Sunday, July 18, 2021

Long day.  These Oklahoma runs are always very long days on any of them where I am trying to do the whole thing in one day versus spilling over into 2 days worth.  But, it was a 7:30 load and I was determined to get this done today, get it over with and have all day tomorrow for personal stuff.

The highest thing on that personal stuff list would be to go over to the property and see if the surveyors show up.  This is the week of the 19th and they are showing up sometime this coming week.  There was no guarantee of which day, but rest assured I'll be going there  - a lot - until I see some stakes and ribbons on those stakes depicting property lines.  

Potentially this whole scenario is changing with these surveyors coming and getting the job done.  That will usher in the end of this deal where I can close on the property and start doing other things.  

I have finally determined that meters are not necessary but perhaps at a few sites.  Most people want their stay all inclusive, one fee and no separated electric bill. The only caveat is if people are living there on a monthly basis  That would facilitate the need for the renter to pay lot rent and a separate electricity bill.  I was glad to be able to make that determination, meters add hundreds of dollars extra per site. 

But the list of things I came up with for ongoing expenditures was not a small one.

Employees, power bill, water bill, septic upkeep, insurance, cable, wifi, repairs/maintenance, accounting, credit card fees, etc etc etc.  No overhead tho, that's a good thing. I don't own the RV's or pay for their repairs, it's just a place to park it.  

I'm thinking around 60 pads. Full hookups at each one.  Nightly rates will start at $30 and go as high as $65.  C store won't really be necessary with the city close enough by that people can drive a short distance to a grocery store.  But I will offer firewood and ice at least.  

And I have definitely determined that the park will have to have a bath house.  Whether I can afford such a thing or not is irrelevant, too many people demand it and it's a deal breaker - you either have one or lose business.  I'm thinking a 4 room bath house with hot water, AC and heating will cost minimum 25k, probably more.  Which is why I didn't want to build one, but it's become glaringly obvious that without it, I have lost the game before the game ever started.  

That revelation pretty much changed the scope of the beginning of this project and amount of debt I'll have to incur to get this thing rolling.  

I literally have no idea how I am going to overcome that obstacle, I just know that I will somehow find a way,.  A  home equity loan would be great.  An SBA loan would have to just do it all at once - 200k will cover the initial start up costs including that bath house.  

Well it's getting late. Not going to lose sleep over bath houses and money issues.  Just pray, ask the Lord, do whatever I can and hope for the best outcome.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...