Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 Wednesday - 7:45 am

I posted the Umpire post, btw, for a little information to the masses who visit here out of searches to let people know that there is something they can do about unruly parents in leagues, regardless of what kind of league it is, actually.  But it seems the baseball parents can be the worst offenders. 

Late start today, late run.  I will have to jump start the truck, but if it's like 2 days ago, it just takes a little extra boost. The batteries or one of the batteries is bad I'm guessing. Taking it to Love's, they will end replacing all 3 of them.  I'm not doing that today, however, for an internet friend is coming through town and I'm hoping to make it back in time to visit with them. They want to see my RV park.  

Kamala Harris just sunk herself, again, with a comment she made that, reading between the lines, basically says she supports pro-Hamas "antagonizers"/protestors and therefore, one would have to assume, she is on the anti-Semite train.  I think that if Biden stays in the running, with Harris, Trump is going to win and by a relative land-slide.  If he drops out, all bets are off.  Biden is adamantly stating that he's not dropping out and now they have this "performance" of his at NATO, I think it was yesterday.  He's reading off of a teleprompter and he's still mumbling and messing up words regardless.  He is probably pumped up on whatever drug, most experts say Adderall.  

Can you imagine this man sitting in the Oval office in say, 3 years from now? I still stand in awe of a party that will support a person that clearly is not fit for the office.  If it were Trump, I would not support him, at all.  I would be in the mindset of "replace him and replace him quickly".  But it would never get that far, people would see the signs of it and start questioning his ability to actually make it through 4 years of another presidency, which is obviously highly demanding on both the mind and the body and probably the emotions aspect as well.  George Stephanopoulos, a staunch Trump hater, says Biden should drop out, that he can't make it 4 more years.  That sort of sent shock waves through the democrat realms of political reaction.   

I find it hilarious that these people say "it's going to be the end of our democracy!" and others STILL saying he's in Putin's back pocket - all of that nonsense has been thoroughly and completely debunked but if you ask people about it that still believe it, they have no facts, they just turn it back on you, the person questioning them, to prove it. Well let's start with the Steele Dossier and we can work from there. But it's a waste of time, if people still believe that crap, they are hopeless in any attempt to get them to see differently. People are free to believe what they wish, the same as people not believing Jesus is the son of God, not just a prophet or a good person, he is actual part of the Deity, God.  It is amazing how many people that are Democrats are also self-described atheists.  

Anyway, I want to be pulling out of the park at around 9:00 am.  I am not going to get the batteries replaced today unless my friend will have already traveled through here.  I can jump start it tomorrow and I don't turn the truck off at all on the Gurdon run, I will have to turn it off at Lufkin, they have their own shop there and they have jump started other trucks in the past, so I'm not worried about that.  After unloading, I can stop at the Love's on the way back and see if they have a1 hour wait, an 8 hour wait, whatever and if they actually have the batteries on hand.  

The internet is out at the park again, that's a new router so unless I damaged the sim card (I might have), there is no reason for it to not be working.  I will check it this morning for any fault words on the top of the unit to see if it is self-diagnosed.  Whatever. It's always something.  I didn't know it had been out for several days for no one contacted me - until this morning.  I try not to get too stressed about things at this point.  I do get worked up about some things, but even that stuff I'm trying to say no, I'm not going to let it eat at me.  Not worth it. 

Hmm, I think I will leave even earlier than I was going to so I have time to look at that router and be prepared to call T-Mobile to see what they say is wrong with it.  They can send another one if it comes down to that...

Yes. Get another cuppa or a little more, get the thermos filled and get over there.  


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...