Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 Tuesday - late afternoon

So I think I have this workamper straightened out.  I don't need him if he can do the work I have for him to do.  Do not mow around any vehicles. I don't care if it's only half mowed yard.  Just stay away from vehicles.  I repeated that 5 times and then asked him if he understood.  I don't want to treat him like he's a dolt, but please.  He actually did install the new parts for the riding mower today, another plus.  I need to put the deck back under the thing but at least the work is done. I removed the deck, he doesn't know how to put it back in and I don't really want him to do that anyway.  

He's been mowing everything I was mowing with the riding mower by hand.  So, it has all looked nice regardless, but maybe I can get more done out of him with the riding mower.  Maybe not, we'll see.  

The loading took much longer today than it needed to. The other driver was just backing into the hole when I pulled in there. Yes, he showed up on time, they admitted they hung him up.  It's another one of those ridiculous "we're preloading a trailer first" and it's in that spot that partially blocks us from getting in. We can still get in if the driver is good at backing, but it doesn't matter, there is only one loader that will do that.  So I waited for him to load and thankfully, the good loader dude showed up and got mine loaded quickly.  It's still almost 4:30 pm.

Tomorrow is more of the same, but we unload ourselves. The other driver was complaining that it took him 2 hours to offload.  I said yes, some of the product lately has been super cold and it always takes longer to offload.  The product thickens and it comes out of there slower. It's summer, it's hot, I understand why they are chilling it that cool, but we end up paying for it in terms of time.

I think I'll show up in Gurdon around 11:30 am tomorrow and hope the other driver is either done or getting close. I mean, it is what it is, if I have to wait I have to wait.  

I'm still planning on seeing my mom, btw, she's still up in the mountains. I'm assuming she'll stay up there as long as my oldest brother will stay up there. He loves it up there in his cabin, they planned this so I dunno when she's coming back. Probably not a minute sooner than she has to come back, I can say that.  I dunno how that's going to work out what with going to Galveston beach, but we're only staying there a couple of days.  Leave Saturday, come back Sunday. I'm taking the Monday off as well.  I find that vacations are usually energy intensive and by the time you are done, you are more worn out than if you had gone to work.  

I dunno about anything else.  I'm going to try to get the workamper to start clearing out the back land.  He doesn't have to do it overnight and he did offer to start working on it once the riding mower is finished.  I wouldn't mind renting a bobcat from somewhere and spending a day plowing sweetgum trees under and trying to clean it up. My problem is I don't typically get weekdays off.  Last week was a plus because the load was cancelled and I did, indeed, take advantage of it.  I'd like to get that all cleared out again and keep it cleared out until I can get things rolling.  I kind of have to decide whether I want to try to put some tiny houses back there because they need 100 amp service.  RV's only use 30 or 50 amp service and set up accordingly. 

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...