Wednesday, August 2, 2023

 I'm just sitting here fretting, probably needlessly, but fretting never-the-less.  My dog is not here and it is making me a bit edgy.  It's a good thing the kids aren't here, I would probably get testy with them. It's summertime, it's hot outside and they get on each other's nerves which in turn gets on the adults nerves. I hope they are gone for  few more days, frankly, tho I'm pretty sure the youngest is going to start whining about going and seeing his mommy by tomorrow.

He's predictable and he is a true mama's boy. He is attached to her.  A couple of days and he'll have had enough. Especially considering they have much more limited TV options over there.  The older boy doesn't want to go out in the heat, the younger does but only for a short period of time.  I only say all of that to dream and hope that they can stay over there until at least Friday.  School starts soon and their normal school routine will crank back up, thankfully.

The wedding is a few weeks away and I need to ensure my tacos for the reception are going to be - made.  Like, have them ready for us, I will pick them up at such and such a time, thank you.  

I went back to the property and quickly realized the fitting I had bought is not what I thought it was.  It was cheap and I doubt it's worth returning it, I will list it on the local facebook groups at a reduced price and see if I can unload it.  I will simply have to dig down to the sewer line and set up a regular outlet.  I've already dug down to the sewer line anyway, but I'm about 2 feet away from where I would want to put another sewer outlet.  

It's that or drive over the Longview to that RV place and see if they have the fitting I need to install it.  The parts are about $35 for everything from Lowe's. I just didn't want to dig out that dirt in this heat, I guess I'll just do that now that my options are limited.  In actuality, that fitting I got is for a 5th wheel - the giant ones - that have 2 separate sewer lines running from them. I didn't know that and the description didn't say that.  

I have to go back to Lowe's anyway for that outdoor, weatherproof electrical box. I might just do that today so I can try, at least, to get up early in the morning, get over there and try to get most of this done. 


So I'm sitting here minding my own business and the phone rings. One of the new people. He says I have a bad 30 amp breaker. Well what's going on?  Says it keep popping. Ohhhhkkkaaaayyyy. I'm thinking, these breakers are not that old, there shouldn't be a problem with them.  I asked if he had a pigtail to run his 30 amp off of 50 amp? Yes, buy my friend a master electrician says that you shouldn't run those off of them, they can bump up electricity and fry stuff in your trailer. 

Yes, I thought, that's why just about everyone that comes in the park uses surge protectors. Big giant things that stop any fluctuations in power from doing in the trailer's electrical circuits.  He doesn't have one.  I'm going to suggest to him he get one if he's that concerned about it. Small investment to save a lot of hassle.  Anyway, he said he would use it overnight and I said let me know.

But, I decided to hop into my SUV and run over there. Removed the 30 amp breaker from the only empty lot, took it over there, asked him if he would mind me replacing it, it would only take a few minutes?  Okay. So, I take the panel off to gain access, grab the breaker and about burned my fingers.

That was the 30 amp had stopped using. So I touched the 50 amp - same thing. Uh, sir? This isn't a park power/breaker problem.  You've got something wrong in your trailer.  It's clearly drawing too many amps, heating it up and popping it off.  Thankfully they work, otherwise I'd have a burned down pedestal to contend with as well.  Touch it. He just looks at me.  You won't get electrocuted, lol, just touch the front of the breaker.  30 amp, ouch. 50 amp, double ouch. 

I put that to rest, not my problem, please have someone come take a look. We both agreed he probably has a bad ac unit drawing that much amperage.  He just so happens to have a "backup" roof ac unit that has it's own cord directly to it to plug in to the pedestal. Good thing, too, cause' it's still QUITE hot out there. I was sweating profusely just sitting there working on this stuff - the sun going down.  

Well, he asks if I'm going to be over here tomorrow?  Yes, I will be in and out. He has a little doggy that he's going to leave in there, wanted me to check on the trailer and make sure the AC is staying on. I will do that, but I told him if that backup unit runs all night long, there isn't really any reason it shouldn't work tomorrow as well.

He's lucky that thing didn't start doing that until after he got home.  Just baffles me how you can leave an animal in there without knowing if the ac is working.  They have setups where you can monitor remotely the ac and ensure it's going. Peace of mind. It would be horrible to come home and find your doggy had basically baked to death in a giant oven.  So I will definitely check it a few times to ensure that dog is good.

