Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Thursday - early

It's days like this when I wish I wasn't working.  I woke up a couple times last night but it was short lived and I was out of it otherwise all night long.  I had the feeling that I could have slept at least a couple of more hours and I would have happily tried.  This never happens on days off.  

I made it 27 minutes yesterday, I was going to keep going but my legs were on fire. I'm referring to brisk walking and just keeping up a fast pace to where I'm breathing heavily.  It's a good walk, but I can only go so long before the legs just say no more, thank you, you need to quit and I do, indeed quit.

I'm still waiting on the motor to show up to fix the dryer and I'm still waiting on the contractor to come up with a quote.  I figure that might take a while, so I'm not going to get too amped up about that yet.  I kind of think once I get that paperwork in to the SBA helper, the requests are going to start pouring in for even more paperwork to be filled out and a lot of information. I may be spending most of my free time trying to come up with all of that info.

Tbe 3rd T Mobile Gateway device showed up a few days ago, I finally got a chance to set it up yesterday.  It's not plug and play. You have to download their app to set it up.  For some reason, I only have 2 bars of service showing on the thing, the last - 3 - have all showed 3 bars.  I got it set up and it is working. the plant in Gurdon...

I show up at the scale, get my paperwork and then the dude says, you're going to have wait time.  It was obvious what he meant and sure enough, when I got over to the delivery shack, there he was again.  Sitting there unloading hours before his offload time and during mine.  I'm not going to say I let it slide this time, I parked the truck, walked over there and asked him curtly: What are you doing here?  Excuse me? Why are you here right now?  It turned into an argument this time and his calloused, selfish statements about his right to show up before I should be showing up got me riled up.  

He said "what law is there saying that I can't be here right now?". Then he looked at his watch, "it's before 10:00 am so I can be here". I decided before this devolved into something much worse to walk away from him, letting him know that I was going to be contacting Mitch.  He said it doesn't matter, go ahead and call Mitch. I texted him and a few hours later I got a call back. He dealt with it and that driver got his @$$ handed to him. I'm not making friends at work beyond the driver trainer.  We talk in text all the time, the rest of these people? Well, the head mechanic is pretty cool I've spent hours talking with him.  But it's like this company draws the people with the worst attitudes.  I suppose being stuck in junk equipment all the time might add to it but it certainly wouldn't be the root cause of it.

I have no idea, but if this dude shows up again trying to butt in line, there is going to be a serious problem now that management has allegedly dealt with him.  I'm not going to just sit there and continue to take it.  Oh, and this dude yesterday? I said what if I just start doing the same thing to you?  He laughed, I get up really early, you can try... well obviously not early enough to be out of my way.  However, the manager has a much different take. They don't want us there before our load times, certainly not 5 hours before it.  The loading plant is our customer and they want us there around the correct time for some sort of statistical purposes.  

Anyway, the kids are swarming around me and so, it's time to get offa here.  My goal today is get the trucking stuff done early if possible, get back to the property, do the 30 minute walk and then get on the tractor for a couple of hours.  I want to work on the front and get as much cleared out as possible.  Just before the kid takes it away again...sporadic I guess at best. 


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...