Friday, December 30, 2022

 I have my first commitment for a spot for long term.  Of course, a commitment doesn't automatically equal the people actually showing up and camping out, but it's better than what I've had up until now.  I've asked them when they'll be in town, waiting on a reply.  I need to get over there and finish a few things up, at least.  If nothing else, clean up some messes I've made and dispose of it and also burn that wood in the piles. 

Too bad it just rained literally all night long.  It finally quit, but there will be no burning of anything today.  I did go out and buy a pack of those fire logs, however.  If it's nice and sunny today - which it appears it will be - maybe it will be dry enough to get a fire going. Get enough coals/heat and it doesn't matter how wet the wood is. That's the beauty of those fire logs, you can directly light them and they will burn regardless.  

So, anyway, these people now want to meet up tomorrow.  I have no where they are coming from or why they want to stick around here, I don't really care, either, as long as they aren't the next mass murderers/chucky/mike/etc.  They will have, at least temporarily, the place to themselves.  I am looking for 4 long term at reduced rates.  After that, I will patiently wait for the summer season to come along and see if I can cash in on some of the travelers.  Or not, who knows.  My thoughts towards this operation change as the situation changes along with it.  

Umm, I just got out of bed and yes, I know it's almost 11:00 am but it's the first good night's sleep I've had in many weeks. The coughing is just now starting to dissipate and staying awake all night long apparently going away with it.  I felt very bad yesterday - just out of the blue - and thought "relapse".  I can say I feel better today, not 100%.  

I do wonder about getting some help out there today to clean up- but it's a bit late for getting people.  Even that 25 year old that crashed the trailer into the shed. With constant supervision - and no access to the machinery - I could get some stuff done.  

Anyway, it's going to be a long process trying to get the park full and keep it that way, that's what I'm seeing as of right now.  Maybe that view will change once the weather gets better - which it is - but people start thinking about traveling or if people are moving to this area and need to live in their RV either temporarily or semi-permanent.  I've lived in RV's.  If it is a decent rig, you can easily make it work.  It's just a lot less room and storage.  

I'm still of the mindset to keep long termers to a minimum and see if I can rake in some of the traveling cash.  But when push comes to shove? I'll take whatever.  Definitely not changing my mind on adding spaces.  And once I get some money coming in from a job, I will definitely add a couple of boondocking stations to at least try to get a little more income generated.  

The kids are coming back today. We have had a 5 days retreat without all the noise.  It has been very nice.  I wish it would happen more often.  We have really enjoyed the peace and quiet, words cannot express adequately just how wonderful it's been without them.  For me, it's the lack of hearing little feet running through the house - a thing they are forbidden to do but the youngest one does it anyway.  

The AC people were delayed. They gave James/Taylor a guarantee that if they couldn't make it today, there would be a significant, free upgrade in the unit.  Welp, they are getting, I am hearing, a 3 grand upgrade.  Some new law in Texas that 14 seer units will no longer be legal to install after the 1st, they went with one of those because the price was significantly cheaper.  Oh, yes, the ac company will still make money, that is baked into the price.  If they aren't making at least 50% profit I'd be surprised, on any given unit that they sell or service for that matter.

Well that's it.  I need to get over there and do that cleanup at least.  It's just boxes from the fire rings and other stuff that I have opened that I haven't discarded of yet.  

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...