Next time this happens - and I'm sure it will happen again with someone - I will just go touch the breaker first. If it's burning hot, it's not the breaker. This isn't the first time someone has tried to blame the breaker for the problem and it's not.  But I am going to buy another 30 amp breaker for backup. It only took maybe 4 minutes to take it out of one pedestal and then go to install it in the other.  I switched them out anyway, but I am 100% sure it's not the breaker. They get that hot because the trailer is drawing too many amps through it.  The breaker is doing what it was designed to do: pop off when it gets too hot/too much amps going through it.  But now that he's done that to that breaker, I may end up wanting to replace it anyway.  That much heat probably damages them.  I'll have to look that up. 

The thing I worry about is this dude trying to hook it back up again.  I mean, that breaker was extremely hot.  I don't need this guy burning down my equipment.  It would trip the main circuit breaker on that side and then everyone is without power.  And then  I have to replace a pedestal, fix wiring and get it going again.  I think I'm going to contact him back and insist he not hook that thing back up.  kj

Well, I have been invited to go to Chili's, so Chili's, here we come! 

 Addler update.

They didn't call me so I called them.  I'm sure they're busy, wasn't saying there's an issue, but I need to know what is happening with the dog.  So, he's got a catheter to drain his urine and another giving him fluids.  He won't eat yet. His urine was bloody yesterday, they said it's less today.   The dog is obviously not coming home today. They didn't tell me that but they didn't have to.  He's already there, there is no sense in unhooking him to come home to do what? Die?  He's going to have to start feeling well enough to eat and drink again, IMO, before he comes back here.  And certainly, a plan to deal with this so it doesn't happen again?  

I really hope by tomorrow he is showing some serious signs of improvement.  I don't have an unlimited bank to pay for this stuff.  At the same time, it doesn't appear he's dying so if he can be fixed? I'm already well into this.

I've heard from numerous people who became enraged when they found out the first place sent Addler out without a diagnosis and just dumped it off onto somebody else....and then finding out that my vet used their x-rays to find out what was wrong with him. That's - outrageous?  I dunno. I haven't contacted them yet, it's on the list after I speak with my vet about it.  I want to find out what they would do - if anything - in such a situation and what they might suggest I do.

Meanwhile, the New Jersey people are either lying and being deceitful or they are honestly having problems. I started texting her on Facebook, but then I found her phone number and started doing real text messaging.  She claims that because they don't have an address, social security withheld their checks.  Simple, have them send it to the park as your home address.  End of story? Not at all. I want money and I want it today.  I'm at the end of the line with these people. I pushed back pretty hard.  

Well, we'll have $140 at 1:30 for sure!  Ok. I'll take that and give them however long they claim it's going to take for ss to send her check. She is definitely disabled, that is visible.  Her hands/fingers are all fused, she can't even bend her fingers.  So I know they are getting money. The question is: are they just spending it on something else or did they really not get it?  She claimed she is running around town trying to earn money.

Possible. If they are giving plasma.  She didn't say that but what else are you going to do? Stand on a street corner with a sign?  I'm not trying to throw them out on the street but this situation has to change.  

Anyway, I went over there and dug through everything. No more circuit breakers, but I did have some of the other stuff. I also had enough wire, surprisingly, to run down to the ground, bury it a few feet then bring it back up a 2X4 and install an outlet.  

So, I just realized? I forgot to get the weatherproof outlet box.  Wonderful  I am not going back up to Lowe's today, I am waiting on the Sewer y inlet to see what I will need to install it into my sewer line.  I don't think Lowe's has the fitting I need, which means I either need to order one or I'll have to drive to Longview if ordering one won't get it here in time.  That Y is allegedly arriving today, "out for delivery".  There is an RV parts store in Longview is the point. 

It's 100 degrees with a 110 heat index.  It is summer.  I hate it but then winter comes and we all complain about how cold it is, lmao.  Fall and spring around here are usually great, winter can get very cold but a lot of the winter here is fairly decent.  

I'm just drained.  Doubtful I will do much of anything else today.  

 I have no update on Addler.  He is at the animal hospital, hopefully he is recovering and doing better. They told me last night he is "doing as well as can be expected" and that they have him on both antibiotics and pain killers.  I don't even know if he's coming home today.  If they want to neuter him I would imagine he's staying another night.  Or if he's even recovering at all. I only know that they were able to drain his bladder "almost completely".  Imagine having a completely full bladder and not being able to drain it out.  It all makes sense now.

Too bad dogs can't talk and tell you what's wrong with them. 

