Saturday, November 10, 2012

I figured to get off work early yesterday, I figured wrong.  I was on the clock until 4:00 pm, 2 more hours of OT, a total of almost 20 hours of OT for this pay period.  Which, of course, leaves things lacking and in need of attention around the house whenever work weeks drag on forever.

But, regardless, I went and saw the Denzel Washington movie Flight this morning.  The beginning of the movie was cool, the rest of it kinda dragged.  I hadn't been to the movie theater in at least a year, so it was cool anyway.  I wouldn't recommend going to the theaters, though, to see it if you can wait until it comes out on video.

Today's high: 64.  They are calling it unseasonably cool.  They can call it whatever they want, I am LOVING it! The windows up, birds chirping, waterfalls in ponds making their noises, lovely.....gonna get out there in a bit and do some yard work.

Tenant behind on rent.  I tend to not let it go too long, this time though I let a month pass.  He usually is very good about paying, but it's the 10th and he still owes some from last month.  I hadn't heard anything from him about the rent, sooooo, yup, left him a notice. Not at eviction notice, though, he's been here for quite a while, I figured I would give him the benefit of a doubt.  The notice was simply to pay the rent or that he was going to next receive an eviction notice.

He went to the hospital last week, he finally told me a few minutes ago, and that's why he didn't pay this week (but no story about the weeks before that).  He gave me a payment plan, as long as he sticks to it, I'm good with it.

Other than that, Caleb received a job offer on Thursday so that's why I didn't take him up to the mountains yesterday after work.  I would have done it, even if too late, just would have made for a very long day, a lot of driving and probably get much of nothing done today.  Well, anyway.  I am getting 4 days off at Thanksgiving.  That should help a little, but since we are heading down to Sierra Vista to see my dad, I guess it won't be very restful for 2 of those days.  At least it's not too far off.

Actually, I"m tired anyway.  I put in a couple of 12 hours days and a couple of 11 hour days and one 10 hour day this work week.  Just not used to grinding that many hours in one week at work.  I was at 7 hours for 3 years and now I'm doing way more than that.

I am undecided what to do with the trailer.  I had a guy who said he wanted to buy it last week, came over and looked at it and everything - and then he disappeared.  I've had it up for sale on Craigslist for quite a while now.  I would love to be able to rent it out and get some more revenue in - but it's a roll of the dice regarding whether neighbors would turn it in - at this point don't know if they would even know about it.

Other things going on, not worth going into right now.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...