Monday, June 24, 2024

 Monday - early

Woke up 40 minutes before the alarm was going to go off, knew I would never get back to sleep so just got up.  

The first Presidential debate is on Thursday. The rules are .... interesting.  No notes or props. That won't hurt Trump, Biden is holed up in a cabin right now preparing for the debate because the man doesn't have a clue.  Biden will come out swinging, attacking Trump, calling him a felon, bringing up lies from the past - lies perpetuated by the Biden camp, will attack Trump on a personal level and will avoid most of the issues because his idea of running the nation is to run it into the ground. 

Microphones will be muted. That is a pathetic and ridiculous rule that can easily be abused, especially since leftist communists are going to be running the show.  It's all going to favor Biden, I'd be willing to bet money on that.  They've got something or things up their sleeves to make sure that Biden looks "good" and "Trump: Orange man bad!".  It's amazing Trump even agreed to this setup, but there was no other way to get a debate in without it.  Remember, these people running this debate are people who believe Trump AND his supporters are threats to our "democracy". 

I don't actually believe they think this, they just throw that stuff out there to try and dupe the gullible public who pay no attention to politics and apparently don't understand how politics affects our personal lives to a very great degree, whether it be our freedoms or especially things concerning our finances and how much of it we get to keep.  Or allowing this land to be invaded by illegal aliens who are slowly changing the scope of our culture and are bilking the public treasuries dry.  Who is paying for all of this free medical care, cash vouchers, phones, food, clothing and shelter?  

Yes, I'm going to watch the debate but I expect it to be skewed towards Biden and that's why I think it's a risky proposition for Trump.  But, Trump is taking the chance because he needs to reach the populous that's more in the center, Stein supporters and third party. His push for having rallies in staunchly blue states and area is also an interesting tactic.  

And then there's these people that think the climate is going to change to the point that we are all going to die!!!  The latest one was running out onto a PGA? not sure which venue but a golf tournament, spraying paint and running around like penguins out of water in circles and the police literally, almost magically appearing out of nowhere, tackling the whole lot of them and escorting them in cuffs off of the premises.  It's as if the police somehow knew these people were going to show up and were highly prepared for it.  You know, these people aren't having the effect they think they are having.  I would think most people look at their antics and think, that's highly annoying, childish, juvenile, stupid. Not, oh wow! We should demand our politicians change everything to GREEN RIGHT NOW! Lmao

Anyway, just preparing for another day of work.  At least I have the first load today, I don't care for getting up this early, I also don't care for work days to be ending at 4 or 5 pm. On a day like this, I can reasonably expect to be back by 1 or 1:30 at the latest going to Lufkin, 2ish or so going to Gurdon tomorrow.  Barring any problems, of course.  I've been flat free for a little while now, I wonder how long I can on without having another flat tire/blowout?  The tires on the truck are good.  

Obi...I'm out back yesterday evening adding water to the pond, cleaning out the pump and getting it running right again. Boy was that water warm!  Fish are still alive but it must be a bit oppressive environment for them in such warm water.  The pond was down around 7 inches so the water input help bring the temp down quite a bit.  Well, the dog runs over to a panel on the side of the house, growling, jumping around, going crazy. That dog has a very high amount of endless energy.  I mean, allllll dayyyyy long, that dog is just running around constantly, he's still quite skinny but I've managed to put some weight on him at least.

Well, he's sticking his nose into the ground next to the house, just going bat-s*** crazy until I see the issue.  He's got a snake in his mouth!  OBI!!!! I couldn't tell what kind of snake it was and was concerned the thing was going to bite him, but he was flinging the thing around wildly.  I'm telling you, wildlife has no chance in our back yard lol.  Varmints will be killed by the small dog, snakes apparently by my big giant goofball.  I made him drop the thing but after I saw the damage to it I wished i had just let him kill it.  It was a plain-bellied water snake, a snake I particularly despise for they will go straight into the pond and eat my fish.  

I told him to Get it! and finish the job, mostly because it had huge holes in the side of it from the dog's teeth.  But, by the time he got back to it, it slithered underneath the house behind the panel and Obi couldn't get it.  I'm thinking that snake is going to die anyway, but I'm also think, dang, we've got those damned water snakes back.  I thought they were gone.  I mean, there are always snakes around here, if not water snakes, copperheads and if not copperheads, cottonmouths.  I'm not a fan of snakes, btw, they can ALL die as far as I'm concerned.  But, I'm happy I have a dog that isn't afraid of them, I just wonder tho if he's going to get himself bit by a venomous snake.  

Btw, ""Apt (sic.) time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs," he stated in a separate post months later.

In 2018, Cherry called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Homeland Security Department agency tasked with preventing cross-border crime and illegal immigration, to be abolished. 

Cherry was also posting support for "Palestine" on social media in 2014 during the Gaza War in which Palestinian forces, led by the radical Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, sparking a forceful Israeli response that involved airstrikes and a ground invasion."it.  This is the type of people the Biden admin promotes to important positions.  

Well, something happened to the spacing when I copied and pasted that, lol, so I'm just signing off, it's almost time to leave as it stands.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...