Thursday, July 18, 2024

 Long day.

Up early, up to the plant, offload, took a little longer than previous loads but nothing serious and then back to the park. More drama, unfortunately, with the workampers.  But that just started half an hour ago. 

Oops, now I get a call from the county, the Sheriff is out there looking for lot 16.  This is an evolving story here, it's been going on for a while as any regular reader knows.  I just don't feel like talking about those people right now, I'm burnt out on them, done with them, happy they are leaving, goodbye. 

Anyway, I left the park and went straight to Walmart.  Ran into the family there, they were buying stuff for the kids for the beach.  I was there replacing the belt that broke this morning.

I can tell ya, it's lots of fun attempting to work a tanker while holding your pants up.  I don't have a second belt, I just buy one and hope it lasts.  After that, all over the store getting stuff.  Off to Great Clips for a haircut, decided to get a cigar for the vacation, over to the bank. I have found that on most trips, there are times when you need cash.  And anyway, the older generation likes cash over cards.  The "system" wants to get rid of cash because you really can't track it.  

Home, I got the dryer going to freshen up the clothes I had dried over night as well as pulling all the stuff out of the vehicle I had bought for the trip.  Some of it is ingredients to make breakfast casserole.  I went from biscuits and gravy to bacon, eggs and potatoes to breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls. I don't feel like biscuits and gravy now, we had that the other day. Delicious but it changed my mind about having it yet again.  

We decided to go out for dinner and yes, I started the cheat days early. Just tonight, not all day.  I'm going through Sunday and then back at Keto.  

Back, got more stuff done and now? Trump just walked up on the stage and started speaking.  

Ending this here. Gonna listen to this and go to bed. 

 Thursday - early

Woke up 45 minutes before the alarm was going to go off, knew I would never be able to get back to sleep up.

Whatever the case, final day before departure.  I was planning on going to the car wash yesterday until the rain hit 3 plus hours before it was "supposed to".  Never-the-less, I did end up going up to the car wash, which was closed, up to the new one and it was still opened.  I didn't want to pay even more for a car wash than the monthly rate I already pay. I took the cheapest wash, which wasn't bad actually and then spent over an hour at the free vacuum. 

All 3 boys in tow, I made them all get out, whether they were going to help would be up to them. Amazingly, the 9 year old decided on his own that he was going to clean the floor mats, which were pretty dirty.  He spent a good 40 minutes scrubbing those things. The other 2? Well, they walked around cleaning the windows, of which at the end I had to go around use paper towels to get them mirror-finish looking.

The SUV has dark tinted windows and if you get those windows cleaned up nice, it looks pretty sharp and not bad for a 13 year old vehicle.  I vacuumed the entire interior, scrubbed it down and used their free cleaning spray.  Didn't know anyone supplied that kind of stuff. Rags, yes, but Windex type cleaner?  Interesting.  The only thing that it is lacking now is carpet cleaning. It's good enough and it looks nice inside that thing again.  

Glad to get that behind me, I don't have a lot left to do today. Well, I take that back, I am allegedly cooking breakfast for everyone on Saturday morning and still have yet to decide what to make.  I was going to make biscuits and gravy. Then I thought, bacon and eggs with cinnamon rolls (easy to make, just pop them out of the tube and into the oven), then I thought well a couple breakfast casseroles and the cinnamon rolls. I'm thinking the casseroles.  They look easy to make and 2 or 3 of them should be able to feed the crowd.  There will be people that won't eat it so I don't have to make too much of it.  Cinnamon rolls will probably be gobbled down, I plan on buying enough to cover that many people and then some.  

The forecast for the Galveston area hasn't changed, it's going to be on and off rain for the entire 3 days we'll be there.  At least there are no hurricanes in the forecast....

As for today?  Just go up to Gurdon, get rid of 45,000 pounds of glue, come back, park the truck and hope that 5 days of sitting isn't going to cause me a lot of headaches. I have thoughts about taking a garden hose when I get back today and at least trying to spray down the interior walls of the tank.  With a pool of water at the bottom to keep it from drying it, it might be enough. I dunno, unless my manager says something, I have no plans to do anything beyond that.  I just don't have the time for it.  It would cost me at least 4 hours to go wash that thing out after delivering today. At least 4 hours.....

It is quite amazing the amount of gaslighting and genuflecting to media types and certain politicians the left rolls out whenever something happens where they have to change the narrative.  There has been zero press conferences from these people in positions of power about the assassination attempt and now there are several of them saying it wasn't that bad, or it was "only glass shrapnel" that hit Trump, attempting to change the conversation to Biden now!  Joy Reid, the piece of work mouthpiece for the American Communist Party (it's what I'm calling it) on MSNBC is comparing Biden having COVID to the attempt on Trump's life!  

I don't believe these people believe the words coming out of their own mouths.  They've been liars so long that speaking forth fictional stories as if they are real is normal to them.  

Back to the trip, I have the entire drive up to and back from Gurdon to think about anything I need to take and not miss something. I have a list, lol.  

As for the Park.  I don't know, I just take it one day at a time over there.  Whatever happens, I try to deal with it and move on.  If undesirables come in, it takes a "minute" to get rid of them. People can put up a good front when coming in, making it appear as if they are totally normal people and then...get them moved in and situated, a very different type of person actually surfaces to the top.  Or people, as in couples, in some cases.  So it was with this workamper and I will be hesitant to ever let that type of situation in again.

Certainly, if someone moves in and they haven't even brought up the subject of working but then do so after they are settled in, I am likely to not budge.  No, there was no agreement or even conversation about that.  I don't need your help, but thanks for offering.  I need to do a better job of attempting to vet some of these people trying to find out their sources of income and attempt to determine whether they have enough to get by or if they are going to become a real PITA with begging people for cigarettes, food, rides, etc.  I don't want those types of people in there, it always turns into a shit-show.  

Well, it's time to go make lunch, get some coffee in the thermos and leave.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...