Tuesday, November 9, 2021

 This dude with the construction company was wanting plans, so I made plans and sent them to him.  My version of plans, not some engineer that wants 2 grand and way up from there to do it.  I don't  need plans for a loan since I'm not going that route - yet -  I therefore don't need professional plans - at the moment anyway - and balk at the idea of giving that much money for something so simple.  This layout, especially for only 14 sites, is not that complicated.  

But I get the need for seeing the dimensions of everything in linear feet to be able to give an accurate quote.  I put that together while waiting at the loading rack this morning.  

The dude didn't even reply when I sent it.  I also sent it to the dude that set up the water install. He didn't reply either, but he typically doesn't right off lol.  I'm not sure he even does text messaging.  

When I get home tomorrow, I'll try again on a larger sheet of paper - much larger - and try to get the nuances more visible and easy to understand. 

Im sitting at a cheap hotel in Paris, Texas.  I am in yet another truck, this time an automatic transmission - hate those things.  Anyway, I completely forgot to get my second set of truck bedding this morning. I have 2 sets in case of - stuff just like this. I mean, they did clean out this truck, I'll give them credit for that, but they did not replace the mattress and I am definitely not sleeping on a mattress with no sheets or blanket. Not in something that has probably been slept in by a dozen different people - or more - and who knows what they are all about.  

It's standard to throw away old mattresses and start with new when you get a used truck into a yard.  Apparently they missed that memo.  I was going to stay at a nicer hotel, but the truck parking was all filled up and I couldn't find another place to park.  Not without blocking cars in and such.  I drove across the street to this place. It's not bad, actually, a bit of road noise but that should die down the later it gets.  It's almost midnight.  I figure to get 6 hours of sleep hopefully before the noise starts up again in the morning.  

The AC in here doesn't have continuous fan like most hotels.  That noise helps me sleep.  

Well, I didn't realize I had blown an hour and a half until I just looked at the clock. I got here around 10:30.

Think it's time to get to sleep. 

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...