Tuesday, April 11, 2023

 What a not so great night to not have a good sleep. 

I was awake half the night and then finally fell asleep around 6 am.  Now it's just too late to have Taylor pick me up at the collision center. I'll have to take it over there later and find my own way home. I've got to get over to the park and collect money and get some stuff out of the vehicle that I will need for the shed in the next coming weeks.  

Taylor got up earlier than she had to to take me over to the collision center. I was just going to put it off and get my stuff done, but since there was a ride available?  I went over to the park, looked at the new trailers - I was going to get payments - and then left and met her at the repair facility.

It was better than drive myself there and then either walk or try to figure out a ride home.  

And, this morning, one of the long term had left.  There were 4 people living in that one trailer and they were slobs. Beer bottle caps, cigarette buttes and small pieces of trash laying around on the ground.  I had asked them the last time I received payment to pick all of that stuff up and keep it clean.  

Mixed feelings. I'm happy they are gone because of their slobbish natures, I'm not happy that I have yet another lot to fill.  Well, I was going to be up to 13 lots filled come Friday, now it's 12. I'm glad I didn't turn anyone away in the last rounds of people wanting to move in. I was really just holding back - I just had this feeling I need to fill up 13 lots because eventually, someone is going to leave. If not the guy that already told me he's leaving in a month, someone else. 

The nature of oil/transient workers, they apparently give you no notices and they just up and leave for the next job. That will take some getting used to.  So, after this guy arrives on Friday - which I suppose he is, we have had a lengthy conversation about Great Danes, walking trails, guns and snakes - I will still have 2 lots available.  Lol.  

It's not like the RV industry isn't transient in nature as it stands, but I'd like to get a few more truly long term people in there that actually are from this area and are going to stay in this area.  The insecurity of having people coming and going like this is a bit unnerving.  

Anyway, I spent $8.98 getting the 2 newbies in, the other guy probably found me via Google search.  I'm going to extend the ad now that I know I need yet another lot filled. At least I know where I can get some results and not pay a lot to get them.  Now, about the park...

Time to do some serious looking for rides, taxies, whatever.  Taylor will be gone literally all day today, I can't use her truck and I at the very least need to get over there and mow the grass.  

More stuff.  The people that moved in yesterday - well they had electrical issues with their trailer.  They had just picked it up at a shop and now they find out half the trailer still doesn't work for electrical outlets and AC. So, they are taking it back to whoever they were dealing with.  Personally, I wouldn't take it back to a place that doesn't even check their work to make sure everything works.  

So, who knows if/when they're coming back.  Just keep running an ad now.  Back down to 11 spots filled.  This stuff is a bit surreal how it works.  Just hope the ads will get a couple more people in there fairly soon.  These people that left without notice last night had their rent due tomorrow.  Not really helpful, lol.  

Well, I'm stuck at home and time to get busy with finances/bookkeeping.  

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...