Sunday, September 3, 2023

 Sunday - evening

Loud, crazy sounding screaming this morning. One of the kids yelling his lungs out. We all rushed to the bedroom to find....the youngest having a meltdown because the oldest hit him in the nose with a piece of cardboard.  You would have thought the boy was in his death throes with that screaming, it was that bad.

Turns out the youngest had hit the oldest (he admitted to it) first with something and the oldest said no thanks, I'm hitting you back.  Even exchange, no real pain, the boy was just trying to get the oldest into trouble.  

I was tempted to leave them home and go to church alone.  I don't think behavior like that should be rewarded. But, the middle child was crying profusely when I said I will probably go to church without them - he had nothing to do with the situation and wasn't even in the room when this nonsense occurred.

So, I ended up taking all 3 of them.  After church, a run over to the park to get payment from the new tenant.  He wasn't home, so I texted him that I needed to meet up with him when he was free.  He texted back a picture of a badly damaged train that had derailed in a little town called Gibsland in Louisiana.  You can look it up, it's in the local news there.  

Turns out he is one of the rail workers that were going to come in. You know, the ones that never confirmed? Glad I didn't bother to save available lots for them. This guy is a straggler.  Sounds like a nice guy and everything, not the rail boss that had originally called.  If he wants some friends in there, I will have more lots available soon enough.  The 2 QT workers should be leaving soon, or by the end of the month. Actually, the first one that came in is either due to make another payment or leave on the 8th. The other came in on the 15th.  

I have another person coming in tomorrow. The park is currently full, but the ends tomorrow after the 2 overnighters leave.  I wonder if this other person is also a rail worker. Whatever the case, this one says he's going to be home at 7:20 so I'm going over to collect in an hour.  

Left there, since the oldest is visiting, I took them to Applebee's.  While there, the folks here (at the house) decided to run over to Shreveport and visit a casino.  We got home and then decided to go see that Megalodon movie. Kids loved it, it wasn't bad in terms of action, adventure and suspense.  I like Jason Stathom and didn't know he was in that movie, so that made it a bit better for me.

Now home.  Tomorrow is up in the air. I'm really undecided on getting another dog, tomorrow is the last day to get that one I showed a pic of on Facebook. After tomorrow, he's going into a Dane shelter which will find a foster home for him until they find a forever home for him.  


Off to a Mexican food restaurant. Not my deal, I was along for the ride.  Grandma is here and was buying.  Wasn't really that hungry but what the heck, might as well. 

After that, over to the park.  The man is brand new to RV's and didn't understand how the sewer line hooks up to the sewer hose.  You need an adapter.  I took him to his next door neighbor's and showed him what it looks like. You need one of those right there. It screws into the sewer line.  

Well, how do you dump it, is it these valves right here?  Yes.  Which one? Both. Open the black water first - that's your toilet junk, drain that out, close the valve and then open the grey water valve to clean out your sewer hose.  Make sure you close both valves after you are done or you are likely going to get sewer flies into your brand new trailer and you are not going to like that experience.  

So, he said twice what I told him to make sure he had it right.  Of course, for the 4th time this week, my laptop was doing yet another update.  It's so irritating. How many updates does the blooming thing need?  It takes it forever to complete an update, up to an hour before I can use the computer again. I gave up on it and told him I would take his card info over the phone when I got home and use my desktop computer.

I really need a new laptop, I just am not spending money on things right now if I don't absolutely have to. The problem is, I use that laptop frequently to process credit cards.  It's a must have. Many people don't want to give that kind of information over the phone.  I don't blame them, I just said I would do it with this guy in the hopes he wouldn't object.  Anyway, I'm hoping I can keep the laptop going long enough to get the new job, get some paychecks rolling in and find another one not to expensive.  I only use it for my business and for surfing the internet if I"m away from the house and writing in my blog. It doesn't have to be anything fancy.  

Oh, this new pedestal I installed. It's a different brand and the cover that flips up and down over the outlets is also different - and far better.  It closes all the way and has a big opening at the bottom.  My regular ones have a big flap but it just stays at a preset "closed" setting that is still semi-open.  It's at an angle.  I haven't had any problems with rain getting into the things but I can see the design of this other one is much better. 

The big question I still haven't answered: Do I go get the dog tomorrow? Am I ready for another dog?  What if it needs a lot of training?  Etc.  Just about guaranteed a new dog coming from another home is going to have some kinds of issues that will need to be trained out of them.  They usually do not have any leash training much less being under voice command.  That takes a lot of time and patience, but I do it with all new dogs.  Is it out of the chew everything up stage.  Is it a barker.  Does it jump fences.  Is it house trained (this one supposedly is).  

Is it going to be a joy or a headache. Or both. Is it worth driving 440 miles round trip for.  I've checked all the Danes closer by, none of them had that appeal to me that I am looking for.  You know when a dog clicks, it just says, yup, we are a good match. This one does that for me. He looks nothing like Addler, I really am not sure I want another dog that looks like Addler, tho I do love Harlequin markings on their coats. Pretty unique and beautiful.  

Well, it's my bedtime, offa here.  

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...