Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday - 8:00 am

Their dog was injured yesterday, meaning it had a huge open gash behind the belly, so they took off to get the dog treated.  The only place open in these parts that late is 40 miles away.  I don't even know what time they got home.  Feel badly for James, he didn't get home from work until like 7:00 pm after leaving at 5:30 am and then having to do that with the rest of his free time before going to bed and getting up again for work this morning. 

I was asked to go to Ennis for today, I declined.  I am going to see a doctor, sorry.  Oh, that didn't sound good coming from the manager but regardless, my health is more important than this job.  He didn't argue per se, you could just tell with the sighing and sounds that the "easy fix" wasn't going to be so easy.  Whatever the case, I made an appointment for Tuesday, today, but then realized I didn't verify with them which Tuesday, for the lady on the phone made it sound like next week.  I'll still go next week if that's an issue, but I'll go to Urgent Care today. Next week can and will be an annual checkup as I stated that's what I wanted on the phone. I'm not waiting until next week to have this situation diagnosed.  

I did finally sleep last night tho. Like 8 full hours of sleep. For me? That's almost into miracle territory.  The throbbing pain on my right side has stopped, I don't know what caused it but for how long it went on, I still want it checked out.  Do your tests, do whatever, figure it out and get back to me. 

I don't much care for this doctor's office, however. I just spent 15 minutes on hold just to speak to the person at the front desk.  Maybe they're all like that, but the other issue I have is I am just now finding out this "doctor" is a nurse practitioner.  I have nothing against them, but I'd like a real doctor such as the last one.  I mean, I have this appointment and I also just found out it's for next week, so off to urgent care today I go.  This local urgent care is more like a mini hospital, I have always liked their service and expertise.  Oh, the the other thing about this nurse practitioner, the few reviews that are on there, one of them said he is rude.

However....people get mad about petty stuff and go instantly to the internet and start saying nasty things.  I need more than one bad review to make me think about going somewhere else. 

Anyway, Im going to sit here, drink my coffee, shave and shower and then off to Urgent Care.  I am almost tempted to say, nahhh, I don't need it now that the pain is gone, but what caused that pain? And is it gone permanently?  You want to think, it's not something serious and attempt to deceive yourself into thinking, no, it doesn't need checked out.  But I have insurance now, the co pay is only $70, and as much as I hate going to see doctors? I'm just not going to leave this to chance.

As it stands, everyone is gone this morning.  Taylor is going to do a setup for her work over at a splash pad 2 towns over, but since it's a splash pad, the kids went as well.  I would have gone but I didn't want to sit there for 4 or 5 hours and I also want to get this doctor visit done and over with.  I guess I could have driven myself over there.  

End of summer almost here.  The 12th is the first day of school for the boys and they really need to get back into something other than sitting around the house all day long. The 2 were going at it so badly yesterday that I demanded they get dressed, put on their hiking shoes and let's go! Into this horrid heat and humidity, yup.  The oldest didn't want to go, so I was just going to leave without him, but he started getting pouty.  He wanted a certain type of food for lunch and mama wasn't giving it to him. She made sandwiches, she didn't want one.  Both of those kids are so skinny because they fuss about food every single day.

It's ridiculous. We are making delicious meals and they can have as much as they want, but often times? A plate of food is set before them and they just sit there and stare at it. They used to get into trouble for it, but that wasn't working. Now? It's eat or don't eat, but if you don't eat, there isn't going to be anything else.  You'd be surprised at how many times I've watched them choose "starve" mode over eating. And they know none of the adults in the house are going to cave after the fact.  If we are serving steak or chicken nuggets, they will gladly eat the whole plate. 

Take that back, they'll eat the whole plate of steak or chicken, the rest of the stuff? Yeah, no.  And what set this all in motion? Being at grandma's for half the damn summer. She just caters to them, making double meals. One for what the kids want and the other for the adults to eat. NO, NO and NO.  That is stupidity.  You are just setting up for a miserable household being selfish like that and giving into young kids. She thinks it's perfectly normal.  It's great you are retired and can spend your time doing whatever you please, but please act normal and just feed them whatever you are eating.  It's not bad food by any stretch.

