Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's official.  She is coming out on the 5th of February and leaving on the 10th.  I'm taking 2 days off - kinda getting hard to keep taking time off cause' my hours for vacation are dwindling pretty good and we're not even out of the first month of the year yet - but it should be a good time.  She hasn't been on a vacation in a long, long time and the ones she has been on have been with all those kids,  so a respite away from all of that should do her some good.  And should give us a definitive clue as to whether this is going to go on or not.

She wants to either come here or me go there every month, but that's just not possible.  Not for extended stays, not even short time off will cut it as I will not let my vacation hours slip below 40 available.  Gotta have time available for the just-in--case type of scenario.  I have other hours available, but I am saving them for a potential move to Texas.  And goodness gracious, how am I going to do THAT?!! I started going down that road in my mind and cut it off quickly. There is no reason to go there until there is an engagement announcement. Then I will start thinking about that, because honey, that is going to be quite the project!

But, uhhh, wow.  Time to take a step back, take a deep breath and takealookit what I am getting myself into here.  Marriage.  I'm not afraid of marriage per se, but moving to Texas!  1,200 miles away from home!  That's gotta sink in a bit I think.  Yes, I know I say a lot that I hate living in Phoenix, but I have family ties here and at least some people that I call true friends.

Well whatever.  Slowest work week of my life.  Seemingly anyway.  I knew I should have forced myself to get up at or at least near my normal wake up time and I didn't  Sleeping in every single day, staying up late every night - on the vacation that is.  So this week - still paying for it.  If there's a next trip, I'm gonna have to just force myself to get up  no later than 6 am and that's that.  Of course, saying that and doing that can be 2 completely different things, lol.

Thursday's here.



 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...