Monday, October 18, 2021


Ok, I got up this morning from that rather rag hotel, headed back to the yard, got my stuff done and got out of there. Headed to the property first - see if this dude got anything done on the water install.

Note: the water install is not of any great importance ATM, it's just a motivational factor of something that needs to be done along with everything else.  Get that going and I can see myself taking a step here, a step there.  

Nothing.  So I drove him and started calling this guy. Voicemail full, I left no messages because I couldn't but just kept pressing his number on my phone until I got tired of it and quit calling. 

30 minutes later, I loaded up the dogs, got in the SUV, went back over there.  I looked of course, I always do.  Drove down the driveway, opened the gate, drove to the back of the gas well operation and parked on a down hill going into the rear of the property.  Dogs in tow, we went on a nice, long walk.  The freshly formed trails were a huge help, no getting entangled in thorns, underbrush and more thorns.  

We left the rear of the property and walked around the gas well operation, the nicest pine trees are in that area because they are in full sun.  The rear of the property? The trees literally have no branches until near the very top on most of the very tall, 75 foot tall and higher trees. They fought for sunlight their entire lives, apparently. It's more junglish out there with the idea that there is a canopy covering everything but no branches.  

That just really caught my attention today as I was looking at this giant maple tree, my eyes following it from the bottom to the top - no branches until near the very top, amazing.  

Well, after that, we left.  Dreaming of getting my ATV going, I got to the gate, locked it and then pulled out to the street.  The corner of my eye caught something so I turned left instead of right and lo and behold.  This guy had come while I was at the back of the property.  I mean, all I had to do was just call him 7 times and walaah, there he is?!!  

He had no idea I was there and I had no idea he was there. My property goes back close to half a mile.  It's not the widest property on earth but it's definitely long.  Seriously, he never answered his phone but apparently took it to heart. I was ready to call someone else. I couldn't inform him of that since he wasn't answering and no ability to leave a voice mail.

I'm actually pretty happy the progress I've made on it. It isn't a lot, but for me and the amount of spare time I have - it really meant something to get out there and see what I had gotten done.

One of the designers finally emailed me back.  He said he had had a death in the family and he had been busy dealing with that and hence he wasn't available until now.  Okay, let's get going!

We'll see about that. He's not local but I've given up on local now.  

I'm actually content whatever happens at whatever pace now.  I think some dreams I've had about this land got me to that point. Yes, I've had vivid dreams about the property.  It wasn't about building an RV park, either, it was about building a 5 bedroom cabin in the rear of the property with 4 bathrooms and building a huge pond/small lake. 

I woke up out of that dream a bit perplexed but also a bit interested.  Well it hasn't just been one dream, there's been several.  

Well, who knows what's going to happen? Losing that land isn't on my list of things to do. Is it possible that I just need a small park and not so many pads and not so much capital involved?  I struggle with some of this.  

25 sites.  A smaller operation. Just get it going.  Spend a fraction of the money, keep the quality but get rid of the grand ideas?  

You know, I could build just one driveway and put a huge turnaround at the back so it's 2 ways and simply go as far as I can go with what I have to start with.  

It's so perplexing to me.  I get caught up in all of this thought and then I start wondering which path to take.  25 lots would generate enough money. Look at 30 lots for example.  If they are all full and only charging $30 per night, that's $900 per day.  '

I'm seriously thinking Im' just looking through eyes of greed and if that's true, it needs an adjustment.  A smaller park would work as long as the amenities are there.  The pond the only thing I really think I HAVE to have to appeal to people to come and stay.  And those trails!  I could expand them all over the place back there, connect them all together and there is a nice maze for people to get lost in - not literally - lost in thought and peace and quiet - plus fishing.  I still want a swimming pool lol.

The trail idea is definitely a winner, IMO and walking on them today definitely sealed that thought. 

I'm seriously thinking of putting in what I can get done without a huge loan and get it started. 