Sometimes, we do make new recipes that turn out questionable. I mean, we do new recipes all the time, some of them are definite keepers, others, well, it's not that the food tastes bad, it just isn't appealing.  But, we keep the regular meals as well. Tacos are always a hit.  But make those kids BBQ chicken like last night? I don't liiiiikkkkeeeee that.  Pouting, sour faces, moping: ridiculous.  Then, if they don't eat, they're asking for treats after the meal.  LMAO, good luck with that!  I don't cave to that at all. You didn't eat your dinner, why on earth do you think I'm going to give you a treat?  

I had to remove the battery out of the coach yesterday to charge it on a battery charger. Jump starting it did nothing.  It was dead and I'm afraid it may be ruined. Who knows, I left the thing in the shed, charging.  It will either be fully charged by now or it's toast.  It was showing 3 amps of juice in it when I put it on the charger.  At least there was a little bit of a charge in it, maybe it's not totally ruined? I don't know, but the next time poor people want to come in? I don't know if I'm going to allow it. 2 times in a row they have taken advantage of me, ignored park rules and made life miserable for certain people and otherwise just living like slobs, actually. I like helping people, I don't like helping people that are life long moochers and have no more motivation to do anything about their situation than to sit around all day, doing nothing and going to people's trailers asking for cigarettes and such.

I can tell ya, the next time people want to tent camp? I'm going to be asking a series of questions. For how long? Are you just coming to tent camp for the fun of it or are you looking for a place to stay, in your tent?  Tho that last lady lied to me about it, saying she was only staying a couple of days.

Anyway, the extent of my day today will be go to Urgent Care and then go to the park and see about that coach battery.  

The marine batteries arrived yesterday, the canopy allegedly today, the motor? A tracking label has been created.  It hasn't shipped yet.  I won't wait forever. There is no "delayed delivery" on it, so I'll give it a few more days and if nothing happens? Cancel that order and move on.  I dunno what it is about these trolling motors and getting them shipped after actually paying for them? Lol. I will be draining all the gas out of that tank and putting fresh back in - after everything else is completed.  It's been sitting too long, I don't want to try and treat the fuel, I wonder if that's half the problem I had before.  I wouldn't mind finding fuel without the ethanol crap in it, I think there's a couple of places in town that sell "pure" gasoline.  The trolling motor will be insurance that if the thing doesn't want to start, we can just use the electric motor. It is 24 volt so 2 batteries meaning on any given outing, you are going to get a lot of use out of it before the batteries are dead.  I should have ordered 3 batteries, tho, the battery for the regular motor is likely trashed by this time as well. 

No one said boating is cheap. I feel like if I do this stuff, the rest of anything else that comes up will be minor.  I destroyed the canopy by accident, I didn't know you can't take off going 30 mph on the lake with it up. The wind destroyed it and that was the end of that.  But, I will also have to put it on my insurance, just remembered.  I don't want to get into a boating accident and have a huge bill facing me without insurance. It isn't expensive.  

Interest rates for loans are still ridiculously high. 29%?  That's worse than credit cards!  I'm stubbornly waiting for interest rates to come down and if it happens at all, it will be next year at the earliest before they are brought down enough to bring interest rates back into the reasonable zone again.  If nothing else, I have that tractor (hopefully) coming this weekend. I'ma put that baby to use.  Anyway, I need at least 100k to do what I want/need to do to expand the park and eventually get out of trucking altogether.  I'm afraid it's going to take much longer than I originally hoped for.

Well, that's sort of it. I am dreading going to the doctor. Not because I am afraid of the results. I don't want negative news that drastically altars the direction of my life, obviously, but it's more of the looking at things, prodding, sticking needles in, things like that.  The Urgent Care doctors pull no punches. I am happy about that, actually, the deliver whatever needs delivered in terms of whatever is going on with you.

Oh, and Kamala.  Well, apparently she was officially made the democrat nominee "in the middle of the night".  No one voted for her, people that voted? Voted for Biden.  The undemocratic process that was taken here is appalling and I have to wonder how that sits with democrats.  The VP is usually a useless additive to the President, almost no one votes for or because of the VP/running mate.  This is why I wonder how this affects the vote coming in November.  And once the super Pacs start dishing out the realities of a Harris Presidency, I can only hope that those undecided will not choose her and that enough swings states can be converted into a red X on the win box.  Harris is far left, meaning Communist.  To me, anyway.  This makes her unpalatable to any moderate voters.

Enough of that and this post.  I am still just watching a little political news here and there and then shutting it off.  Too much negativity, too much name calling, too much hatred.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...