Tuesday, June 13, 2023

 Tuesday morning - early.  I put an ad up yesterday in one of my local Facebook selling groups to find someone to install the drywall, James responded to it, lol.  I was wanting to get someone to quote me on it and then I could figure out whether I want to spend however much.  James took the whole week off for his surgery, but apparently he is doing better enough...to go install drywall. 

So, that's what we're doing today.  Drywall and several other things I need to get done in that shed. I kind of put it on hold for a while, I was sick of working on it and I have other things to do.  There's a lot of minutia to be done in there as well as the drywall, things I either can do or can figure out watching youtube videos.  I dunno how this is going to go, but if it gets it done or close to done, I'd be very happy.  

I had a retired couple message me about one of the ads I put out for a workamper.  Don't ask me about the spelling, that's how they spell it. Look it up.  I don't mean in the dictionary, lmao, but in the groups.  These people have family here - they didn't say where they're from - the dude says he's good at figuring out technical stuff and doing maintenance.  Well, the maintenance around here is cutting grass and cleaning up after people.  The bathroom too, don't forget about the bathroom. 

It isn't bad if that's all you're doing and you plug away at it a little by little every day.  I asked for 15 hours per week which gives them lot rent, electric, water, sewer, wifi and free laundry use.  Probably just hand them a bag of quarters for the free laundry.  If I got 15 hours a week out of them, that would equate to $720 per month in work at $12 per hour. I doubt I'll need 15 hours a week out of them. Just having someone around to watch over things is a good thing as well. So, this guy is supposed to drop by today.  As I said, they are retired, I'm guessing living on a fixed income, this is a no pay deal. They work a little, they get a place to stay.  Probably around $150 to $200 month extra expenses in electricity, water and laundry usage.  

What am I really doing? Trying to get the place automated and staffed so I can go back to work.  I don't see much choice at this point and I really need someone there.  People paying cash? They can collect it.  Someone complaining about grass? they can go cut it.  Something breaks in the amenities room? fix it.  Mowing the community grass? Mow it.  I've just been stuck with all the new stuff. Once it's all done - grass included - it will be relatively easy to run the place.  

I found another 5th wheel for a great price last night. I was too late.  They go fast, the decent ones anyway.  This one is old, but you can tell by the pics it's been well taken care of. Amazingly good condition for it's age and has been under covered storage.  Still.  The dude was leading me on, actually, he didn't throw in the part that there are "several people coming to look at it tomorrow" until we had thoroughly discussed it and I was at the "I'll buy it" part.  

Why even bother responding? If you have several people coming to look, it is highly likely one of them is going to take it at the price they are asking.  Then he said, well, my parents own it and they are willing to take less if it sells tomorrow. Oh.  I will give the asking price if they'll sell it to me.  "I'll tell them in the morning". Yeah, that thing is going to sell and it isn't very likely that I am going to be the person that gets it.  2 AC's, 2 doors, beautiful interior, perfect.  

I look at these ads all day long and refresh and stuff and I sometimes get the first response in, but I haven't been able to score yet.  

I was thinking what it would take to build a cabin - I get calls for those all the time.  But the shed I have was $4,200 and that was cheap compared to everyone else. When I say cabin, I'm talking about a plain Jane thing that is an open layout with the only room in the thing being the tiny bathroom.  I am going through all of this with this amenities shed.  For $4,200 I could buy a decent trailer and just rent it out instead.  Not even that much money and a lot less headaches.  And anyway, $4,200 is just for the structure. Add $8,000 at least to finish it.  You don't realize how much money this stuff can cost until you start digging into it.  I feel like the shed was a necessary thing and people are using the laundry like crazy now.

There are people in there using the machine several times a day, most days.  There are several people using the bathroom as well.  Oh, btw, I need to turn the ac down in there so it's nice and cool when we get there.  There we go, 71 degrees. Why so cold? Just get it cool in there so that when we start going in and out of the thing it will still stay decent.  

Good chance of rain later this morning. Nothing that will affect us tho the noise levels inside of that shed when it's pouring rain gets quite loud.  I only have 6 sheets of drywall in there, that won't be enough to finish it out. But trust me, with all that you have to cut around in there?  It will take half a day or longer to install just those 6 sheets.  

And still nothing in the reservation system until next month. Of course, that doesn't stop people from calling and saying yes, we'll be in late, is that ok?  I literally don't care what time they show up anymore. If you could see the video recordings of what goes on in there at night, you would see that last night? 3 tenants came in from work near midnight.  One of them at 1 am.  Those are crazy work hours, much like the trucking industry.  But yes, some people showed up last night at whatever time, it was dark and I didn't look at the clock on the video, for a 5 day stay.  Taking my computer today, they haven't paid yet and apparently want to use a card, in person. They know without asking this saves money on fees.  

But I did notice a work truck driving through at 6:05 am.  Like, just a little while ago.  They drove in and drove back out.  Frequent occurrence, assuming they are looking to see what the place looks like. Well, the grass is dead, so there is that. 

Well, departure time has arrived. I dunno how long we will be there, but knowing James? It will be most of the day.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...