Because who cares if I'm not taking in 70k per month when I can still take in 20 - 30 k depending on occupancy and still make a bundle in net profit?  You tell me.  I need some input.  I mean, I can make decisions on my own, but a cozy 30 lots, maybe another 5 beyond that in a group formation - that's where you build a circle and then groups can come in and all be in the same area away from the rest of the campers. 

And tent camping. That's not a high profit thing, that's a - gee, families can come and enjoy nature cheap thing. You can drive back there atm.  After I plowed it with the bobcat a pickup can drive all the way to the back where I want the tent sites.  Away from people, away from civilization.  Just peace, nature and love.  

Really, a smaller set up to being with feels more comfortable to me.  I don't need blue prints, coming up with all kinds of data that I have to pay to get.  

Yes.  I'm 90% sold on just doing what I can with what I have and what I will be getting.  

My grand ideas can wait.  400k in loans can go away.  I haven't sold myself on that yet, but it's where I'm thinking. No pressure.  I don't need or want pressure. You buy, you pay!  

Just think.  Great water pressure at every site.  Probably get away with a smaller and cheaper septic system.  Just build one driveway - huge savings on both clearing land and on gravel.  A one room bath house to begin with. Just something simple, take a hot shower here, have a nice day.  A doggy park is easy and cheap.  Okay, a swimming pool not cheap and maybe not in the initial plans, but I'm really steering myself away from this huge debt thought. Or trying to, anyway.

The thought of just doing what I can at the beginning and seeing where it goes is actually soothing to my soul.  I've been in too much anxiety over doing it all at once. 

Power: Swepco - power supplier on that street. Just told me to get a neighbor's address and then an engineer would contact me and discuss what I would need to set up a new pole - poles actually.  They would have to put a power pole along their lines and then put the runoff to a sub pole for my property.  

They are probably going to tell me I need to know how much wattage/volts I am going to need which determines the size of the transformers I will need mounted to the sub pole. I will not have that information, of course, I have no clue and not claiming to, but I want to at least get guided in the right direction. They may have leads for engineers that I can contact to get me the power design I will need.

Yes, this feels right.  Do the size i can do. Add to it later.  I was going to do this, then I hemmed and I hawed. But I am really not into all of this planning and development stuff I need to get the whole park built at once. It took a while and thinking about it and the money it will take, loans, debt, etc.  

I don't have any help with this endeavor is the real deal. James is busy with work, he started a new job and I don't expect him to want to spend his weekends working on property even if I'm paying him good money. There are more things to life than working, I totally get that. 

And finding anyone else to actually work right now?  Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeeee.  The federal government has made it a thought process to too many people that you really don't need to work anymore.

This is beyond my control and out of my thought processes. The idea that you don't have to work to survive isn't even in the bible. The bible says in the book of Proverbs that the man that doesn't work, doesn't eat.  

Yup, 30 lots at most, 25 at minimum.  Maybe even just 20.  Let's downsize this thing to start off with and get it going? And put in a buddy lot, just one, see how that goes.  

I'm going to come up with my own plan and start seeking out bids for around - 25 lots we'll say.  

I've been struggling with this. To say the least, I've been struggling with this.  I can get this thing going with my 401k and the scheme they use that's perfectly legal to use ALL of it and pay it back later - plus my mom is going to help out even more, bless her heart (I mean that, I love my mom) and a smaller, personal loan to finish it off.  

I feel rejuvenated.  It's refreshing.  No more get it all done now stuff. Just do what i can and see what happens, ask the Lord's blessing upon it and go from there.  Peace is a good thing.

With that, I am going to move forward. I still want the 2 inch install for water tho - that's going to be necessary regardless. I have tomorrow off,l that dude put his mini trackhoe over there, he must be fixing to do this job.  Water!  

Now then, get Swepco input and I have a lot of references for one specific septic system company. Like half the county gives them kudos.  Tomorrow tho, it's after 5 and I'm not going to bother those people today.  

Is there something wrong with just having 25 spots to start out with?  

Just saying/asking.

Fortnite - My View Of Things

 I will first say here that I am new to the game having only had played it about 9 weeks now.  Compared to most other players I have been en...