Monday, April 3, 2023

 Well, it's been a bad day. Should have just stayed home as my instincts told me to do this morning.  I'm going to bypass a lot of stuff and just go straight to the heart of the matter: I had an accident and I was at fault.  I haven't had an at fault accident in so long, I don't even remember what the last time was, at least 15 years? Longer?

And it was a stupid mistake rookie drivers make.  I was behind a pickup truck in a turning lane.  He was stopped looking for traffic and I stopped as well.  There was nothing coming so I assumed (that was my mistake) that he was moving.  Nope.  He had stopped again for unknown reasons, there was nothing there, it was a yield turning lane.  I hit the gas and saw him stopped too late. I slammed on the brakes and almost avoided the collision, but I had the trailer on and it was loaded with stuff and it pushed me into his vehicle.  

My fault, absolutely.  I was ready to own up to it as well. The dude gets out of his truck, I open the window - I was prepared to admit my mistake.  He entered into road rage.  I mean, serious road rage and  sucker-punched me in my mouth.  He was cussing me out and blah blah blah, but I kept my cool. I went for my phone while he was threatening to drag me out of the vehicle and beat the s*** out of me.  I sized this guy up quickly, much smaller than me, appeared to be older than I, could have easily taken him.  But, I kept my cool.  I was trying to get the video recording turned on so I could get a video of him yelling and threatening me, but once he saw that he walked away. 

I got out - left my gun in the car, hoping it wouldn't come to having to defend my life, he walked back to his truck with his wife, who had also gotten out.  You got insurance?  Yes, but he just assaulted me and threatened to beat my ass afterward.  She started laughing and repeated endlessly: No he didn't! There was no sense arguing with her, she wasn't even out of the truck when it happened.   I wasn't arguing with her, not worth it, I called the police.  I told them that yes I had rear-ended a pickup but the man had assaulted me, punching me in the face.  

I went back to my vehicle and just calmly waited, this woman both lying about what happened and also trying to get her husband to cool his jets.  The police did their "interrogation" of me, but it wasn't anything bad or ridiculous, took a bunch of pictures of the outside and the inside of my mouth. 

3 police cars showed up quickly - they don't have much concern about an accident but an assault, they are going to get there quick.  I told them what had happened and then they asked me if I wanted to press charges?  If he apologizes to me, I will let it go.  If not, I'm going to move on with assault charges.  They left, came back 10 minutes later and asked me if I had spit on the man? No. Well was there an altercation at your driver's door window? Yes, I rolled the window down when he walked up. He started cussing me out and then out of the blue punched me in the mouth.  He then claimed he was going to drag me out of the car and beat the s*** out of me.  

He's claiming you spit on him. Of course he did, I thought, he had to make something up to justify his unbelievable reaction.  No, I never spit on him. I just stood my ground with my story.  There is no way this guy is going to lie about it and me just back down because he makes up a story to try to cover his @$$.  

They hauled him off to jail, him repeatedly saying I "ran into him on purpose". Like, who the heck would just rear end a vehicle on purpose and then sit there?  If I were so inclined, which I was not and never am, I would have also taken off.  Felony offense, hit and run.  Yeah, right.  It was preposterous the stories he was making up.  The dude has anger issues. I don't know why, he probably has family/marriage issues, financial issues, who knows what.  

The cops asked me several times about pressing charges, but after I saw him punching his fist into his hand after the cops left him and they weren't paying attention?  Yeah, I'm pressing charges.  I had originally stated that if he apologizes, I will let it go.  Obviously that was a non-happening event and he went to jail. They put him in cuffs and that was that.  

I took the trailer to the property, unloaded the drywall and door - it's going to rain tomorrow and I don't need that stuff sitting outside - went home and here I am. Yes, I filed a claim, I still have full coverage insurance and they are going to fix it, it's already been confirmed for a local auto-body shop that has an excellent reputation.  

I don't really feel like typing, it really got to me this man punching me for no reason - accidents happen, if someone rear ended me, which has happened, I don't get out in rage.  I just ask them for their insurance and anymore, you have to call the police. People will lie about what happened and try to get out of responsibility. The worst part? This policy has a deductible, of course, not that bad at $500 but it does not have rental car coverage. I didn't know they hadn't included that, gag.  You know it's weeks in an auto body shop and I can't go without a vehicle for that long. 

Oh well. 

 Probably would have been a good night's sleep ... if the tv hadn't turned itself on in the middle of the night.  That just freaked me right out and I was wide awake.  The remote didn't have anything on it, there was no rhyme or reason why it did that.  

