Thursday, November 24, 2022

 Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a wonderful day!

It really is, even tho I had a bit of a mishap today, lol.

Yeah, I went over to the property as is my want on any given day - but it's raining. It's been raining.

The first sign was driving to the back of the property in order to drop the trailer. When trying to back out beside the trailer, the SUV slid sideways and came very close to hitting the trailer.

I pulled forward and angled the SUV much farther away and made it out of there - at least.

After that? Well, I was trying to get out of the rear of the property and yes, the thing sank in the very soft ground and I was stuck. It was raining and I was getting wet and muddy attempting to dig the thing out and giving "rocking room" to go back and forth.

The ground just laughed at me. Oh? You think you are going somewhere? I really tried, lol, for quite a while before I caved.  Taylor sent me a photo of our adventure last night - the photo she got from the Longview News Journal.  My face and the 7 year old's were on top of the front page! I had the boy on my shoulders so he could see better - the lighting ceremony at the town square. 

They put unknown amounts of lights on that building - a LOT of them - and then they have an official lighting ceremony. Lots of people out there! It was fun.  Well, I'm standing there with this boy on my shoulders and Taylor comes up and taps me on the shoulder.  This guy wants to get a pic of y'all. 

Okay? After he took his pic, I asked who he was? 

Anyway, I mean, that's the "premiere" news outlet for this entire area - there is on over in Shreveport that covers our town as well - but that was great.  

It's been great being off the road. Yes, I know I groan and complain about stuff related to the business, but that's really coming to a close.  Well I hope anyway. Regardless of getting stuck, I saw alot of that seed I planted 2 weeks ago popped up! Yes!! For the win!  It isn't suppose to rain tomorrow, I'm going to go out there and reseed over top of all of it, all 14 lots.  

I might do it a third time, especially now that I've found that seed for $37 per bag! I'm so happy. It's getting close. I spent quite a while yesterday with the campground software dude on the phone, he took over my computer and we set up a good chunk of it. He left me with more to go, yes, but hopefully I can figure it out. Well, I'm going to have to figure it out, lol, it's my campground I need to know how this stuff works! 

Looks folks, I can't make excuses for my behavior, I was really getting irritated, down and out with this business proposition. I've spent a  lot of money on it and I still have nothing to show for it.  I still have more money to spend on it!  Fire pits, a couple of picnic tables, wifi and definitely going to have to spend the money on that old driveway to rehab it with fresh gravel. 

We're probably talking 5 grand worth of stuff left to go, maybe a little more? I dunno, but it's down to the wire.  Insurance kicks in on the 1st and if I ain't going on the first, I want it as close as possible! Let's do this!  

I'm doing nothing with anything related to the property today, sans the visit I took over there to see about the grass seed growing - and getting stuck lol.  It's a good day.

 Thursday - night Some person left a pretty foul review on my Google.  Much of it was completely false, a few things were correct and the re...