Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 I have come to the conclusion that if this property deal falls through, I'm not going to be looking for any more properties. I just can't put myself through all of this again.  And I have also concluded if it doesn't happen this week, I'm either pulling out of this deal altogether or they are getting an ultimatum.  The property was up for sale on the listings for quite a while, it's not like anyone was clamoring to buy it.  I've made up my mind that I'm done with this for now, the amount of energy directed towards just getting property has taken it out of me and I can't do this anymore, at least for now.

Instead, I will wait for the December tax lien sale and see if I can get a decent sized parcel of land out and out for cash. Yes, it means waiting 6 months after that and then going through the title process to see if I can actually get the land cleared, but at least that is a much easier thing to deal with.  You just go look at the land, see if it's suitable, mark it on the sheet as a property you want to buy, show up at the auction and hope the rich people skip that particular auction.  

Actually there should be an auction next month, now that I think about it.  It isn't showing up in the listing on the lawyer's page yet, but they don't normally list it until it's like a week and a half before the auction takes place. Doesn't leave much time to research anything, I dunno why they don't list it sooner like the rest of the counties do.  I take that back, it's the 24th already, maybe I have my months mixed up. I just know they have an end of year sale at the beginning of December.  

It's Tuesday.  In my mind, they have 3 more days plus today to get this thing done and over with.  If not, I'm assuming the seller isn't serious about selling and I want all of my money back, even the option money.  Why would this person or these people go to all of this trouble to sell a property - including paying $1,800 for a survey - and then not sell it? Perplexing to say the least. Frustrating as well.  

I had to go back through my journal, this property "deal" has been going on since the middle of June. It is now August 24th. So over 60 days has passed since I started with this property and all of these people involved with this.  My realtor and their realtor aren't going to be happy campers if this thing falls through - but I am giving her a concession by giving her far more allotment for the small property I am selling than her percentage would normally give her. She's been through a lot, not just with this property but with me going and looking at all kinds of properties in general.  I'm not going to tell her of my intentions today, but if we get through tomorrow and hit mid afternoon and nothing has happened, I'm going to let her know I"m done with this. They either get this thing done or I'm out.  

Enough of that. The mental energy I have devoted to this thing is too much and I need to clear my head of it for a while.  I have today off. Didn't ask for it but I've been running pretty good lately so I don't mind. I had Saturday off as well, but that was supposed to be a 2 day run, I just got it done in one day. That's the way they look at it, it's a 2 day run and they won't give you one for the next day after the 1st day unless they are desperate and need a driver to haul something somewhere.  

I have no idea what's going on with the sick kid.  He had a slight temp yesterday and the school demanded he be taken home.  I haven't seen Taylor so I dunno if he's home or gone, or if he has covid or nothing, perhaps just a quirk.  99 degree temp is not high, at all.  But, anytime anyone gets a fever nowadays the first thing everyone thinks is covid.  The new world we are living in, I have my doubts it will ever get back to pre-2019 status.  Government officials are in love with the powers they received under emergency acts and dictating to people how they should live their lives.

A news story about Pelosi and other politicians having a party somewhere in California - all of them without masks on and not social distancing while at the same time her telling us that if you don't wear a mask, you aren't a man - is indicative of the elite class ruling the peasants.  I can only say I'm glad I'm in Texas and Governor Abbott has grown a set and is taking a stand against the Federal government.  The power is supposed to lie with the states, not the Feds. Anyone that has read the constitution should know this.  Apparently half the country or even more is quite fine with these dictatorships springing up all over the place, starting in Washington.  


The boy is sick. Throwing up, can't keep food down, a bit of a temp, they are off to see the doctor.  I'm just hoping whatever he has, I don't get it as well.  I usually have about a 50-50 chance of it.  Either getting it or not.  He says his ears are hurting, but that doesn't explain the throwing up.  Flu or something I guess, maybe Covid but I don't remember reading ear aches as a symptom.  

