Sunday, June 12, 2022

This campground's rules is close to what I want to incorporate.  A few things I will eliminate and others I will change.  But it's a good template. I'm looking at others as well, make sure I'm not missing anything.  

 Check in time 1:00 

 This idea of being awake all night long, not being able to sleep, is getting very old. I finally managed to fall asleep at around 5:00 am, slept 2 hours and that was that.  The other nights, it was coughing keeping me awake, last night it was the medication I'm taking that kept me awake.  I'm not going to stop taking the medication simply because I can't sleep, I will just not be going into work tomorrow and that's that.  

I still have the house alone, at least until sometime this afternoon, I will likely try to take a nap in between now and then.

My allotment is 200 milligrams per day, that's the max.  Cholesterol, that is.  I'm kind of treating this like keto, tho, and low carb.  Look for the lowest cholesterol options with at least semi-low carbs and that's it. I was thinking spaghetti chicken today - red meats are totally off the menu for the time being.  The sauce has a bit of cholesterol at 35 milligrams, but, I am not eating that much right now due to being sick and not doing much of anything, so that's acceptable.  

It's Sunday morning and I will not be getting anything done today beyond perusing the internet for more ideas.  I was looking at a campground yesterday with a particular set of rules that interests me.  The rule is, you clean up your lot when you leave or get assessed minimum $25 fee.  

Why would I want to do that? Because I won't be there to clean lots and I really don't want to have to pay anyone.  I can clean them when I'm in town of course, which is fairly frequently, but certainly not a daily event.  The fee, if assessed, could be given as money off to the next guests showing up and they could clean the lot up if they so choose or just get the money back and that's that. 

This isn't, I am finding, a huge issue with most campground owners besides pet owners not cleaning up dog dung and people throwing cigarette butts everywhere.  Many of them say for the most part, they really don't have any cleaning to do at sites except hauling out the ashes from the fire pits.  I don't assume that others do this, but I will be having a trash can at every lot.  This will facilitate most people to simply throw it away versus chucking it on the ground.

If I could get away with putting cameras on every lot, well, I could see who is cleaning up and who isn't.  Of course, I don't believe that would be very ethical or right - seems kind of creepy actually, so I won't be doing that.  In the eventual day that I can be there full time - I truly hope at some point - I can check every lot after people leave.  I may still charge a fee for not cleaning up when there is ample facilities there for guests to do it themselves.  What are they going to do, get on Google and leave a bad review about how that mean owner charged them a fee for them leaving their trash laying around?  

I may have to succumb to the idea of long term renters.  There are more parks going up in the region, I really didn't expect that. I say region, meaning they are at least 50 miles away, but that's relatively close when you're talking about trying to get the travelers to stop at your place for the night. 

What is so great about your place that's better than the others?  That's the question campground owners who have been in the business for years ask me and others attempting to get started in it.  You need something to appeal to the senses and make them say, yes! That's where I want to be!  I figure my doggy park to be 75X100 in size.  Not too big but not small, either.  I figure the trees and the walking trails through the forest will be an immense pleasure for those that are nature enthusiasts.  

It's going to be hyped up greatly on the website and it's going to have aerial photos and even a video of it.  There are places around with minimalist walking trails, yes, but nothing what I am creating.  It's a small investment to get people into the campground.  

When they get to the utilities, I am going to be scrutinizing the electrician's work. Not because I know anything about stringing up lines all over the place, but that's exactly the point.  I can see how they do it and then run a line clear to the back of the property and have electricity back there for more "modern" camping. This would give tent campers the option to run an AC unit in their tent.  I have done that in the past when I'm going to a place where I know it's going to be ridiculously hot.  Hopefully the well back there is still good and I can run water line from that and then....I dunno about waste.  I think to begin with, simply rent some outhouses.  

Or probably just one to start with and see what kind of interest I get. This will be heavily advertised to locals who want to go camping but don't want to drive a hundred plus miles to do so.  In fact, locals will get a discount and they can spread the word.  

A swimming pool is simply going to have to wait, much as I don't want to. I mean, I could throw up an above ground pool with a deck, but that might look gaudy and probably offer risk that insurance companies might not be interested in taking.  The sticking point is that none of the other parks in my immediate area have a swimming pool. Most of the parks are just long termers with junky RVs and extremely messy outdoor living areas, a thing I will not tolerate.  Keep it clean and keep it tidy or get out.  I am going to start working on rules, perhaps today.  

In fact, I was looking at one of the "better" RV parks here a few days ago via satellite and was surprised at how small it is and how crammed in the spaces are together.  Old school "technology", yes, but you'd think they'd upgrade it.  People want those pull-through sites and will pay more for the privilege.  I have 7 of them.   

Wifi is also on the list, something I keep spacing out to at least call them and find out how long it will take to get on their list to come out and wire everything up.  It might be a good wait, I dunno.  Having them run a line to a telephone pole would be the thing I'd think will put it on a longer waiting list.  I won't know until I call and am making that a priority this coming week.  If it's months out, I will go ahead and order it.  

Oh, and those electric sites in the rear? Just 20 amp outlets. Nothing too fancy.  Tent camping is usually not about luxuries and more about enjoying nature.  But, when it's 90 plus degrees outside, I do need think about finding a way to make that a bit more appealing.  I'd also like to get those armadillos out of there.  I didn't know until last week that Armadillos are carriers of leprosy.  I don't necessarily want to kill them, I just want them off the property, thanks and goodbye.  

Never did hear back from the shop with the ATV. I guess I will just wait a while, they need to fix it right this time, not just get it started and call it good.  

Yes, I think that's a great idea. Go back through various camp' rules and extract the ones I want.  I will compile a list and add my own if I don't find what I like and then eventually have it looked over by a lawyer.  Litigation is a thing and I want to minimize that possibility as much as possible.  

I am thinking it's at least several months before a park can be opened, just getting that into my head so I don't start getting frustrated and impatient with the contractor's process.  The ground should be dry by tomorrow - it's getting very hot here and there is very little chance of rain for a while to come - so I will be contacting him tomorrow and finding out what his plans are.  There are many things I can do now, such as rules, but there are many things that simply have to wait until closer to opening - well soft opening - day.  Hmm, I may not call it a soft opening if I have at least a doggy park and the walking trails up and running, with the office and a laundry set and a bathroom.  

Yup. Most park have some pretty strict rules in place.  Imagining that is to be able to get rid of people that are being more than just a general nuisance.  I like it.  It gives me an out - if you are going to misbehave here, you can leave and you can leave immediately.  

Well, that's what I'll be doing for the next several hours, I think, just pulling up park rules of various places small and large and picking and choosing what I want to incorporate into mine. 

Happy Sunday.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...