Sunday, November 26, 2023

 So we go to church. We being 2 kids and I.  I do the normal thing in signing them in, leaving them at the kidz (that's how they spell it) church and I go to the regular adult version.  

We're 30 minutes into the sermon.  I sit on the 2cd row from the front, highly visible 

I'm taking in what the pastor is saying when I notice something out of the corner of my eye and then look over. It's one of the youth ministry workers wanting me to come with her.  She was being as discrete at possible, but obviously it's going to distract a lot of people.  

I start wondering what's going on, but my mind settled quickly on the 6 year old getting into trouble.  It's just how he is.  He knows when he does certain things that he's going to get into trouble and he's fine with that.  Or so it appears anyway, cause' he gets into trouble a lot at home.  

We get outside the doors and she proceeds to explain to me that the boy is in the play tube things - this is a huge array of them that goes clear to the ceiling some 25 feet up maybe even 30 feet, hard to judge.  They can't get him to come out, they asked him his parents phone number - does anyone know anyone's phone number any more besides their own? I have my mother's phone number memorized because she's had it something like 30 years.  

We walk into the children's auditorium, the lights are out except up front on the stage and obviously, we are a huge distraction.  He had, of course, come out of there once he understood I was coming to get him. Cause' honey, he ain't about to sit there and defy me.  I'm like a 3rd parent, not exactly a parent but I have no problems telling him when he's doing something wrong.  

Oh, well he's out...yea he's coming with me, I'm not going to leave him in here to further distract your service.  

I bring him back into the main auditorium and back to my seat.  Yup, more distraction, but I came to church to worship and to hear the message.  Sorry everyone.  The boy sits down and yes, he is now behaving.  I was, however, peeved at this point after thinking about it.  This boy causing distraction to not 1 but 2 separate services.  I tried to get back into what the pastor was saying, eventually I was able to.

The boy had no explanation, of course, for his behavior. 

I get back to the kidz auditorium to pick up the other boy- he's almost always a good kid. He has his moments but he's pretty much a non-trouble maker, he doesn't like to get into trouble and he definitely doesn't like getting spankings. He will do whatever it takes to keep from having that happen. I then get more of the story now that there was time.  

The kids service was starting, they called all the kids out of the play tubes, this boy refused.  This went on for "at least 10 minutes if not longer", multiple people trying to get him out of there.  He finally comes out, a ministry worker tries to talk to him, he runs back into the tubes.  That's when they decided to come find me.  As I said, he knew I was coming after him and he didn't want any part of ignoring me, he knows better. 

So I text mom.  Yada yada yada, this is what happened. They are going to deal with him tonight, for we had a busy day and there wasn't time to adequately address him without being in a hurry.  We went to our normal Applebee's, then home, then off to Christmas pic with the group of friends we hang out with - the rich lady paid for all of it (I don't mean that disparagingly, she's a nice lady), back to the house quickly so Taylor could go to her D&D game she always does on Sundays.  

I expect all hell to break loose tonight when they get a hold of him, set him down and give him whatever discipline he is going to get.  I wash my hands of it after I hand it off to them, it's their department to deal with their kids and they have no problems doing it.  I'm not the father/mother, I just let them do whatever they are going to do whether I agree with it or not. Mostly I agree, sometimes I greatly disagree but I keep my mouth shut about it.  They've tried everything with this boy, he simply won't listen.  Well, take that back, on some things he's gotten better.  

The ministry workers even asked him if he really wanted to get into that kind of trouble? Who is stricter, your mommy or your daddy? They understand I'm not the father, I've made that know several times over.  Daddy.  Yup.  Daddy doesn't automatically whip his ass or anything, but he's stern when it comes to the trouble this boy causes.

I was slightly embarrassed, tho not that much. I just was sorry to cause that kind of distraction to a church service. Both coming and going.  I don't go to church to have to deal with unruly children.  It's arleady determined he's going to miss at least one week of church, in my view, he could miss a few months of it.  This isn't the first incident. The first time was him flipping off another kid inside the children's church.  He won't care if he doesn't go and that's why I don't care if he doesn't go again for quite a while. He'll see his brother going without him and knowing we always go to Applebee's......