My realtor says the other realtor has a query in about signing the form. The excuse was given that the person lives in Maine (I said Atlanta in another post, but it turns out the parents lived in Atlanta).  Fedex can have that paper up there in 24 hours and back 24 hours after the signing.  We're 5 days into this now.  

Well I got a little boost in my view of this whole situation.  I am subscribed to an RV Park owner's group, they write stories on the various aspects of owning an RV park. This one was all about why should you own one? And goes into the various pros of having one, there are very few cons to it. Even the part about "very few RV park owners manage the park themselves", meaning you can still work your career while your park is hopefully taking off and growing a customer base.  That was my plan, to initially have someone else running it while I continue working - just in case monthly revenues aren't quite what they need to be to be able to go full time into it and quit trucking altogether. 

It was a good read. Another story they put up recently was the subject of trees.  Most people like shade and the appeal of trees .  I'm on the right track, I think, I just can't get the land to start this challenge and opportunity out with.  I guess I'll go through all of the properties for sale again, perhaps there's something in there I missed or there is something I looked at once and perhaps a second look would give me fresh perspective.  


And finally some good news.  It's still Tuesday, lol, I just get distracted by things going on here - sick kid wanting to play his game on my phone, a pond plant I had completely forgotten about and still not replanted into the pond, making wings for lunch, going to the store for dinner stuff, getting text about tomorrow's work - etc.  

Anyway, there was much more to what this seller had to do beyond what I knew. I figured as much but still, this situation is starting to wear thin on me.  She had to have it notarized and file it with the county.  AND, it was lost in the mail, apparently.  I have no clue, I just know that the paperwork is being sent to the realtor to send to the title company.  That really should be able to happen today, since they are sending it electronically.  I have until Friday to get this done before the lender has to redo my credit - again. Happen today meaning the title company should receive it and let's get this thing done  - well not tomorrow, I have a run and I'm not turning it down. It's just an Oklahoma run, I can do this on Thursday and still beat the Friday deadline.  

So, the realtor just texted fingers crossed.  I don't think I want to rely on luck, that isn't working out too well. I'll just have to trust in the Lord. Sometimes that's really easier said than done, but it also provides a growing opportunity in trust and faith issues.  What this texting with the realtor just now did for me is renew my hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel and it's really close.  Like, you are almoooooost there, just hold on a little longer!  

Okay, this can't happen tomorrow, I have a run to Oklahoma tomorrow and I am not turning it away, not with everything that has already happened with this deal.  Hopefully tomorrow they can say, yes! We can do this on Thursday!  I have a 16 hour exception available, I will drive half the night if I have to to get back so I can be at a potential closing on Thursday.  I truly expect to hear back either today or tomorrow that closing is now a thing, let's get it done immediately.  

If this thing goes through, I'm going to have a nice, stiff drink. Of ice water lmao, I have beers here and there but we aren't drinking anything for 3 months.  And I will probably extend that to the rest of my life. Maybe on special occasions have a few beers but other than that? I'd rather focus on my relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Eternity is more important than a few pleasures here and there.  Part of this thing I want to do with an RV park is give a portion of the proceeds to mission/outreach work.  I don't think I'm currently connected with any real missionaries but that can be easily fixed.  Or even orchestrate food outreaches coupled with the preaching of the Gospel in foreign lands.  

What about America?  I don't feel the calling for here. I am more interested in areas where there is abstract poverty in large regions with people living in wanton hunger and not being able to feed themselves.  This is part of the instructions Christ gave to us - to feed the hungry.  I have been kind of lapse on that besides helping out here at the house.  It's mostly that I'm on the road all the time and I just can't stand it anymore.  I really despise driving trucks and it takes a lot of distractions to keep my mind off of it while I'm driving.  

Anywhere, here's to hoping the outcome of this particular property deal is going to take a turn for the bright side of thigns, the glass half full, we are almost at the closing date, see you on the other side type of thing! 

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...