Monday, September 19, 2022

 Days getting longer.  

Bought the pipe for drainage today after telling the contractor I would just do that stuff myself.  He didn't mind and usually just says well, if you want to use someone else (even tho I am not saying anything like that or even hinting at it) I have no problem with it.  

I called the local rental place, yes we have the track hoe, X amount of dollars per day, etc etc etc. Great, I need it tomorrow morning if it's available. Well, sir, it is broke down.  We need to fix it first.

Couldn't he have just said that to start with instead of going through this entire conversation and wasting my time?  

The pipe, of course, was ridiculously expensive. Not near as much as every other place I got quotes from, but still quite high.  

I'm waiting on gravel install until the power is put in and turned on.  Actually, I don't even think I'll have the power "turned on" - meaning getting an account in my name and putting whatever deposit money they want up front - until it's just about time to turn the park on.  

I was working on hanging vines on the trails today.  They are ridiculous and they are very long. Some of them stretch upwards 40-50 feet up into trees.  Most of them are dead and rotting. Usually, you pull on them and they start pulling free from the trees they are entangled with. There is so much work that needs to be done on those trails - just clearing all the felled trees the grinder dude brought down but didn't grind up. 

They aren't ON the trails, but there is a large amount of that debris on the sides.  I started cutting some of that up as well.  I was thinking I could just cut it up and put it in place for people wanting to have fires.  I might do that but I don't know how long until the park actually opens and that stuff may start rotting on me.  

I could spend months back there.  I don't have months right now, the RV park takes precedence, I was mostly just working on these vines that hit you in the face when riding the ATV back there.  The pipe - that was of the "take-precedence" value and so, it's laid out on the lots.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do about a track hoe now that I know they don't have one available.  Not real interested in leaving expensive pipe sitting out there for unknown amount of time.  

I'll make phone calls tomorrow in neighboring towns, see what they have and how much.  

Definitely considering having 1 glamping site put in. It's $7,500 to buy the stuff and have them set it up.  At $60 or more per night, even only 10 nights per month would have me close to paying off the expense in 1 year's time.  The thing would have to have heating for winter and cooling for summer tho.  That would be "extra" expense, they aren't supplying that in that deal.  I'm going at $60 because that was the lowest nightly rate they said existed anywhere, the highest going into $300 range.  

Pretty sure no one around here is going to pay $300 to go glamping, but, there is money around here.  It appears from research that outhouses are actually allowed here, not the greatest solution but I don't have any desire to try and run sewer clear to a potential glamping site.  There is a perfect area in the back where I could put one.  Not far from the front and running an electrical line underground via a trenching machine would be easy.  

The problem? Going over the natural gas line.  I'd have to find out how deep they have it, tho it would realistically have to be at least 4 feet depth. An electrical line could be run a foot deep with no problems. Or, I guess I could do a makeshift telephone pole thing and run it over the top of the line.  

I just think it would be a far nicer setup to have glamping in the piney area with the natural grass.  Much better views and away from RV's.  These are different mindsets.  Eventually somewhere down the line and the Lord willing, there will be a glamping venue and at least 1 tiny house.  Or, a community of tiny houses with people actually living there.  Rentals, of course.   

Anyway, that's all.  Just waiting on power and still need to get into an accountant.  And figure out power for the shed.  And other things, lol. Lots of other things....


 I went to the local competitor for rock - I didn't know there was one here, it didn't show up in any Google searches.  His prices were considerably better, but after the fact?  By the time I have them deliver it, rent a dozer and spread it, I might as well pay the contractor to do it for me. It's simply amazing how much the price of gravel is around here. Maybe everywhere?

This guy has it brought in on rail cars, versus the other company has to truck it here from quite a distance away.  I only found this guy because the driver for the first company said "I should shop around".  I replied there isn't anywhere nearby to shop around with and once you get too far out, even if you find cheaper gravel price, it will be erased by higher shipping fees.  That's when he told me about this dude in town. 

I caught the guy coming out of his office.  He said he normally isn't there on Saturdays and was only there because of a railroad mix up and he had 7 trucks waiting at the rails to be loaded.  Long story short, this is the dad of the man that owns the other company, he gave it to his son who has run it to the ground, according to dad. So, dad said the heck with it and started a new gravel business lol. Anyway, the cost is better but it's still so high!  I have no choice. Finish the park or let all that money sit and rot.  

I've said it several times before, I'll say it again: the costs of this park just getting the basic operation going are so high, I dunno if I would have even done this if I had known the costs after inflation started hitting everything.  The real bummer for me is that if it hadn't taken so long to get the property, I could have bought all of this stuff before inflation hit.  I'm neck deep into this, I have no choice but to pay the price for the gravel and pray to the Living God that He pours out His blessing upon the operation and causes it to prosper.  

Well, anyway, I need to get the quote on the drainage pipe install and get the rest of this going.  Even after all of this money I have acquired, I still may have to take out another loan!  Gag.  

Why does it seem like it's been months since I lost my job? Yet, it's only been a month.  

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...