That's my excitement for the day.  I finally got around to getting the deer meat separated into meal sized portions - probably a lot bigger than one meal's worth but whatever, it's 4 large baggies full, wrapped it all in plastic wrap and then put it in Ziploc baggies.  Marked the outside of them with the type of meat and date and then decided to put a piece of paper with same-said info inside of it. It will probably not get eaten quickly, but I am looking forward to backstrap. 

Now? I've got to take snapshots of the insurance papers and send them back to the insurance company along with a check - they want a pic of the check both sides so they can get this done quickly, I"m coming up on the end of a full year of insurance coverage as of the 1st of December.  

Up early tomorrow for work, go get the tank washed out, get it filled with glue and back home.  Hoping to be home no later than 1.  Then I have to bash those lugs on there with a hammer and try to get it sealed up, I do not want to spend another almost 4 hours again up in Gurdon unloading the damned thing.  Uhh, make it hopefully no later than 2. Really depends on which person is there loading, I have found out. Some are fast and efficient, some aren't fast or efficient at all.  

What else. Rents coming up, gonna need them. Electric bills total just under $900.  That still seems pretty high, but it's a far cry better than $2,500.  Hmm, maybe not.  No, it's not that bad I guess. For 16 lots it's $56 per lot on average.  I mean, it probably won't go much lower than that unless I lose lots and don't refill them quickly.  

Still musing whether to build a cabin, put up a glamping tent or save for a septic system.  I have plenty of time to muse, lol.  It's in my mind.  The new person hasn't said anything since I spoke to her yesterday so I am going to hope that I don't have any issues going there.  I'd prefer her unit to stay back there even if a lot comes available. It's older, it isn't in bad shape, per se, just not the prettiest thing.  Doesn't blend in with everything else out there on the main lots.  

I didn't go to the park today and doubt I will unless something comes up.  There is another overnight stay coming in sometimes today and that's it until - Saturday.  I look at the over all pic. In a 30 day period, it's rented out just short of a full lot's monthly rent rate. I like having people coming and going, I just like to be able to give people a place to stay at the last minute.  Don't have that available today or tomorrow, but that's a good thing, right?  I had to turn down at least half a dozen people this week, just no room.  

The new park is showing up now in Google searches.  It's a pretty barren place, they just took fresh pics 3 weeks ago and it's nothing but dirt and some gravel.  They have 3, brand new cabin things set up, a few RV's in there and really, the only thing going for them, is their price.  I doubt I will lose many people to them for I am not that much more expensive and I don't charge extra for electricity either.  Why stress of that? Not stressing, really, I like to keep my eye on what everyone around me is doing for prices.  Looks like brand new park models they've brought in for overnight or long term, not sure which.  They are nice looking.  I wonder if the local dealer would finance me for such an undertaking? 

Keto is en-queue for tomorrow. Eating stuff I won't be able to eat again for quite a while. Had a loaf of Keto bread in the freezer which saved me a trip to the store.  Keto lunch is easy, just make sandwiches on keto bread and it's keto friendly. Just keep off any sugary sauces.  Cheese, meat, keto bread, onions, jalapenos and mayonnaise? Those are all good.  Back to eating separately from everyone else. That's not really that hard, I just don't eat the noodles, rice - whatever.  Off the sugary stuff.  Probably gonna get some "fake" sweets tho to get me through the hard times in the beginning.  I want to fast tomorrow but I wonder if I'll make it through.  Actually, I can make it until early afternoon without eating under most any circumstances, so I might just skip taking food with me.  A 3 day fast would help get me back into ketosis, but alas....I doubt I have that kind of internal fortitude right now.  

My belly has grown as big as it's going to grow, that's what I can say.  I'll spend 6 months bringing it back down or a year or however long.  One thing that always motivates me is if I'm pushing going into another size up on pant size. No thanks!?