So, I'm lagging this morning.  Not saying I won't get anything done, I'm just not feeling it right now.  I will have to go to the property, get the trailer, go to Lowe's buy all of that stuff, haul it back, get anything that rain can damage inside the shed and then I can start working on it.  


The door. They are standard 80 inches tall, I am finding out.  That is going to blow my intended framing structure out of the water.  I am totally clueless atm and will have to go into the shed, measure up 80 inches plus the frame and see what I've got for height.  And then stand there gawking at it for a while to try and figure out how to frame the damn thing in there.  I'm starting with the door, everything will be framed around it cause honey, I have no idea what I'm doing and even watching videos, this sucker right here? Is way different than anything I've been seeing.

It's a shed and it's got a v-shaped roof and the framing is going to have to go up into the v now, I am guessing.  It can't be that hard, right? LMAO.  I dunno.  Get out my tape measure and figure it out.  I may have to just frame the thing all the way up to the ceiling, which was not my original plan.  Should have known that something would throw in a monkey wrench into my plans.  It also dawned on me that I have no idea whether these people installed a p trap underneath the shower stall.  They say they have been doing this for years so I never gave it a second thought.

Well, last night I was giving it all second thoughts.  You must have a p trap on anything drain related unless it's a toilet that has a built in p trap.  

Anyway, some pro could walk in there, look at what I've got and say, yes, well this is how I will have to frame it in there ...and go on with explanations of how it works.  I will go in there this morning, try to stay optimistic and just have to figure it out.  I suspect I will have to run a beam horizontally along both sides of the shed where I want the crossovers to connect.  There isn't much room where the rafters connect to the wall studs, it's just a tin shed and tho it mimics a house setup, it's much smaller in scale and not much room where the rafter meets the stud. 

Oh well. I'll figure it out - eventually. I don't have the funds to be spending on having someone come and do it.  They are all very high priced to do even small jobs and that's just out of the question right now - and yes, it needs to be done now.  I can't wait until I go get a job and start pulling paychecks.  In fact, this shed needs to be fully operational before I even think about going back to trucking.  That and the Hipcamp setup - which isn't that much more.  The trenches are 85% dug, the rest will have to be by hand - or I suppose I could rent that trencher. It's not too bad in pricing and much cheaper than a track hoe.  It's still probably 40 feet of trench I need dug out. 

Find a laborer to do it! Right? Good luck with that!  People balk at manual labor nowadays, they don't want to do anything but they sure want that pay!  I'm done with trying to get people to help me work on the thing for pay, it just isn't a happening event. And if you contact a handyman?  They will likely be doing work on the side but they will still try to charge you the same rates as a general contractor.  It's just the area I live in, it's no like in a big city where there are so many options you can find.

You play their game they way they want to play it - or you shrug them off and do it yourself. I can't even imagine how much everything I've done so far would have cost to pay a contractor to do it for me.  For the shed? 15 grand? More? Not less, rest assured.  They now only get you for labor, use of machinery and all that entails, they rape you on the prices of the parts they use.  I don't mean they get you a little bit, I mean they reeeeeaaaaam you for parts.  I know these people are in it to make money, but there is a point where greed sets in.  I think greed has settled into the American culture now, especially since Covid. It's give me give me give me spoken like a 3 year old but give back?  I ain't giving back nothing, you can go stick it! 

This whole project from the beginning when I was looking to get the land cleared has been rather - not sure the correct word here. Deflating? Saddening?  Unbelievable? It's the idea that people want so much for so little in return. I didn't grow up this way and I am dumbfounded when confronted with this attitude.  Even with rent pricing.  One dude thought my rates were outrageous.  It was $400 per month including all utilities and free wifi. I didn't bother to ask him what he thought was a good price, I didn't want to hear about it.  Take yourself to a trailer trash park and that's what you will get for what you want to pay, thanks and have a great day.  

Just time to take a deep breath and face the day and this week. It poured rain yesterday. I mean, our front and back yard were covered in moving water. If we weren't on a hill it would have flooded.  It was an intense rain with lots of thunder and dogs going berserk. Well, Addler doesn't actually panic, he just gets  bit uneasy. But that other dog here? lol.  And it's supposed to rain again tomorrow.

Well, nothing will get done me sitting here drinking coffee. No regrets, tho, I have to have at least one cup before I do anything. It's just the way it is......

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...