Friday, August 21, 2020

 Friday morning.

Got back up here at around noon yesterday.  They sent me nothing for today.  Could that change?  Maybe, I have no clue, but I am planning today as if I am going to be doing nothing. The other driver had a day off the other day as well.  I want to visit the infamous Church Street shops and see what that's all about.  Apparently some beautiful hiking trails near the lake.  Not really sure, won't wander off too far in case they call me in. 

The other driver only had one run yesterday, of which I met him after he was done at chili's for dinner - of which, of course, I had to make a reservation lmao.  The place wasn't particularly busy. 

I got no paycheck this week, I wasn't expecting one. They loaded up my last paycheck with all 3 Illinois runs and I knew that would have to suffice for 2 weeks.  We're at day $2,400, tomorrow will be day $2,700, we're expecting to go home, the other driver is pushing for it heavily.  Going home on Sunday or Monday will work for me. 

They aren't asking me to do anything, I really don't care that I'm getting paid to sit around be lazy. That's entirely on them. The only concern is not doing the run enough times you start to forget the procedure for offloading. So i went through that in my mind several times today to refresh my memory and I also decided to attempt to keep in memory everything I learned down in Bosrah. It really wouldn't have taken 2 weeks to learn that stuff, as this morning I went through the entire procedure in my head, only had to stop and think about it a couple of times.  the only real trouble you can get into is allowing the pressure on the plant side to too high - and it's really easy to bring the pressure back down. 

What I learned down there explained how they do ethylene at the plants I go to. None of the operators are interested in teaching anyone anything, you aren't allowed to touch their side of the plant so I guess they think it's a worthless of time to try and do so. Basically, you hook up the line from the trailer to the plant inlet, open up a valve to purge impurities out of the line, close that up and start pumping ethylene in. The operator goes and looks at the pressure once in a while and adjusts the top and bottom feed valves according ly.

There isn't much more to it than that but I never knew what the valves were doing that they were always turning until now.  

The CNG deliveries - which is what I should be doing up here - are a bit different.  Just procedure as well.  But it's much easier and I have all of that memorized. It's almost fail proof.  Actually it is failproof. Hooking into the main line can't effect anything because they don't open up their end of the valves to the plant until a whole swath of trucks are hooked up to it.  

Anyway. I could go on and on about that stuff, that would get boring.  I am watching a hurricane, or a storm that may turn into one - whichever it was, heading into the Gulf and heading straight for the coastline south of our house 250 miles north.  Whenever it hits, they are going to get flooded with rain.  Maybe some winds too and it is tornado season so that is always a concern.  

Keep me here til sunday, hit the 3 grand mark, I'm ready to go home.  

Lol, Taylor just started texting and said it's "been quiet without you" and "I won't lie. Its a bit too quiet".  

I kind of talk loud. Always have, never really think about it, just comes out that way.  Probably a childhood thing with two older brothers always getting their way and me squeaking my little voice out.  Compensated for it lol.  I dunno, it's just part of who I am and some people like it and others don't. Fortunately I don't live my life cowering in fear of what other people think about me.  


Trip to Church street done.  Replete with numerous phone calls from the other driver, texting between us and the manager, Taylor texting me and then finally, dispatch up here sending me  2 loads for tomorrow.  I've done much of nothing as far as driving - 4 trips altogether, so it's kind of my turn to spend 9 hours on the road lol.  

At least the first load is at 9am instead of 6.  I'll take that. That getting up early stuff every time was getting old.  I mean, I haven't really been doing too much lmao, so getting back at around 6 isn't going to bother me too terribly much. Whether I run again on Sunday who knows, but probably, that is allegedly - as the truth continues to unfold - the reason they brought us up here. 

Our manager told the other driver that we are likely to be staying up here until Wednesday or Thursday, well beyond anything he wanted to be doing up here and really, rather pushing it for me as well.  What I know? If Friday gets here of next week and we/I am still here? We be going home Captain Honey, cause' that's all I agreed to and I made that strikingly, glaringly, overtly clear to my manager several times over when we were discsussing this scenario.

 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...