Thursday, November 11, 2021

 I knew nothing about refinance cash out until today.  I only knew about HELOCs.  A Helco is a second mortgage, a cashout is refinancing the house plus getting whatever they will give you for the value of your home beyond what you owe on it.  It's basically starting from the beginning on paying for your house.  


In the automatic and forgot my keyboard. Just a quick statement. Facebook suspended my account again. For 30 days. They didn’t have the alleged offending statement available so I had no clue what they were even referring to. 

Fast forward several hours. Facebook didn’t even give an option to have it reviewed,  but they ended up reviewing it anyway. They then said that my comment did not violate Facebook standards so the comment was put back up. 

What comment? Where? So they took the suspension off of that but then decided to suspend me for 30 days for “offenses” going back a full year that I have already been suspended for. 

Yes, you read that correctly. They are suspending my account twice for offenses I have already been banned for!


I am beginning to despise Facebook. 

No long entry tonight, don’t have my keyboard and don’t feel like writing anything out on iPhone keypad. But, my new site is up. It’s just a single page. Says coming soon! And the name of my park. 

This guy is an expert at what he does and his prices are quite reasonable. It will take a few months for my park name to actually come up in any searches without having to dig for it. So it’s good to get it going now. 

I’m going to take some pics of areas of the property that will make it look very nice. Just tree pics. I’ll send him a few dozen different pics and see if he likes any of it. 

Well enough. I’ve got a deep chest cold thanks to the 4 year old. Won’t come down on him too hard but he wouldn’t stop coughing everywhere and not covering his mouth. Not feeling too great and just got into Brownsville. Just gonna go to sleep and hopefully get some good rest. 


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...