Monday, April 15, 2024

 Monday - late afternoon

It is finished.  I added other sources of income I had forgotten about and done with it.  It has been sent, they are claiming I am owed almost 2 grand, we'll see.  Will the IRS see it differently? Under the current administration that wanted to add almost 80,000 agents and have banks submit to them any transactions over $600?  

Yeah.  Who knows. I'm hoping that if something needs changed, they will simply tell me that more info is needed, or something like that.  I dunno, but I am washing my hands of it for now, if something changes, I will deal with it when I get to the entrance to that bridge.  Hopefully it's a drawbridge and traffic can be stopped to - deal with things.

"It is finished" meaning I have electronically filed my tax return.  Really, the only thing I needed to change was some income that I had forgotten about. It was easy to find, it was in my business checking account.  And I needed to add the check I received from the AG loan company on my mortgage, it says right on the form they sent me it is recordable income.  So yeah, I put that on there.

Meanwhile, the air leak on the truck has grown significantly, to the point I reached out the to lead mechanic - who is the person you reach out to for stuff like this - and asked him if he's available to get this stuff done in the next 3 days? Well, 4 actually.  That should be plenty to replace an air bag and tear apart the guts inside the truck and git'er done.  That is, fix the AC once and for all. If they can't get it right this time, I am going to demand, not ask, for it to be taken to an actual AC repair shop.  This will the the third time trying to get this fixed.

Anyway, a sigh of relief as I am finally done with this junk and have learned a few lessons about inputting where things should be inputted on quickbook/income and expenses for tax return purposes. Do it right now, don't have to have to pull the hair out of my head about it later.  

Oh, well, one kid has a baseball game and the other has a soccer practice. I am taking one of them to the soccer practice.  It's like a mile away from here and its about an hour and 15 to 30 minutes.  The coaches keep them later than the one hour that is advertised, lol.  

Tomorrow will be a long day. Up early, get up to Gurdon, offload and then drive to El Dorado, switch trucks and then drive home. Add 2 hours at least to the return-to-home drive time.  Why can't they have a yard closer to an Interstate? Well, I haven't asked for it's a useless conversation, they are doing what they are doing, but it is probably because they have local people running the day-to-day of the place and why bother switching things up?  Well, because it would be far easier for OTR and drivers like me to access it and not waste a huge amount of time just getting TO and FROM the place.  Trust me, El Dorado AR is not close to any Interstates. 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...