Friday, July 5, 2013

I'm finally up in the mountains with my recruit, who is going to help me install the stakes in the ground to put the fence up.  It was an interesting drive because after picking up my helper, I was far out east and ended up taking a different road to get to the main highway that gets us up here.  The road took us by a river and a lake plus the speed limit was only 45 mph for quite a ways.  I had not driven up that way in a couple of decades - at least and had forgotten how beautiful it was in that area.

It is where everyone goes to go tubing down the river.  I used to do that in a different life, lol, I'm not really into that kind of thing any more.  I do, however, still like river rafting, that's a whole different ball of wax but I haven't done that in a long time either.

Anyway, mother said there was fencing materials on the side of the outhouse. Yes, but none of it useful for this project save on stake.  I will need at least 14 more.  I am going to have to figure out the layout of where I want the fence to run and then I can determine how many posts I will need.  I'm kind of wary, though, about this whole thing because my mother is not up here now and I would hate to put this whole thing up and then have her not like the layout.  Gag.  No choice, I'm here, my helper is here and fully intend on taking full advantage of his presence here, which is solely for the use of helping me install these posts.

Whatever the case, the weather up here is absolutely beautiful.........but no rain.  Blaaaaaah.  It showed it was raining in this area earlier today on the weather radar, but that apparently has completely passed.  Still, it's a good 20 degrees cooler - at least and that's good enough in itself.

Well, it's almost 9 pm and yes, that's close enough to my weekend bedtime.  Still like to go to bed relatively early and get up - early - on weekends.  I only brought Duke with me this time, though, there wasn't enough room for 3 dogs in the car plus another person and all the rest of what I had to bring up with me.

Anyway, enough.


 Tuesday - night I've been consumed with thought and things going on lately, hence not posting.  It's not that I don't want to p...