Tuesday, January 11, 2022

 In rare form, I actually slept last night and even tho I had an ultra-early load time, I was pretty good making it down here today. Here being Brownsville, the 4th one in a row.  And as I predicted a few months ago, they are back to their old habits, no empty trailers and lots of extra pay on all of those trips except the tire/DOT crap, but I got paid breakdown pay for that and a couple of hours of wait pay down here.  So it wasn't all bad, just not as good as 14 straight hours of detention pay.   

Per the last entry, when they did show up last trip with an empty from Mexico, yet another bad tire. This time I put my foot down, I'm not pulling that thing out of here until it's fixed.  My dispatcher asked for pics to send to the transportation manager at the plant in Mexico.  Sure! Bald spots down below the tread lines and one part where the tread had been yank up out of the tire and just hanging there. Just more DOT trouble, that's all I saw.  So I had that tire replaced and luckily, I got that trailer again to pull down here today.  No tire issues.  

I knew had forgotten something with this land clearing company, but remembered and sent out the signed contract back to them - well Taylor actually dropped it off at the post office early this morning.  They won't come out to clear the land without signing off on agreement of the payment due after services rendered. Don't blame them.  

Oh, I think I forgot to write anything about my son - he has Covid. He said he felt icky the first few days but the fever is gone and he's on the road to recovery. No tubes shoved down his throat, not even the need to go to a hospital. Plus, he gets a bunch of paid time off for it. It's the Indian reservation, they have their own rules about Covid apparently that go well beyond anything the federal government is forcing down people's throats.  I'm happy he gets a bunch of time off fully paid tho and I was very happy to understand he's getting better. 

My mother, on the other hand, is experiencing yet more side effects from vax shots and I'm very, very concerned about her.  I'm not going into full details about my mother on the internet, but if any of my praying friends are reading this, well, it's a prayer request.  This Covid crap is an evil originated from the pit of hell as far as I'm concerned.  There is SO much evil going on in this nation right now, especially with politicians, but I'm not going there, at least not tonight.

On another note, Taylor was talking to one of her co-workers at the daycare about my intentions of building an RV park and lo and behold, she immediately asked her "does he need any help?". Why yes, yes I will!  She offered her services to come out once a day and clean out the bathrooms - which don't yet exist but some day hopefully soon enough, they will.  Lol.  

And for my friend, I got a message from the sign company today, they proposed a change to it before making it.  Yes, I thought they would.  They were able to put "Speed limit 10mph" and in smaller lettering "violators will be trespassed from the property"  The italics words I wasn't able to input on their platform to make a sign, but they were able to do it.  It makes a bit more sense to have it saying that than just "will be trespassed".  And yes, I will trespass them, I'm not going to continue to play these games with these people. They don't own the property and yes, they are subject to my reasonable rules for their use of it.  The next time I'm out there and if one of them goes speeding up and down that driveway, I'm going to pull my SUV right in their way and I'm going to have a little conversation with them.

Okay, now then.  The loan is done, it's ready to be signed off on!  The loan officer called today and asked where I will be in two days? Ummm, how would I know lol.  It turns out, the plant is shut down on Thursday for whatever reason - the loading plant in longview.  If I can get an empty and get out of here early enough tomorrow, I can do a signing at my house on Thursday.  Well, not my house, the house I live in with my friends lol.  I'm awaiting confirmation from them on getting that done. Apparently, they put out requests to local notary publics to do the job and whoever replies first, or gives the best price if it goes that far gets the job.  

It's almost done.  Thank God.  So yes, good news on that front. 

I asked the contractor yet again, today, when he is planning on coming to do the work? No reply.  He only replied "thank you sir" when I mentioned that I had forgotten the contract but had sent it out this morning.  I'm not gonna get too pushy, it is what it is out here. Everyone is busy and they will get to you - when they get to you.  If it doesn't happen this month, then I might go looking at the next best offer and they will do the job just the same, but for a couple thousand more. Land clearing that is. 

Ok. An empty just showed up. It's 8:00 pm lol and I have to take a 10 hour break - thankfully.  Dunno what time I'll get up, probably I could leave at 4:00 am, but that will have me going through Houston a bit after the rush hour and I'm not sure it will be cleared up enough?  I dunno, I don't need to be back early for any particular reason lol.  Get home tomorrow, I can predict what I will do: nothing. Recover from driving all day long.  That's what a lot of people do after work - go home and do whatever makes them happy.

But, I am going to get offa here, go to bed and set the alarm for 4 am, if I am "feeling it" when it goes off, I will get up and leave.  The worst that can happen is that Houston is still messed up when I arrive near it and I can just pull into a truckstop in Rosenberg and take a nice nap.  A nice long nap, if necessary lol.  


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...