3 more days of Facebook jail.
If they do it again, I'm going to download all of my photos and delete my account. Or deactivate it, one or the other but I don't care that much about Facebook anymore. Once I stopped engaging in political debate groups, I realized how much time I was wasting with it.
Facebook is operated by far leftist extremists, in my opinion. I like being able to connect with friends - I don't like supporting a platform that engages in raw censorship of political opinion they don't like. It's their platform, but I am reverting my mindset back to the days before facebook.
I didn't cross the Facebook bridge until well after my friends, family and associates did. And even then, I didn't seen the value of it until I started seeing people I haven't talked to in years popping up. Then it got fun. But now? My calling a person, putting up a post in an RV park TIPS group, who posted a post about how shitty Americans are - he is Canadian - and going off on the US - an arrogant, French Canadian was referred to as hate speech.
Whatever. I don't regret saying it and it is definitely not "hate speech". Facebook has become too big for it's britches. It wouldn't bother me if they suspended my account indefinitely, tho if they did that I would delete it. I only want my years worth of photos off of it. There's some memories on there that I can't duplicate elsewhere. Other than that, Facebook can piss off. These people running these social media platforms have more power than any politician.
People are too dumb to research issues on their own. Facebook is clearly in the progressive lane of thought. And they have a huge amount of influence.
Anyways, a rather large agenda tomorrow. After getting this trip from hell over with, I have a bit of running around to do tomorrow. That will hopefully include a trip to shooting range where I can get a mount and scope and some ammo for the newly-purchased AR15 and hopefully go to my hunting property and shoot off some rounds at a target that I already have in mind that is well out of the way of anyone in particular, that property is well enough away from any houses that I don't have to worry about it.
I've found many more houses tonight on the tax sale list, amazing. I mean, they not only show on the tax assessment statement, they are showing on satellite as well. I will do my due diligence to look at every one of them in my price range. I mean, it's not impossible that the people showing up to previous auctions get discouraged and don't show up.
Even then, most of them don't bid on anything.
One of the 1 acre properties is now canceled off the list. It's possible that too many of them will pay off unpaid taxes and make it a waste of time going. We'll see. I don't mind that people pay them up and keep their property tho, I am not a proponent of property taxes. At all.
It's amazing how you can pay off a property, come on hard times and then the government comes and takes it away from you. How we as citizens tolerate this nonsense, I have no idea. Taxes for schools can be generated from a myriad of other sources. An initial property tax - when you buy it - I can deal with that. Paying a sales tax on a piece of land you own, every year, forever, is outrageous. What other things do you pay taxes on after you buy it?
Whatever the case, time for bed.