Monday, October 3, 2022

 After texting the Swepco Engineer once again today, he finally responded.  As I had guessed, they have sent crews to Florida to help with repairing and reconstructing the power grid in Florida. They still have a construction crew left here, but they would have already had gotten to me if Hurricane Ian hadn't come into play.  

He said they would be here this week or next week at the latest.  

I've got to get the lets leveled, weed free and plant grass seed, rain or no rain. It'll mean spend a lot of time over there watering the lots.  Probably go buy several hoses and at least do several lots at a time versus attempting to do it with one hose and 14 lots.  So, I am going to call the dozer rental place and see if they'll rent me one.

If they won't, I'll get the mini-ex which really did a good job of clearing and leveling with just the blade it has attached to it and use that instead, but I'm going to get it done one way or the other.  Yes, I'll be planting before the rock install. I will ask the contractor to try and mitigate going into the actual lots themselves to keep the ground level and the grass from being destroyed.  

A little bit of it won't bother me, but if they were to just gut everything? Yea that wouldn't go over too well.

I need to find out Taylor's schedule and try to get a machine on a day when she isn't working and doesn't need the boys picked up from the bus stop.  But see the dozer costs only a little more than the mini-ex - tho I don't know how much they will charge for delivery and pickup. It's about 25 miles away, so I'd expect  a few hundred dollars.  It's just that a dozer will make quick work of the entire front portion of the property.  It will level the ground better than the mini-ex - tho I really have no great complaints about the mini.

Anyway, the boys are over there - the boys that have been over there - today sans the mom.  I told them what I want done, not what she wants done and they got to it.  They have raked up most of the main walking trail and it's looking very nice.  I am going to end having them out there after today, I might have them back in the future if they want to work again, but I can't afford to keep having them over.

Whatever's left I'll have to do myself.  I did get the stone pavers today and went through the pain of getting them to the bridge (it's quite the ordeal to get anything back there that needs a trailer with the 4-wheeler in the shop). I didn't do any work on steps today, once I figure out when I'm doing the dozer or mini, I can work on that and try to get that finished.  James is going to go out and measure for installing hand rails.  

I don't know what that will cost, the pavers only cost $57, enough for 15, 2-foot wide steps.  I'm not making them huge, just enough for one person at a time right now.  I want to get that stuff over with, it's really taken up quite a lot more time than I ever expected.  If I decide I want to widen them in the future, so be it. 

This is where we're at.  I need to finish up the doggy park - I am waiting until I get another machine and do a bit more leveling work there.  That's 2 days of work at most, I figure 2 days of work at most on the stairs, I already spent half a day working on them and then a day for the dozer.  

In other words, I should easily have all of that done before the power gets hooked up.  I'm going to try to coordinate with the contractor about the gravel install. I want to get this stuff done pretty soon, I need to get back to work - unfortunately. I need to take out a loan and pay all of my credit cards down to zero, get my score back up and ready for yet another loan application.  

I'm going to try, at least, to get a large loan not terribly long after I get this park up and running.  Add 30 or so more spaces and more amenities.  

Oh, I also have more trees to cut down in the rear along the driveway that was built. I hate to do it but they are in the way, I'm afraid people will run into them if/when I get the tent camping spots going.  z

There's lots to do!  I've been warned by numerous professionals to not get Quickbooks. They will fee you up the rear end and you aren't getting that much in return. I'm glad I'm in those groups,  I glean a lot of info from those people - they have parks running and many of them have been in the business for decades.  I asked what they suggest to use - but I forgot about that and need to go back and take a look and see what kinds of replies they have given.  

I don't know what this last sickness I had did to me, but I still have this funny taste in my mouth and my head doesn't always feel - right.  I've been affected by that illness since long after I "recovered" from it, but full recovery? Never really happened.  I've read that Covid can have life-long after effects.  

Whatever.  I have stuff to do, I just do it at whatever pace my body will allow for.  The boys left at noon, I am informed, I left the property earlier to get other stuff done.  I'm going to head back over and see what they finished and what's left to do.  For now, I just want the walking trails cleared and one campground cleaned up.  I don't know if campgrounds will be popular and I don't want to spend a lot of time and money on them until I find out what the demand for it is.  If they take off, I have 6 more spots that need - not too much more work really - and they can also be rented for camping.  I'm informed the going rate is $25 per night, that's what I'm going to ask.  Put in a fire pit, a picnic table and see what happens.  

Ugh. Picnic tables!  That's another $1,500 worth I need, gag.  But it's necessary, almost all RV parks provide them at every RV and camp site.  I can't skimp on the things that are vital to the appeal for people to come to my place.  The only caveat is if I get long term renters, a lot of amenities won't necessarily be needed.  A doggy park is more for overnighters.  Walking trails are for anyone, really.

The pull-through spots will be reserved for overnighters and short stays, that's what they are designed for. 

Actually, those picnic tables are probably much more expensive now.  Everything has gone through the roof in price.  A bottle of Cholula hot sauce today at Kroger's?  $7.49!  A large bottle of ranch dressing? Over $10!!! Unbelievable!  I'm almost afraid to see how much those picnic tables cost now, lol.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...