Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Wednesday - late afternoon

I would go into the nonsense with Tower Loan Company, it should be called Tower Loan Incompetence, ignorance at your service!  But I am quite done with them for right now.  Meh, I'll go into it I guess.  Ooh, I know what I'll do, just copy and paste the review I left about them here: 

"This is one of the most incompetent "loan companies" in existence.  I bought a 12X20 shed that was built on my property and financed by Tower Loan through the shed company. No experience with them, I just said fine.  

The shed was bought from a company operating in Louisiana, I live just across the border in Texas.  After a short amount of time of making auto payments, they decided they would switch the account to a Texas based address without letting either me or the bank know.  The autopay was declined, of course, because of errant information they were supplying.

I knew nothing about this until they finally sent me a letter.  You are behind on your payments. I wondered how I could be behind on  my payments with autopay set up?  BTW, they charge you a convenience fee to use autopay!  Almost $3 every time.  I called the number immediately and a long argument ensued.  They could not understand the fact that my bank informed me the info on the account had changed and they would not approve payments unless I verified it.  

I ended up making 2 payments that month, one the normal autopay which I had had the bank restart and an extra payment to make up for the "missing" on, plus they charged me a $40 late fee plus they reported this situation to the credit bureau, even tho all of this was their fault.

Fast forward to last month.  I just figured I'd pay this loan off and never do business with them again.  On the normal day of my payment last month, the final amount was taken out plus a separate convenience fee and I thought, thank goodness this is over with. Or was it?

The next day, I received a text from Tower Loan saying I am late on my payment.  Here we go again, except THIS time, they actually HAD taken the payment.  I called these people yet again. I was informed I hadn't made a payment at all. This would be funny if it weren't true.  Instead, it is maddening to deal with such moronic incompetence. As if I'm lying about the draft THEY made through autopay.  I spent quite a bit of time today on the phone and they came back with: You missed a payment and that has to be made up.  The lady didn't want to hear anything else even tho I told her I had made that payment up PLUS paid and $40 fee.  I have the proof, my bank statement shows in May of 2023 I made the normal autopay AND the extra payment.  

But do they want to hear this? No.  I am now told they are having staffing trouble and the manager of the store dealing with me will call me back on Monday. Today is WEDNESDAY.  
There is one thing for certain: I am NOT paying them another dime.  They will have to take me to court and I will produce the bank statements of every payment including the make-up payment with the $40 fee.
And let me tell you this. There is no corporate number for this company. You cannot call their headquarters - well you might be able to if you use one of these online search companies and pay a fee for it.  Who knows.  They are located in Flowood, Mississippi which is near Jackson. If they weren't that far away, I would just go visit them and deal with this in person.  

Since I can't, I sent them a note which is then directed back to where? The store that you deal with and in this case, a manager who isn't available until next week.  

And I will remain true to my word, I have the evidence, they are not getting another penny from me and I would suggest you never do business with this shady company.  "

  There we go.  That adequately sums up the entire misfortune of having had done business with them.  Now, on another note and related to my property, I have had an excellent go with Affirm.  Even issues that need resolved they deal with in a timely manner, I financed my coin op laundry machines through them and have subsequently financed smaller purchases as well.

I am entirely too reliant on  credit, or so I was anyway. I have cut the use of it back to near nothing. I few things here and there, the trolling motor and batteries the latest. 

And here is the hopefully good news: I just found out today that the son of the park host is a certified boat mechanic.  He has been staying at the park!  I am digging that boat out of there tomorrow and getting that thing over there.  If he can fix the motor plus do the rest of the stuff, I'll gladly pay him to do so.  This might mean I could get the motor fixed as well. Whatever the bleep is wrong with it. A short recap: It fires up, it runs great, you turn it off in the lake somewhere doesn't want to start back up.  
Yup, I have no work tomorrow I want to get that boat over there sooner than later.  

That was what I was going to start this blog with but that Tower Loan crap...unbelievable.  

I've determined that unless the rain stops me - it's supposed to rain tomorrow and we need it badly - I'm getting that boat out of the depths of the blockages it faces to get out of there and haul it to the property. 

Just spent over an hour looking for a kitten.  It's not my kitten, I don't want kittens, or puppies for that matter.  There is a feral cat that had kittens underneath my trailer and unfortunately, that is where they are living.  That is going to change soon enough.  The trailer is loading sno-cone high with branches/tree debris from a James outing doing work on a property.  My trailer has been tied up for quite a while and there have been a couple of occasions I could have used it.

No worries, not upset about it, just going to get that stuff burned and off the trailer.  

Oh, well the kitten turned out to be hanging out in the front right wheel well of a pickup truck.  I grabbed the thing out of there and the end of that ... problem. 

Other than that, I am done here. Going to go vegetate in front of the tv and watch reruns of some old show - probably Star Trek.  

 Tuesday - night Almost 40 hours later and I'm home-sweet-home.   Yesterday, I contacted my manager on the way up to Gurdon to deliver t...