I'm still out of it. I was so tired last night, I conked out at 9:30 and then woke up around 3:30 am.  Managed to get back to sleep but I am still so tired from the previous night and hardly getting any sleep at all.  

And I've struggled with keto the last few days.  Your mood can influence your eating habits. I haven't caved - yet - but a whole container full of chocolate fudge brownies sitting there was hard to pass by.  Or just go to DQ and get a Blizzard. Or sit down and eat a plate full of pasta and potatoes.  As I said, I haven't given into it and I'm trying not to. It takes way too long to get rid of what you gain during even a short binge, it really isn't worth it.

I have been reading about enlarged prostates in dogs and I even asked an AI chatbot to list the causes and the treatments.  It said enlarged prostate can definitely be caused by having a dog that is not neutered but there are medications that can treat it and bring the swelling down.  I don't know what the vet is doing about this or what the plan is yet.  I just know I can't afford much more of this, this is going on CareCredit as it stands and tho I had full credit available, it's just another payment that I can't afford right now.  It was take him to the vet or let him die, so I took him to the vet and financial consequences be damned.  I am still planning on going to work in September, but after this wedding vow ceremony for my friends, I am going to start dumping applications out all over the place.  I have found several, local jobs I am interested in.  

Anyway, if I don't get a call by noon from the vet, I will be calling them.  I don't even know how much they charge keeping a dog overnight plus everything else they are doing.   It is also a kennel facility, people board their dogs there for vacation, but I suspect a dog in the hospital area being kept overnight is going to cost more than the regular charges. Amazingly, they haven't even asked about payment yet. Most times, the vet asks right up front how you are going to be paying for this. I guess my history there?  

I'm trying to decide whether to go to the property and bake my @$$ off in this heat or just wait until something is decided on Addler.  The best thing I can think of is to go and get the stuff I need to hook up the 20 amp outlet.  But I need to go to the property first and see what I already have on hand. Pretty sure I have a 20 amp breaker, I know I don't have any wire left but I need to measure how much wire I need. Also need to check that I have enough 1 inch pipe to make the spigot and I also need an adapter for the sewer. I have the 2 -inlet thing coming, should be here today, but I need an adapter to screw it into.  

It's not as bad as it sounds. It will cost some money, yes, but the only real expense is the wire and since it's only for 20amp, I think 12-2 wire will work. Maybe 10-2 to ensure it can handle the load.  20 amps is all I have for regular outlet on the pedestals, so I don't really need to go any higher than that.  

I've got 4 days to get this done including today, I'm not worried about it.  I'm kind of a mess right now.  Everytime I go to the bathroom, I expect to see Addler laying on his bed and, of course, he's not there.  Then it hits me he's still in the hospital and I have no real idea what they want to do next. Now that I'm a bit better informed, I will guess they are putting him on some kind of medication to shrink the prostate.  Whether they want to neuter him or not is still unknown.  But, I miss him terribly, he's really an affectionate doggy and very loyal.  I don't think I'm going to lose him now, I was uncertain about it the night I took him to the first vet and then the next morning to get him, he looked horrible.

They didn't have to tell me I should take him to my regular vet, I would have done that regardless after seeing how bad he looked.  He was totally out of it, I guess you could call it a dog's version of being disheveled.  No, worse than that. Sickly.  Disoriented.  Then, leaving him at the second vet and seeing him wanting to go home with me.  I had to just leave and let them do their thing.  I wasn't going to be helping him by sticking around and creating a distraction.  

Okay, I think I am going to distract myself a bit and go to the property and take inventory of what I have and what I need. Counting pennies here, folks.  Went through my bank account to see what is taken out when from last month. As long as Mark gets the house rent in today, I will be good. I already paid that and it ate up a lot of available funds.  I have more coming in in the next week.  Just trying to get some serious money in the business account before I have to pay that $1,700 for electric which is due on the 10th.  Yes, I have the money in there and then some, my concern is to be able to pay myself another grand if not more.  I tend to like to keep 2 grand in the business account, if I have to lower that to a grand, so beit. I now have payments coming in throughout the month.  

It's not just the first anymore.  In fact, the New Jersey people said they would be paying me today, I will be on their doorstep for sure.  That can't go on anymore. I've given them enough grace period, the lady's money comes in today, they probably already have it, time to pay up.  In fact, I think I will text her right now.  

Alright, texted her, she usually does not respond right away. Time to get out of here and do something.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...