walking drama Queen, a Hallmark drama movie all by himself, it's getting to the point of unbelievable and really, intolerable. If this stuff keeps happening - which it likely will, it's in his nature - I'm going to throw his @$$ out of the park.  Money be damned, I don't need this at my park or in my life.  I'll find someone to take that spot.  I have 2 spots open right now - the one I keep available for overnighters and the one that was vacated by a temporary worker.  They are both booked next week, otherwise I'd be running my Facebook ad boost post again.  

I'm not really sure about anyone else leaving, if they are they haven't informed me.  I mean, it's the nature of the business, people come, people go, I just prefer people give me some kind of head's up if they know they are going. Many of these temp workers I get in there don't know about their departure until shortly before they are reassigned to somewhere else. 

Krampus. A sort of funny, ridiculous, evil and scary movie all in one.  The kids have watched it twice in the past 2 days, now they want to watch it again, calling it a Christmas movie and informing me it's the day before Christmas. Perhaps and tho Christmas is the theme, believing in Santa and all is the point, it's still not a traditional Christmas movie lol.  I fully intend on watching A Christmas Carol tonight, after these kids go to bed, the version with George C. Scott. 

I began watching it a few weeks ago but wasn't in the right mood, so I put it off.  I'm in the right mood now. I don't need do anything else for giving, 2 people have a free lot using my electricity and facilities and have been for months now, in a coach that was being sold to them that is making me nothing right now.  I'm not doing it begrudgingly, the lady had a stroke - she is getting better tho. I saw her walking around without a 4-legged walker a few days ago, that's a sign she's definitely on the mend.  

Ahh, here comes the rain.  35 minutes later than their prediction.  I knew it was coming just for the fact that the radar was showing it coming from the south and covering our area for at least a 1/4 of the day.  

With that, I guess I'll go watch this movie for the 3rd time in 3 days.  Lol.  They don't normally do that.  It's probably the scary parts that get them liking it.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...