We had a great time yesterday, but it oddly ended much earlier than I expected it to.  Ate, had some laughs and then everyone went home early.  Like, we aren't doing a card night?  I dunno, I don't make the plans, I'm just along for the ride in those events.  The ladies make all the plans on a 4-person texting group that have with themselves, the men find out afterwards whatever they are deciding. Sometimes, the other side doesn't find out until it's actually about to happen.

Whatever the case, the grandma and the oldest boy are going home today after being here...9 days as of today.  The living room will go back to normal, the kids will return to normal - the house will return to normal.  If you really want an ideal situation for these much-more-frequent scenarios with them coming down for extended stays, we would have to have at least one more bedroom, if not 2. 

At some point, there will need to be another bedroom.  The 2 that actually live here are young, I don't think the oldest much cares for having to share a bedroom with his younger brother, but it's been that way basically their entire lives.  The time will come - probably preteens - when he will start getting vocal about wanting his own room.  I dunno, my brothers and I had our own rooms when we were growing up.

My room in Pittsburgh was very small. It was a servant's quarters, barely enough room for a twin bed, a small bedside table and a dresser. It was small but it was my own room.  My brothers didn't think it was my room, coming in and giving me hell all the time.  They always said I was the spoiled one. No, I was the one that did their chores and got their allowances.  They were too busy either hanging out with their gang friends or the eldest beating up the middle to pay too much attention to me.  We moved one state to another and we still had our own rooms.  

The problem is, you are talking about a needing a 5 bedroom house.  Housing here isn't cheap, which surprises people attempting to move into the area. A small town out in the middle of nowhere with high housing prices whether you're trying to buy a house or rent one. Rentals are ridiculously high.  

I'll just be glad to get the house back to normal. If this situation ever comes to all of us moving into the same residence, I do hope the kids are older by that point in time, the whole house wont' be upended by a "visit" from a person that wants to take over. It would be sad for me to have to leave here, but it would definitely be something I'd have to weigh in my mind if this grandma's intentions ever come to fruition.  

I'm definitely starting the diet Monday.  I have had it in my mind, this time I'm going to do it.  I keep saying this over and over, I know, but now is the time.  It's going to be hell converting back to keto, I just have no choice. I have been giving myself excuses to just eat whatever - rice, beans, lots of potatoes, pasta, etc.  Even sugary stuff.  Cake, cookies, fudge brownies. Not excessive amounts or even on a daily basis. I was off of sweets excepting the fake stuff for a few years and got to the point I didn't really miss sugar.  

New person moved in to the alternate spot yesterday.  A whole crew of people came with her to help, which was nice. They seemed like nice people, the whole lot of them, including the older man that was pulling the trailer with his truck.  I tried having them place it parallel to the coach, it wasn't working out.  The sewer connection on the trailer was too far from the sewer connection coming out of the ground.  It was also too close to the coach, it would have created a complete lack of privacy for both parties to be that close together. 

I had the guy move it the way I had the other trailer that was in there.  The connections are much closer and it creates a situation where the back end of the trailer is facing the coach instead of the whole side of the trailer. I was trying to get the thing out of view and hidden behind the shed. Just didn't work out.  They paid, I left to go to the store and then go home and start helping out.  

A 40X16 shed/small barn, site built is 10k.  I know because I contacted the guy. He's the one that build the shed.  He's the cheapest thing around. A no frills barn that size starts at 20k and goes way up from there from anyone else.  He says 40X16 is as big as he makes them, I was originally inquiring about a 40X20.  What would I do with a barn that size? A small office, a size getaway room and the rest a shop.  Probably 10 linear feet for office/room, maybe a little more. I'd like to be able to set up a work bench, have plenty of storage shelving and have area to put the mower and anything else I need stored indoors.  

Well, I need to go get that laptop today.  It's sitting there at Walmart, ready to be picked up "we'll hold it for 4 days for you". Okay?  I think I'll just put this one in storage and pull it out whenever I might need to access any files from it.  It's that or transfer a bunch of files and I"m not sure I want to load a new one down with that.  

Other than that? Church, probably.  Go check the camera, maybe, bring it home, plug in the memory card and see if it actually took any pictures.  


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...