Thursday, September 10, 2020

 4 hours of sleep is all i could manage. Woks up at 8:15 am and that was that.  That is the main reason I don't like doing night driving, it totally messes up the next day for me.  And sometimes it literally takes days to recover and feel right again.  Not something I would want to do on a regular basis, I am definitely not a night owl by the standard definition of the term.  

And already, the manager has texted 3 of us informing us we have work tomorrow.  Do I have a problem with that? Nope.  I don't have enough hours available to go on a long run.  I could do a 2 day run max before having to do a 34 hour reset.  I dunno why he feels the need to group text the individuals that are working the next day, it's kind of weird.

He then group texted everyone and informed all of us the dispatcher has moved on to a different position within the company and he will be doing our dispatching from now on.  I doubt she was moved to another position, she was probably let go.  They have been systematically getting rid of all of the employees from our previous company over the last - however long a year plus at least now since the merger took place and they got rid of our company's name and most of the management.  I dunno if they intend on getting rid of drivers as well from that company, if that happens I"m screwed.  I have leads on other jobs - been looking just in case that happens.  

None of them pay anything near what I'm making now.  It's still decent money, a couple of these other jobs but I'm fairly happy what I'm doing now.  I'm just hoping they don't decide to dump the rest of us and be done with JBK employees altogether.  


Another Brownsville run. Apparently telling them I hadn't been on one in almost 8 weeks? Or driving half the night? Or both.  Or, just out of need and getting that position by sheer luck? I dunno but I'll take it.  That's will give me a net paycheck of 2 grand minimum.  Taxes eat me alive the bigger the paychecks go - and the amount being deposited into 401k.  I've got a chunk of change going into savings, but I'm thinking upping savings and decreasing 401k a few percentage points.  It's prudent IMO in this pandemic situation to have plenty of cash available.  I do have that, lol, but I want more - it's mostly trying to get money saved up for business investment.  My retirement would be better funded by a constant, monthly income than what I'll be able to save in the next - however many years before I retire. 

It's something I want to get done sooner rather than later.  The older I get the less motivation lol.  A lot of mental and physical energy needed to get something like that going.  Once it's going and everything fluid, less trouble and hand the management of it off to someone else and reap the benefits. I already have someone in mind. Just got to get there.

And there it is, Thursday morning.  About to leave for the yard to go to the plant.  The first load is the driver that boasts they will never train him to unload the trailers, he literally gets nothing but Brownsville run unless the plant shuts down then they reroute him. Does that sound fair to you?  I could make 6 figures per year doing just brownsville.  Never-the-less, after he complained about a text I sent to the group I have no further dealings with him. Privileged, entitled person that is highly likely getting all of this because of his skin color.

The real minorities - politically wise  not the numbers of people in each race - that are being marginalized, shamed, shunned and called all kinds of names are white people. You have to be guilty of nothing to earn the title of being racist if your skin is white.  Far more so if you happen to be a Trump supporter, then a whole book of stupid names and adjectives are hurled at you.  Happens to me all the time on Facebook. A small grouping of people are radically changing the way this nation operates, how it looks at "social justice" and attempting to rewrite the history books.  The Constitution is trampled on when it's convenient for them to attempt to quell the 1st Amendment rights of average citizens.

We are living in different times. I have no predictions of what will happen in November if Trump wins.  Beyond chaos and heterdyne, more violence in the streets, more buildings being burned down, more citizens and cops assaulted and the left blaming it on Trump. I do predict the crash of the stock market if Biden wins.  Probably the economy will go to burnt toast again as well, as his intended taxation policiies will affect far more than just the upper income earners, contrary to his claim that those are the only ones that will be affected.

Just look at New York City right now - people are fleeing the place in droves, the news stories are abundant with it.  Much of this is because of shuttered business and the "mayor" wanting to raise taxes on everything, the streets aren't safe, covid 19 is still an issue and nobody wants to live there now. AS far as I can see it, Biden wants to do this to the entire nation. 

NFL starts tonight - I won't be watching it.  I gave up on it last season.  It's now even worse than last year with the politizication of a game that used to be about people coming together for a social event regardless of your political views, putting that behind you for a few moments in time and cheering on your team.  Now? It's players preaching to you the gospel of BLM, an "organization" loosely conceived that I consider to be a terrorist organization at this point.  Players will allegedly have names of police 'victims' on their helmets and apparently words - not sure what - are going to be painted onto the field. 

The name Blake should not be heralded all over the place as some victim of police brutality, neither should several of the others shot and/or killed by police.  I'm not going into that right now for i have to leave and it's an argument that's been hashed out to the nth degree. Sure, there needs to be some type of police reform, but nothing like wanting to defund police departments and get rid of cops. That was and is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard.

With that, I'm out to get the day started.  


Fortnite - My View Of Things

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