Thursday, July 20, 2023

 I'm getting complaints that the internet isn't working at the park.  It doesn't line up with the fact that I can hook up to my cameras through the internet and it works fine.  That's the one in the shed, the other one I have had 2 complaints it isn't working. I can't hook to the from anywhere but there. I will be going over today and calling T Mobile and see if their support can figure out what's wrong, the signal is definitely good and it's been working all of this time....


Went over there and checked both units. Both have good signal and both are working.  I spent an hour and a half on the phone with Verizon to see if per chance they might have come up with an unlimited data plan.  Now, they're telling me I can't get service at either location, lmao. 

I have a standing order opened with Starlink. That's where you paid their $99 deposit and you get in line. Their site says that for my area that they are "targeting your area this year" but no time frame. I don't have over 7 grand to run lines for the cable internet and there is nothing else available besides Hughes - which have consistently bad reviews on the service. 

There is nothing else available that I can afford and now shrugging shoulders. T Mobile Gateway works every time I try to look through the cameras.  No WiFi, no camera.  It words most of the time, I can't do anything else right now, they'll have to live with it, get their own provider or find another place to live.  It his highly reported in the RV park industry that many park have poor WiFi - this coming from RV'ers - and that if you want reliable service, you need to get your own.  Starlink has special RV internet, it costs a small fortune but if you really must have internet, that is what I would do. 

It's not ideal by any stretch of the imagination but what else am I to do? It's sort of like the grass, I have to wait until I can do something different.  

Right now, I'm drenched in sweat.  I mowed the large area across from the shed and also behind and beside the shed.  Weeds are ugly. Cut weeds are a lot less ugly.  But it doesn't take long to start sweating profusely in this heat. \

Came home to change and get lunch.  No eating out for a while now.  Eating at a roast and I can eat off of it for days. Buy a whole chicken and the same result.  A bag of lunchmeat is around $10 and provide probably 5 or 6 sandwiches worth. You can barely get a meal for $10 anywhere.  I take that back, Applebee's has a lunch menu and there are $9.99 options on there.  Fast food maybe.

In other words, eat at home.  

I'm resolved to wait until after the next rain to till the rest of the ground and I'm resolved that internet will probably stay the same as it currently is for some time to come.  

Anything else? Of course, there is always something. I bought the parts yesterday to try and fix the water line on the RV, have yet to tackle that problem.  

It is also wonderful to see overnighters coming in.  I don't count on that income at all. It's whatever I have coming in at the moment from whoever is there that is the only thing I can realistically count.  But, I had a 9 day stay and now I have a 7 day stay coming in.  This is real money and helps pay the bills. And this dude is coming in tonight, or so he said. He's made enough calls, I can at least hope that he's actually showing up.  It's at the first month discounted rate - that money is better than no money.  Plus it's a small trailer so it won't use as much electricity.  

Finally cooled off, go to the park and see if I can find everything to put the water line back together. Everything being that near $80 tool you have to have an the clamps.  I have everything else ready to go. 

 Completely forgot about the doggies outside, they are baking hot. Addler is laying in his bed panting heavily.  Well, it's the worst of the heat and so, they are now inside.  Try not to forget again.  He'll cool off quickly in my room, it's nicely chilled in here.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...