Tuesday, February 2, 2021

 I suppose I should have paid more attention to what they gave me to ingest.  Steroid pills. That's an interesting phenomenon.  Docs always inject that stuff into me.  Stuff has me on edge too, like crazy. And cough medicine pills.  Never had that prescribed either, it's always liquid.  The antibiotics I've taken before. 

Whatever the case, I'm feeling slightly better but no way was I going to be able to go to work today and I doubt I'll go into tomorrow either.  Just take a few vacation days worth instead.  

I never did go back to the hotel after coming home yesterday evening.  The house was normal enough and today, they came back but it's all installation now and much less noise.  In fact, they are almost done with the vinyl flooring.  Bedrooms will be next - but - we have to get everything out of our rooms.  I dunno how that's going to work out, probably not very well.  I can see getting my bedroom emptied out and then having to wait a few days for them to get in here to actually do it.  I dunno, but I'm looking forward to getting all of this stuff over with.

I'm also looking forward to getting rid of this bronchitis.  Historically, however, I've had it for up to 3 months.  So, today, I may go through old papers and start throwing that kind of stuff out to prepare to get out of this room, but that will be the extent of my activities.  If I even do that, really, I have very little energy right now.  

Besides the sickness, the people in here doing floors, the power company comes knocking on the door this morning.  We're replacing the arms on the poles, the power is going out in about 30 minutes and will be out for at least 45.  Wonderful!  Why not? We got all of this other stuff going on, join the fun!

Turns out that while I was in the hospital on Sunday, Taylor was in the Urgent care at the exact same time.  And they were giving us the same tests and the same kinds of drugs to treat it.  That was kind of odd finding that out.  I can tell ya driving right now is the furthest thing on from my mind.  

Apparently my mother had contacted Taylor about me - she worries too much when I get sick.  She knows how sickness affects me, understood, but I have been dealing with it on my own my entire adult life.  Usually I wait - too long probably - before going to the doctor.  I went straight away this time because I wanted to know if I have Covid and if so, I want the treatment right now.  Actually I have the treatment in my bedroom and I would gladly take the stuff if necessary.  

Speaking of offspring, I'm a bit concerned about my son right now.  I dunno how he's doing but he's not posting much on facebook and when we talk it's pretty short conversations and he's done.  Divorce that young probably messing with his head. It doesn't help that she has been all elated with giant smiles on her face and acting if she just got rid of the plague out of her life, posting all over the internet pics and joyful glee.  I dunno what their issues are, but almost always, it's both parties at fault, not just one side.  I did ask him to tell her I want to be paid for the refrigerator. You don't go buy a house with your mate and then a month later say gee, I don't want to be married anymore!

How convenient.  I don't have any legal standing to get the refrigerator back, I gave it to them. But apparently she is willing to make payments on it, which is fine by me, if she does make payments it will go to the credit card I put that thing on that I'm already paying down.  Actually, I might have a case considering they had just bought the house together, spent all the down payment money they had both saved and suddenly, she's so unhappy with the marriage she is dumping him?  I dunno how a judge would look at that, but I am guessing it would give a bit of standing for the idea that she undoubtedly had been unhappy for some time but just decided to wait until directly after they bought the house together to make her divorce announcement.  

My house in Phoenix could stand to have a new refrigerator, that's what I can say about that.  I'm not going to go to court, I don't live there anymore and it would be highly inconvenient to even attempt to take her to court, for I wouldn't hire a lawyer.  

I'm thinking about driving over to the 5 acres next to the golf course, the property being sold that I would have to have them bring the price down a bit to make me happy with it.  I don't have much energy but I can't sleep right now, these steriods have me all jumpy.  I could drive over there easy enough, don't really have to do  anything but take a look.  Might as well.  I just don't like the idea of 19 miles each way to get there.  That's a bit far in my book for having ease of access to get there and back on a moment's notice.  I'd actually really like to buy that owner financed property for the park.  I wonder what kind of hell I would have to go through to get a hearing to have the zoning changed?  There's a few huge apartment complexes near there, some residential housing - not much - and some old junky houses that are literally falling apart. There is a school across the street, but it's shut down.  They built another one somewhere else and it's not being used for anything. I'd think the school might have been a problem if it were open.  

I mean, it's not impossible to file for a hearing.  Whether there would be any success, who knows.  The payments would be perfect, the owner financing a plus and the location is actually pretty good.  Right off the loop that goes around this town.  But still, dealing with municipalities and all of their rules and codes and requirements - probably isn't worth the hassle.  Outside of city limits is a far better proposition.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...