Monday, January 18, 2021

 Well that was interesting.

A political debate group that I have helped run for years now.  The "senior" admin - she didn't found the group, the founder left long ago and basically left it to her - took a 2 year hiatus from the group. She didn't say that, she basically just disappeared.  She would drop in once in a while, say hello and we would carry on with running the group.  

Well - she decided to come back last month.  Whatever happened to her during the interim, she apparently got over. However, when she came back, it was something akin to a dictator style entrance in making decrees, demands and telling us what we need to do.

Huh? This is a Facebook group, you aren't my employer and even my employer doesn't talk to me like that.  I thought but didn't say, ,I wanted to see how far she was going to go with this.  Well it came to a head 2 nights ago.  She was discussing a new thing she wanted to do and another admin said he wasn't interested, he had enough to do.  That started her off.  

See, this person is totally insecure and quite obnoxious.  I had had thoughts of leaving the group before she started the hiatus.  Running the group was fun - dealing with her was not.  But then she just got burned out on it so I basically took over and started taking actions to improve the group.  

I read through an extensively long thread of comments back and forth between these admins in the admin group.  He was lamenting about not feeling free to speak - freely - because of her. She was ignoring that and going off about her idea that - he was rejecting.  Reading down the thread, another admin had come in and said he also wanted nothing to do with it.  

The thing she wanted to change was the welcome post.  I came up with the idea of doing that after Facebook introduced an option to generate a post that tags all new people that have joined the group.  This was during her absence, tho she knew about it.  She wanted everyone to have a chance to post it on a weekly basis.  Both of the other admins said they had enough things to do, they were fine with me doing it. 

The insecure, authoritarian, obnoxious and overlord admin got quite offended.  After all of that had occurred, I got into the discussion.  Because it yesterday morning that I saw all of this, that conversation occurred while I was sleeping.  It's a long story, but she went livid with anger at all of us.  It was insane.  No one was dissing her, just voicing opinions on the subject.  People that don't want to involve themselves shouldn't be forced to do so.  One of the admins had stated "if the wheel ain't broke, don't try to fix it" and that also sent her off.  

By the time she got to me, she was already fuming.  She started calling me names - d***, As****, etc.  But I wasn't going to back down, no one was speaking to her with contempt, we were just sharing our opinions.  One of the other admins admitted that he never disagrees with her because he knows what will happen - which set her off again.  

She disappeared after telling me off, of which I finally laughed at her and sent laughing emojis - she was WAY overreacting and in my mind, it was becoming humerous to watch this person become totally unhinged over a very minor thing that doesn't even make that much difference in the group.  Having a literal melt down because people disagreed with her. I hadn't even started this altercation, I had just chimed in my opinion. Why not? Because, I knew what would potentially happen and it did.

The next day, we found that all of us had been removed as admins, she had made statements to everyone but especially scolding me and telling us it was up to us if we wanted to stay.  She had sent moderator invites instead, saying she thinks we would try and remove her from the group! lmao. 

Paranoia much? It happens when you are hitting the bong all the time. I used to smoke pot, paranoia is definitely a potential side effect of it and she smokes a lot of pot.  But whatever, I just accepted it, only to find that she had removed me from the mod position as well and muted me for 14 days!  I immediately left the group.  

Today - this is day 3 of this unbelievable nonsense - the new moderator that I had pushed to have brought in the group contacted me:"OMG, :She removed you ?!!".  Naw, I removed myself after she dumped me first as an admin and then as a mod.  Long discussion. She said she was going to try and talk to her and believes she could get through to her - she really doesn't know this admin, I do.  But I said good luck! lol  She said if the admin doesn't change her mind, she's going to levae the group as well. One other admin said he was going to just hang back and let everything go and see if she was going to pick up the slack. 

Basically, all the work we have done to get rid of trolls and people wanting to start trouble plus get some modicum of decent debating going - is being undone.  I only write about this because I was in that group 6 years and helped run it for almost 4-1/2.  

I almost want to find a way to infiltrate the group and hack into the admin position and throw her out just for the fun of it.  But I guess that would be repaying evil for evil so that thought passed quickly. No need to stoop to her low.  

Oh, I wasn't actually thrown completely out of the group, she simply removed me from both the admin and then the mod position and left me as a regular member.  After all the work I did in there? Naww, no thanks.  I left the group this morning and now the aftermath has begun.  People actually liked me in the group, lol, people asking questions after this "senior" admin posted in the pinned post: "UnfortunatelyBen B has been removed as admin".  

She needs Christ, that's all I can say.  Beyond that, help.  I've been watching her lash out at people that were her friends for years now, I figured it would happen to me someday and the day arrived. It wasn't shocking since I've seen her doing it before, but it was interesting that she not only removed me out of admin position but the other two, overnight. No one even knew until the next morning.  

I was just informed the newbie lady that only wanted to become a mod because of me - seriously she's said that several times now - is talking with this "senior" admin. 

Anyway, just back fresh from yet another Brownsville run - that's 3 in a row and over 3 grand worth : )

Getting sent out tomorrow to Oklahoma - which is fine by me, after getting back on Wednesday morning I'm hoping to head over to a driver's license department in another town I was told about that isn't requiring appointments to renew your license.  I'm like, yes please! 

What else? I haven't been eating much and on the Keto diet at the same time.  The pounds are coming back off.  Not as fast as I'd like, but you know, you go off a diet for a few months you probably should expect it to take - a few months - to lose all of it.  Gut is shrinking.  

Yes, I did look for properties today lol. But nothing elongated. I did find one, but the down payment is too much, just don't have that kind of money atm.  

And the inauguration. Are you watching it? I will take a glance - only to see this debacle of 25,000 national guard troops basically taking over DC. I don't care to see Biden sworn in but I will be interested to see if a crowd shows up - he never had crowds at any of his rallies.  And then there's the allegations that Trump supporters are going to try to - disturb the inauguration or do something.  So yes, I'll take a peek at it, but I won't be watching long unless something incredulous is happening. The other news was that the FBI projected that all 50 states may have protesters/violence at the state capitols.  

And on, and on - the censorship stuff is annoying.  I've hardly watched any news, tho, it doesn't take long to get caught up on the gist of all of it and then tune it out again.  

Well enough.  Watch a rerun on tv and then go to bed.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...