Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 Don't really remember where I left off last, the last several days have been a blur.  Today was driving all day long, yesterday was driving - all day long, the day before was filled with moving stuff - all day long and the day before that we moved stuff probably half the day.  Tomorrow? Drive all day long and the next day? Drive all day long!

I went down to Brownsville yesterday, dropped the trailer, saw an empty but decided I would hook to it in the morning.  Glad I didn't hook to it, someone else showed up, hooked up to it and left with it.  I didn't even know they had come in the yard.  That gave me 12 hours of detention pay and that's a nice extra chunk of change for sleeping lol.  Another empty showed up around 10:00 am, I was gone, out of there and headed back to the yard.  I was sent another run for tomorrow - right back down to Brownsville.  

So yes, I am guilty of being on the receiving end of what I was complaining about other drivers getting all the time.  I don't ask for any particular run. I never have, that's all on management. They could give me some Oklahoma runs - not that I want them but I'll do my share of low paying runs to keep it fair.  But lately, it's mostly been Brownsville, with one Oklahoma shoved in there.  

The other drivers are suspicious, too. One of them called me a while back asking me about trailers in Brownsville. Were there any empties?  I wasn't in Brownsville, I wasn't even driving, I was home at the time. He never calls me unless he sees me driving back up from Brownsville. They're likely talking behind my back and guess what? I don't care.  I do like things to be fair, but if I'm going to get a ton of B-ville runs, I'm not going to turn them down, not after seeing other people getting them endlessly for - years actually.  What am I going to say? Uhh, can you give that to someone else? I'm due for a West Virginia or Pennsylvania run.  Not that I want either, but I'll take them in exchange for all these wonderful gravy runs I have been getting. 

Mom got the first dose of the vaccine. Sorry,  but that makes me really nervous. I've read the stories of people having severe reactions to it.  She's old on the age scale of things, she wanted it done and she got it.  She said she didn't feel right for a while but feels fine now, adding that the second dose coming soon and she read that it has more severe side effects.

Again, that makes me nervous.  I unabashedly love my mother and I know her time is coming - hopefully nothing anytime soon, but I have been saying that forever. Will continue to say it, of course, but she's well up there in age.  She's healthy tho, has always taken care of herself.  

So that's life right now. I have no intentions of getting that vaccine - ever.  If they somehow force me to - such as airlines saying you can't fly overseas without their version of a vaccine passport - I'll have to consider it.  I just think I will have a severe reaction to it.  I don't know that it's worth dying over saving myself from a virus that has a low mortality rate.  I would rather take my chances with acquiring the virus than taking the vaccine. That's really how I feel about it.  

And the house in Phoenix is irritating me.  The internet bill last month was $182.  The satellite bill was $157.  The satellite is on a fixed amount every month, I have to assume someone is purchasing movies or something. Last time this happened, a tenant was watching pay per view porn s***.  I do NOT watch porn. YOU can watch porn if you want to, I don't agree with it, but that's up to you. THESE people are NOT going to be watching whatever the freak they are watching on MY dime.  I'm call Dish and find out which receiver is doing this s*** and that person can both pay for it and have that access shut off to that receiver.  

The internet is another thing entirely.  Cox used to give unlimited at one price. Then they say more dollar signs and walaah.  You pay for "overage" - which never existed until a year and a half ago or so.  I just texted Mark about the internet usage, he will be all over everyone's @$$ about it.  I have no interest in that house if it's going to end up costing more than what I am receiving.  Right now, not an issue because it's winter. Get in to summer? $400 plus per month electric bills plus this stuff? No thanks. Sell the house, give Mark 20 grand of the proceeds for taking care of it, offer him to move out here if he has no place to go, be done with it.  He'll deal with it, tho, try to anyway. 

I seem to remember that the last time the county had a tax lien sale, they gave you enough advance notice that I could ask for time off and not have to worry about it being "too near in the future" to ask for it.  Now, well, we're getting into February and March is the next intended sale date yet nothing posted.  I'm calling them tomorrow. Last time, they didn't change it until I went in there. They told me it's on the site, no ma'am, you have the old one on there. The next thing I saw? Yup, the newest one up. Poof and walaah, like magic it changed instantly.  

I'm going to get a real estate lawyer meeting going here eventually and get details about how it works with these properties I already have.  Can I just sell them without changing anything?  Cause' I don't know how these other people are putting properties up for sale that they just bought - with the rather important stipulation from the county that you can't do anything with these properties until 6 months have passed.  And they are jacking the prices up to ridiculous amounts of money.  I would never try to price gouge people for property for the amounts they are asking for.  If I paid a grand for a piece of property, I'd think 4 or 5 grand a good return, not 30 grand or 50 grand?!! 

Oh, no one is home. At the house that is.  Flooring contractor didn't leave until after 6 pm today. They finished the carpet, according to Taylor, but the house is in a shambles and it's far too late at that point to be trying to get things into livable condition to actually - move back in?   I dunno, but they are at a hotel again and I'm in the truck tonight.  I wouldn't have gone home anyway considering getting to the yard and having 10 hours before having to leave here. I've done that many times when it seems more trouble than it's worth to drive all the way home and then have to get up even earlier to drive all the way back over here.  Not to mention home sweet home isn't the same when everything is in disarray, I might as well sleep here, in the sleeper, engine running keeping it warm in here for me, the wonderful all-night-long-vibration.  

And finally, I'm looking forward to a day off to take my new motion activated camera to the hunting property, set it up and get that going.  I'm more looking forward to the day I can finally say I found and bought land for the RV park.  Lol.  Should we also discuss all the things Joe Biden is doing to destroy our economy, including turning his back on labor unions that have supported him? Naww, folks, I can't stand the dude, I don't watch any of his speeches, I just read the talking points afterwards.  

With that, I am off to bed. OHH! Feeling much better.  That actually started this morning.  I got out of bed a bit elongated time period, but after I got going I was feeling pretty good!  I mean, a heckuva lot better than I have been! 


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...