Thursday, January 27, 2022

 There isn't much nice to be said about getting to the plant early - after being asked by plant personnel - and then having to wait an extended period of time for the other personnel in the scale house to actually do their jobs and get drivers out of there in a short amount of time.  Versus sitting on the scale both coming in and out for long periods of time just waiting for them to take the weight and save it and then going in and waiting with other drivers eternally, wasting the clock, wasting the day and generally wondering why am I still doing this job? Well I don't have any choice atm, is the easy answer.  There are plenty of jobs where I live, but they are either all low paying or it's skilled labor - for skills I don't have. 

The days drag on with this profession, some days I'm good, other days I'm not so good with it. Today was a "not so good with it" day.  It just dragged on until after 10:00 pm when I finally got to the Choctaw Travel Plaza - I believe this is Grant, Oklahoma - where I stop frequently for the night.  Just seemed like it took forever to get to the end of the day. It didn't help that a J B Hunt truck was going so slow on a 48 mile stretch of highway that is 2 lanes and only 1, real, passing lane.  There was a very long line of traffic stuck behind him - but when we got to this 4 lane stretch for passing, about a mile long, he suddenly was going something like 75 mph.  And then, back to 2 lanes? Yup.

Doing it on purpose.  


I was looking at this sheds on both the Home Depot and the Lowe's sites today. It suddenly dawned on me that they sell them as well.  Their prices are much better but they simply don't have the right style.  I guess I don't necessarily care too much about style if affordability rules the roost, but so far I have only found them with barn doors.  I need a regular door on it, like the cabin sheds have.  

This is one I found on another site. It's 14X20, the pic is deceiving, makes it look much smaller. It's 12 grand plus $539 I think to build it if I don't want to build it myself (which I don't, simply don't have the time for it).  That is Wayfair site, which has a large selection of them. The drawback? Those doors.  I do like it tho, other than that and I'm sure the doors will work. It would be a combo small office/laundry/at least one shower/bathroom combo for men's and women's rooms.  

Certainly not sold on that one, still looking atm.  I'll be stopping by both Lowe's and Home Depot in Longview on the way home from work tomorrow - they are conveniently located next to each other lol.  Home Depot has a huge selection of them, but it's something I have only glanced at previously, nothing I took a good hard look at.  There is a place in Shreveport that has a huge selection, I think that was a Home Depot as well (I don't get to Shreveport much anymore since I quit the Ferguson job 4 plus years ago).  

Oh, an RV park I have been watching them build for almost 2 years now has finally opened up.  It's nothing but an RV parking lot.  There are no trees, no picnic tables, no fire rings, pool, laundry room, nothing. It's just lots all crammed together with a very small office - a portable building such as I am musing but very small - and very gaudy looking. Exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Some of these sheds look great, many of them I think are a turn off for anyone approaching a place and saying, what the heck is this?  So far, I've only seen one rv parked there.  Looks like about 50 lots and very small  

People are trying to cash in on the RV boom.  People are buying RV's at staggering rates and parks are filling up.  But I never got into this with the thought of "cashing in" in mind. Yes I want to make a profit, but it wasn't because there is an RV boom. I didn't even know there was any such thing occurring until I started doing research after I had started looking for the land to build one.  

This RV park is directly next to a very busy and noisy 4 lane highway, I mean, right next to it.  It's pathetic looking, just bare bones minimum garbage.  It's on the way down to Brownsville, I'll be watching it to see if it ever gets any units in there.  In no way am I wishing them bad luck, I just wonder how much thought they put into it.  

Whatever the case, it's almost midnight and time to go to sleep. 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...