Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Independence Day! 

While half the country is not celebrating it and scorning America for it's latest affliction that has been imposed on the people, Constitutional Rights being stripped away (so they say), ie: abortion, the rest of us will remember the sacrifices and hardship endured that we could finally come to the day where we were no longer under the King's control, the Declaration of Independence and the fact that we became a -free society.  

We officially declared our Independence. I have no idea what abortion "rights" has to do with that.  The abortion debate rages with more fervency than I've seen in quite a long time. The tables have been turned, but not really.  Sort of.  People are complaining about living in a state where they can't abort their "fetuses" and that they don't have the wherewithal to drive to another state to get one.

And now, telling "all men" they won't have sex with them until the men "fix it".  So, there goes the need for abortions, just get women to stop having sex with men! These people fixed this dilemma without realizing it!  

I do give praise, glory and honor unto the Lord of Hosts for  at least a step in the right direction towards changing this nation back to some semblance of what it was, abortion-wise, before Roe.  MOST states made it illegal.  Or with severe restrictions.  Life is a gift, not a nuisance to be discarded of.  

Anyway, I'll be driving all day long so there is that. 

In fact, it's a later load time at 10:30 am so when I say I'll be driving all day, it's literally going to be driving pretty much all day.  No, I'm not feeling sorry for myself, lol, if anything, I'm motivated right now to get some work done to make up for the 12 day loss being sick and try to get my money back up to where it was and then some.

The costs of this project are escalating and I don't even know if I'll have enough to finish the basic construction setup, much more everything else that has to be done after that.  

Not to mention I have a large AC bill coming up soon - whenever they get that part in - and the ATV, who knows how much that will cost. 

Yup, I'm going to start tightening up on spending. Like, big time.  If she could keep me working like this and cut back on going out to eat and things that aren't necessary such as that, I can get my finances back up so that when this construction part is over, at least I'll still have some money in the bank.

Foregone conclusion I'll have to take out some size of a personal loan, a bridge I won't be crossing until we get much closer to some semblance of opening day.  Speaking of bridges....and something to cut down the weeds/ I said, I still have a lot to go here and I'm really thinking about what I need to do for cutting the weeds back.  I dunno yet, but soon.  Before everything on those trails grows up to the point I'll have to pay a bushhog to come out yet again.  Might as well own the machinery and do it myself instead of paying exorbitant fees to someone else. 

My mind is swirling around how to pay for everything and not go into a massive amount of debt. There are just things I have to have for this park.  Weed mitigation being one of them, other things as well.  A sign, wifi, a small building, nothing fancy or huge to start with.  I can get one with a small down payment and monthly payments and that's probably the route I will go and hope I start bringing in money pretty quickly to cover expenses.  I need an accountant to help set up the tax stuff, I'll need to pay the website designer to finish the job - etc etc etc.  

Anyway, I'm leaving early for work. Take  a drive by the property.  Why? To look and keep the dream alive.


 Wednesday - night Another rainy day. Long, dreary road, plant, loading, getting wet.  Getting home is especially nice after such days, I ju...