Monday, November 18, 2024

 Monday - early afternoon

I am just plain tired. I think it's all the rain.  The alarm went off this morning and I just wanted to shut if off and go back to sleep.  I laid there a while before I finally forced my @$$ out of bed.  I wasn't cranky, exactly, just really sleepy. The pitter-pattering of rain falling outside just makes me want to sleep in and do nothing. 

I can be glad that today's run was about as short as it gets, I got home (not just back to the yard with the truck but actually home) at 12:40.  I'm really feeling like toast right now, like, ok, let's just go to bed.  But, I wanted to write an entry first and I still have plenty of time before the kids get home from school and come barging into my room making all kinds of noise.  Or even if they don't come into  my room, they make all kinds of noise, as kids normally to. 

This park host ... he knows how to get on my neves. I told him yesterday I wanted ALL of that grass seed spread, not just 150 pounds of it. I go in the bathroom and there are 2 giant bags just dumped in there. One on the table - a fold table that doesn't need a big of grass seed on it and the other just sitting there in front of it.  I contacted him this morning and flatly told him to spread the rest of it today, before this afternoon when it was supposed to start raining again. 

Of course, the forecasters were way off again, it was raining when I woke up this morning but then stopped but then, was slated to start gain long before noon.  I didn't care, he could have gotten it all done yesterday and it would have been over with. What on earth was he thinking?  He made it sound like he had spread all of it yesterday when I spoke to him about it.  No, I have no idea if he did it, I got back to the yard, got my paperwork done and left.  

I'm working until at least Thursday before another day off.  So, I'm guessing he wants me to do Friday and Saturday as well.  Just put your hand to the plow, I'm telling myself, get with it, you need the money, do what it takes.  The days aren't that long I'm just really sleepy today.  Hopefully I can take a nap and feel better.  

Hot tub. These people contacted me and told me they were giving "huge discounts" to get rid of stock.  So, they have them "all" on sale, I am told.  Yeah, right.  I mean, maybe they are, maybe they aren't but it just sounds off making statements like that. Original prices was 16.5k, down to 13, and the "just for you" 11k.  Brand new, all the bells and whistles, huge.  Have to put money down and then payments.  

I had given up on new long ago and I'm not convinced that i need to be spending that kind of money on such a thing right now.  It's not just the hot tub, you have to have a cement slab - or something to put it on besides dirt - a gazebo to cover it and probably some kick back area with outdoor couch and chairs. More of a hang out place than anything.  

I dunno, but they sent me a contract that had a bunch of X's in the fields where the down payment amount was supposed to be and the  monthly payment was supposed to be, among other things.  And some sort of clause that once I sign the contract, there is no backing out of it.  Like sure! I'll just sign a contract that I have no idea how much the payments are or for how long!  Right  now! Lmao.  It's $400 per month after receiving a "revised" contract and Im just not thinking I need to be committing to that kind of monthly payment right now.  Try $250 or something and I might do it, otherwise?  I am just going to either let it go or find a good used one for a quarter of that amount.  

I don't know, but I'm getting calls now for long term and I do hope some of these people show up. 2 of them, to be precise. Leave the big lot available for overnighters. Or, rent it out for more money, I don't really care but I do have a following of repeat overnighters that are always asking for a space.  One notable missing one is the dude who that freak of nature Robert hit his brand new pickup with a rock out of the lawnmower and then argued with the man about it.  I paid for the repair but he has never come back.  It sucks.  I will not allow situations like this to fester ever again.  I should have just fired Robert shortly after seeing he was doing much of nothing and also not listening to my desires of how I wanted things done.  This current host will listen to my desires and do things the way I want them to be done now, for the most part excepting that grass seed.  Before, he wasn't doing jack-s*** and I was getting pretty upset with him.

Now? I just hit his text messaging up with demands, not requests.  This is what I need done, today.  Not please or thank you.  I usually say such words out of lifelong habit and not wanting to come off as ungrateful or obnoxious, but in this guy's case?  It's the only thing he responds to.  Not optimal, at least not for the way I see things, but whatever.  

Wait, I forgot! Just look at the camera and sure enough, those bags of grass seed are out of the shed and presumably/hopefully have been spread on the ground.  


I made a $284.42 payment on the 12th. Well, no, on the 11th and it posted on the 12th.  I made it because I lose my debit card and they wanted their money. No problem, here you go.  Yesterday - on a Sunday no less - they shut off my phones and say I have to make a $171 and change payment to get it turned back on including $70 worth of late fees and charges to turn it back on.  

I'm going to bypass the phone call with the Philippinos  yesterday, they were useless and insinuated I was lying about making the payment.  I ended up hanging up on them, of course it's a waste of time to call a company like this on a Sunday, I thought, I'll just wait until tomorow.

So today, an American on their end and they still can't find it. They "escalated it" and so did I. I called my bank and told them they had lost the payment and please take over.  I don't want to deal with this.  I have better things to do than arguing with a phone company about a payment I made and then having to pay $70 to extra to get the d*** service turned back on. We're talking 3 internets, 2 cameras and 2 phones. Poof! Gone. Nilch. Nada. NOO SERVICE FOR YOU< LOSER! or at least that's the way it felt.  Not only having to make another payment but getting reamed with a huge fine for it? Screw that. 

You see, when you dispute a charge, the bank gives your money back right away.  The other company can dispute it back and then the money goes back to them - but they have to produce evidence.  I went through this once with my business, I know how this works now.  They can dispute I didn't make the payment, but the account overview for my business? It specifically states T-Mobile right on the payment.  Will I get my $70 back? Well if you  know me, you know that once I get this ball rolling, I don't give up very easily. I just wanted the bank to do this grunt work for me and then if they don't get anywhere with it, I can pick up where they leave off.  

You know what the bank rep told me? "This happens quite frequently with T Mobile, actually, they lose payments all the time, just thought I'd let you know".  How the Hercules can a giant corporation such as that have such a sh**** accounting department? Accounts receivable is your bread and butter, it's the money coming in, it's your customers paying you.  You just lose it like the Federal government loses money? I saw a report saying there is over 800 BILLION unaccounted for in the department of defense.  

You never know how good a company is until you have an issue. I've had several issues with T Mobile, some of it quite ridiculous, but this is the first time it's been about a lost payment.  Unbelievable.  Well, Chase is on it, that's what I can say. 


Forget the nap I was going to take, those phone calls took far too much time, I'm now all hyped up and well, I'll just sleep tonight lol.  Plus, it's still raining, Taylor wanted to take a nap so I'm going to get the kids at the bus stop in a while.  She didn't ask me, she was asking to wake her up if it's still raining so she can get them. Kind of lame if I didn't offer to get them since I'm not taking a nap anyway, it's not a big deal.  And yes, it's still raining.  

After today, there isn't any real chance of rain for quite awhile. I'm banking my grass seed growing on the rain yesterday and today plus the large amount of dew on the ground in the mornings. It's quite wet and the daytime temps aren't very high, I think it will work.  I hope so, cause otherwise? I just wasted $242 on grass seed.  It's so damp out there in the mornings, the ladder to get up the side of the tanker is so wet it's like someone just sprayed out of a garden hose on it. I'm betting that's enough. I can't wait forever to get this winter grass going. 

Alright, I've talked enough here.  I think I'll have a mid afternoon cuppa and then start working on this SBA stuff again before the boys get home.  Oh, there isn't enough time for that, just the cuppa, lol. 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...